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# procmailrc.example
#       This is a sample procmail setup file that 
#       1 - retains an unprocessed copy of all incoming mail
#       2 - diverts incoming mail with asian character sets
#       3 - runs bogofilter
#       4 - retains a processed copy of all messages identified as spam.
#       5 - retains a processed copy of all messages identified as unsure.

### bogofilter - filter & update word lists


#### testing ####
## MAILDIR=/tmp/mail
## MAILDIR=/home/user/filter/korean.spam/mail
## procmail procmailrc < input.file ; echo $? ; ll -t $MAILDIR | head
#### end testing ####

#### backup ####

## Silently drop all completely unreadable mail
* 1^0 ^\/Subject:.*=\?(.*big5|iso-2022-jp|ISO-2022-KR|euc-kr|gb2312|ks_c_5601-1987|windows-1251|windows-1256)\?
* 1^0 ^\/Content-Type:.*charset="(.*big5|iso-2022-jp|ISO-2022-KR|euc-kr|gb2312|ks_c_5601-1987|windows-1251|windows-1256)

#### bogofilter passthrough-update ####

| bogofilter -p -u -l -e -v
# -p)assthrough -u)pdate, -l)og -e)xitcode 0 for spam and ham
# -v)erbose

#### begin error catcher ####

# m-a 2002-10-28
#     If bogofilter failed, return the mail to the queue.
#     Better put this after _EACH_ delivering recipe (not shown here).
#     Later, the MTA will try again to deliver it.
#     75 is the value for EX_TEMPFAIL in /usr/include/sysexits.h
#     Originally published by Philip Guenther on the postfix-users
#     mailing list.


#### end error catcher ####

* ^X-Bogosity: (Spam|Yes)
# put copy error catcher here to avoid fallthrough

# unnecessary in twostate mode:
* ^X-Bogosity: Unsure
# put another copy of error catcher here to avoid fallthrough

#### end bogofilter passthrough-update ####

#### SpamAssassin ####
# :0c:
# * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
# spam-spamassassin
#### end SpamAssassin ####

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Mon Jul 1 17:35:04 CEST 2024.