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-- ChangeLog for Blackbox 0.40.x  - an X11 Window manager

Changes from 0.40.12 to 0.40.13:
        - added some compile time parameters to allow for clean compiling
        - added support for vertical/horizontal maximization (i did this by
          hand, but kudos to John Martin for the idea ;)
        - added basename() to the distribution... it will only be compiled in
          if basename is not present in standard libraries
        - window focus code has changed yet again... i've decided to completely
          rewrite the focus handling code, instead of trying to fix it... let
          me know how this does
        - a new resource has been added to the style loader... a resource of
          the form:  rootCommand: <shell command string> will execute this
          command when the style is loaded, suitable for setting the root
          window background to an image/pattern/color... this should make
          style integration more seamless

Changes from 0.40.11 to 0.40.12:
        - more migration to autoconf/automake/autoheader etc.
        - changed the default installation prefix... /usr/local is now the
          default... all default config files will be stored in
          ${prefix}/share/Blackbox... any old files will not be used, and
          should be removed
        - a small internal rework has made the "Inverted" option for
          pressed button textures obsolete... please update your configs
        - Makefile.generic has been removed
        - Laurie's tear off menu patch has been adapted into the source tree...
          sorry Laurie, but i had to rework your patch to make it completely
          bullet proof ;)
        - rework of Image code... resizes and maximizations should be much
          faster now
        - existance of XConvertCase is checked by configure... if it is NOT
          found, then when editing the workspace name, pressing shift will
          not print capital letters... sorry... get an uptodate X distribution
          (R6.3 or higher) so that XConvertCase exists...
        - the date format on the clock is controlled by a new .blackboxrc
          resource... session.dateFormat... accepted values are:
                American ( mm/dd/yy )  and
                European ( dd.mm.yy )
          the default is american... if any other string is entered for the
          resource, blackbox defaults again to american...
        - changed some window positioning code so that windows aren't thrown
          to the middle of the screen unless they are completely hidden when
        - time bugs have been fixed... this is too detailed to go into... so
          read the source if you are curious, otherwise just hit Reconfigure
          when ever you change the system time, and blackbox will update and
          continue to monitor/display the correct time (also... wrt y2k...
          blackbox is y2k compliant is your libc's localtime() is y2k
        - this release has a major internals rework... let me know of any
          problems... i would also love to hear about improved/degraded
          performance... enjoy people... 

Changes from 0.40.10 to 0.40.11:
        - changed the blackbox distribution to use autoconf instead of
          imake... let me know how this works
        - removed all the Imakefiles and Imakeconfig in favor of autoconf...
        - added necessary files for automake and autoconf
        - fixed a bug that would automatically shift focus to the workspace
          label after switching to an empty workspace which would edit the
          workspace name if pressing ctrl-arrow...
        - fixed a bug that wouldn't focus any windows with alt-tab after
          switching workspaces
        - new feature:  click button 1 on the clock to display today's date
          releasing the mouse button redraws the current time
        - implemented double-click window shading by adapting David Edwards'
          <david@dt031n1a.tampabay.rr.com> shade patch
        - added new .blackboxrc resource - session.doubleClickInterval - which
          controls the time between double clicks... used by the double-click
          shade feature... defaults to 250ms is not specified

Changes from 0.40.9 to 0.40.10:
        - fixed the broken menu highlights - they are now a dot in front of
          the menu label
        - enhanced the image rendering code to prebuild dithering lookup
          tables... this saves some multiply and divide instructions during the
          rendering loop... it makes a noticable difference on my lowly p133 ;)
        - just for completeness... i've added some error output for various
          things that could (but rarely do) go awry
        - the focus code has been updated yet again... but this time it's for
          the better ;)  the ctrl arrow keys continue working after a window
          has been closed etc. etc... this should be the final change... unless
          i find more bugs in it

Changes from 0.40.8 to 0.40.9:
        - fixed a menu bug to keep as much of the menu on screen as possible
        - added a patch from Peter Kovacs <kovacsp@egr.uri.edu> to raise the
          current focused window when the user clicks on the window label on
          the toolbar
        - changed some window gravity defaults... nothing major here
        - focus handling code has been spruced up... and majorly tested...
          0.40.8's focus code was about as good as a full tank of gas but
          no corvette... let me know how the focus handles in 0.40.9

Changes from 0.40.7 to 0.40.8:
        - more menu fixes... highlights are handled as normal... constant
          highlights are draw differently... the rounded edges minus the
          highlighted bar...
        - hand strength reduction in the BImage::renderXImage() method...
          this doesn't offer much of a speed up... but every little bit
        - stuck clients that open transients now have their transients stuck
          by default
        - changed some input focus code to better handle the sloppy focus
          model... the little annoyances like two focused windows should now
          be fixed...
        - removed gcc specific code... changed use of strsep to strtok (which
          is defined by ANSI C)
        - this is strictly a maintainence release... no new features have
          been introduced

Changes from 0.40.6 to 0.40.7:
        - changed bhughes@arn.net to bhughes@tcac.net throughout the source
        - menu sanity fixes... like unmapping a submenu when an item is removed
        - image code fixes... no memory is allocated during the rendering...
          only when the BImage is created... thanks to lee.salzman@lvdi.net for
          the frame work for these changes
        - fewer floating point division in gradient rendering routines... again
          thanks to lee.salzman@lvdi.net for the basis of these changes
        - reading workspace names is now a little more robust, but probably not
          bullet proof... events are handled normally while reading the
          workspace name... instead of blocking them all... the label changes
          color... and reverts back to normal when enter is pressed (which
          applies the new workspace name)
        - the window geometry label drawn during window resizing has moved to
          inside the window frame, this allows us to see what size windows are
          being resized to when the right edge is close to the edge of root
        - a lock system has been implemented for the blackbox objects... this
          fixes a nasty little problem of stale windows (decorations with no
          client window) because of on object grabbing the server and another
          unlocking it... the current system works similar to XLockDisplay
          (which is used in threaded X programs).
        - icccm code enhancements for XWMHints and NormalHints
        - window maximizing now properly returns the maximized client to its
          previous location (this is a bug fix... maximize netscape, then
          maximize an xterm... unmaximizing netscape will put it where the
          xterm was previously)

Changes from 0.40.5 to 0.40.6:
        - the workspace and client menus now keep the current workspace and
          focus window highlighted so that we know which window is in focus
          (especially useful with multiple xterms in the same workspace)
        - image dithering code has been updated slightly to hopefully squeeze
          every last drop of performance out of it
        - pixel computation has been simplified
        - gradient code has been changed to use less floating point division
          this breaks Jon Denardis' gradient hack, but the option has been
          left in place in case Jon wants to re-implement it :)
        - more ICCCM compliance code added... window colormap focus has a
          click-to-focus policy... any window that wants to use it's own
          colormap (i.e.  netscape -install) will have it's colormap installed
          when button1 is pressed anywhere on the decorations (like when
          raising)  the default root colormap is reinstalled when pressing
          button1 on the root window
        - workspace names can now be changed on the fly... they are stored in
          the users ~/.blackboxrc file, and may be edited from there, although
          any changes made to the file will be over written when blackbox is
          shutdown or restarted...
        - workspace names can be edited *while blackbox is running* by pressing
          button3 on the workspace label on the toolbar... pressing enter ends
          the edit and normal event processing resumes... these names are saved
          on exit/restart for convienence
        - support for window gravity has been added... this is addition is
          another step closer to complete ICCCM compliance
        - window resizing is a bit more sane now... a bug once pointed out long
          ago that i never noticed plagued me the other day... when resizing a
          window to a large size... blackbox can delay a bit while it renders
          the new decorations... if the user tries to move the window before
          these decorations are finished... the window is resized again... this
          has been fixed

Changes from 0.40.4 to 0.40.5:
        - updated the default style to reflect the button resource change in
        - added internal menu alignment
        - added internal linked list insertion at a certain point, used in
        - submenus now update their parent menu to reflect that the submenu
          is no longer open
        - right clicking anywhere on the rootmenu or window menus will now
          unmap them... NOTE: this doesn't work on submenus or the rootmenu
          or on the SendToWorkspaceMenu
        - cleaned up some of the image rendering code to use less comparisons
          while rendering an image... also removed alot of
          multiplication/division use in beveling loops to increase speed
        - changed dithering error distribution to make images smoother at
          15 and 8bpp (8bpp got the most benefit from this change)
        - changed the toolbar appearance... removed the raise/lower button,
          changing the level of the toolbar isn't possible as of yet... a new
          button has been added on the left of the toolbar, pressing it will
          map the workspace menu, which has a few changes
        - the workspace menu now conatins submenus of all the window lists of
          all workspaces... it is now possible to see which window is on which
          workspace... also... the icon button has been removed from the
          toolbar and the iconmenu is now a submenu of the workspace menu
        - window placement has been slightly modified... if clients request a
          certain position, the request is honored, otherwise the client is
          cascaded... if either the cascade or requested position obscures part
          of the window when the window is created, the window is centered in 
          the root window...
        - window state updated... when blackbox is restarted, all client
          windows are placed on the workspace they were previously occupying...
          this is only between restarts... not when X is restarted...
          however... applications may be coded specifically for blackbox to
          start on a certain workspace... for more information on this, email
        - window menu placement has been made a little more sane

Changes from 0.40.3 to 0.40.4:
        - removed the window.handle{.color,.colorTo} resources... the handle
          is now treated as a button, and uses the button resources
        - added window.focus.button and window.unfocus.button resources to the
          style file... this allows colors to be set different from the
          titlebar... the colors are controlled with window.focus.button.color,
          window.focus.button.colorTo, window.unfocus.button.color and
        - transient focus policy has changed... if any window has an open
          transient window... focus is awarded to the trasient instead of the
          parent window, even if the mouse doesn't occupy the trasient window
        - cleaned up some namespace in Basemenu.cc and Basemenu.hh
        - changed dithering error diffusion
        - fixed Bevel2 so that it doesn't sig11 anymore
        - changed stacking code slightly... "stuck" windows now are placed
          in relation to the toolbar... i.e. if the toolbar is on top... stuck
          windows are on top of any other client windows... if the toolbar
          is underneath client windows... stuck windows are also stacked
          underneath the client windows
        - major reworking of Window.cc and Window.hh to fully support the
          _MOTIF_WM_HINTS on client windows... if this hint is present... then
          the window is decorated according to those hints... all the move/
          resize/configure code had to be updated because of this... one step
          closer to gnome compliance
        - window menus now contain different items based on the functions
          available to the client window... if a window cannot be maximized...
          then no maximize item is present in the window menu... also, "Close"
          and "Kill Client" are no longer present at the same time... if the
          client supports the WM_DELETE_WINDOW Protocol, then "Close" is
          present, "Kill Client" is only present for clients that do not
          support the protocol
        - windows may now be moved by the titlebar, handle or thin border
          around the window... window menus are also accessible by pressing
          button 3 on any of these 3 windows
        - a new focus model has been added... it works... but is mostly
          untested... session.focusModel: AutoRaiseSloppyFocus in .blackboxrc
          will retain the sloppy focus model... but raise windows to the
          top when focused...

Changes from 0.40.2 to 0.40.3:
        - fixed a bug in Blackbox::nextFocus that would put blackbox into an
          infinite loop when 2 windows where open, window 0 was iconified and
          window 1 had focus and pressing alt-tab or the next window button
          on the toolbar
        - completely recoded all the graphics stuffs to support all visual
          classes and color depths, also the image code is more compact and
          faster than previous releases
        - removed graphics.cc and graphics.hh from the distribution and added
          Image.cc and Image.hh for the new graphics implementation.  a new
          class called BImageControl is now in charge of all pixmap caching
          and color allocation on displays that don't run/support TrueColor...
          this takes the job away from the Blackbox class... whose job is now
          to manage all it's children and disperse events read from the display
        - fixed bug that didn't handle windows created before blackbox is
          running (again :/)

Changes from 0.40.1 to 0.40.2:
        - added a variable initialize line of code to keep blackbox from
          splattering from a sigsegv on startup

Changes from 0.35.0 to 0.40.1:
        - cosmetic menu rendering fixes, changed the way the submenu dot is
          sized; changed an off by one error in drawing the rounded edges;
          fixed the text to be draw in the center of the item instead of at the
        - major changes to the toolbar (formerly the workspace manager) to
          change the way it looks and works.  The large blank space is gone,
          and the toolbar is now half the height it used to be (roughly). the
          workspace label displays the current workspace, with the workspace
          menu accessible by clicking button 1 on the label. the two buttons
          directly to the right of the workspace label change the workspace
          when pressed. the window label displays the current focused window,
          which makes it easier to identify which window has input focus (for
          some people like me that have very dark or very closely colored
          decorations).  the window menu is accessible by pressing button
          one on the window label, and selecting an item from the window menu
          will set input focus to that window (if it can receive focus). the
          two buttons to the right of the window label circulate focus (up and
          down, respectively) through the window list, skipping windows that
          cannot receive focus.  the icon button displays a menu of all
          iconified applications.  both the icon menu and the window menu will
          not become visible if they are empty.  the next button on the toolbar
          is a raise/lower button for the workspace manager. the toolbar is
          stacked on startup according to the resource set in ~/.blackboxrc,
          but this button will raise and lower the workspace to the users
          desire, saving the stack order when blackbox is exited or restarted.
          the clock is still the same, but editing the session.clockFormat
          will change it from normal time (session.clockFormat: 12) to 24hour
          format (session.clockFormat: 24)
        - a pixmap cache has been implemented. a linked list stores all images
          rendered, removing them from the list and freeing them with the X
          server when all applications have removed references to them. for
          those who start man instances of the same applications will benefit
          greatly from this, as the same decorations are not redraw for each
          and every window.  this greatly reduces the load on the X server
          (my X server went from taking 20-28mb of memory to 8-11mb, a dramatic
          improvement, especially on this 32mb machine).  as a result of this,
          reconfiguring is faster, as is startup and restarting.
        - click to focus has been implemented, with some restrictions. other
          window managers allow the user to click anywhere on the decorations
          OR the client itself to set focus.  i have not found an elegant way
          to do this yet, so focus can only be set by pressing button 1 on
          the decorations (like the titlebar, handle, buttons, border, etc.)
          just not on the client itself.  i am looking more into this, but
          don't expect anymore than what is in place now.  to use
          click-to-focus, put session.focusModel: ClickToFocus in ~/.blackboxrc
        - 2 new commands have been added to the menu syntax, [include] and
          [style]... the [reconfig] command still has the option to reconfigure
          after a command has been run, but probably will be faded out...
          [include] (/path/to/file) includes the file inline with the current
          menu, meaning that a submenu isnot created for the separate file,
          if a submenu is desired, the file should include the [submenu] and
          [end] tags explicitly.
          [style] is a new addition for the style file support. syntax is:
          [style] (label here) {/path/to/style/file} which will read the new
          style file and reconfigure when selected.
        - style files have been added to allow for easier switching between
          configurations.  the style file resources are dramtically different
          from those in 0.3x.x, see app-defaults/Blackbox-style.ad for an
        - with the addition of style files, menus have been given their own
          justification resource, allowing (for example) menus to be left
          justified while titles are center or right justified.
        - please read the sample configuration files in app-defaults/ for the
          new and improved configuration system.  NOTE: Blackbox.ad is a
          sample ~/.blackboxrc, but you shouldn't copy this file to
          ~/.blackboxrc, as Blackbox will store the resources it needs
        - an unofficial release numbered 0.40.0 was given out to some 
          testers, and even this release needs the same treatment as 0.35.0
          with respect to the new config system (0.40.0 only implemented the
          pixmap cache, the new toolbar and *part* of the new config system,
          but not the style files or automatic generation of ~/.blackboxrc)

ChangeLog for 0.3x.xx:
Changes from 0.34.5 to 0.35.0:
        - changed the way menus are draw to round both end of the highlight...
        - cosmetic enhancements for the various justifications...
        - this is the first stable release of blackbox

Changes from 0.34.4 to 0.34.5:
        - hopefully... this will be the last bug fix... so i can begin working
          on new features... i fixed event mask selection on client windows
          after reparenting them to the decoration frame... this should get
          xv working again...
        - changed the signal hander to core on sigsegv and sigfpe... sigint and
          sigterm will just exit blackbox cleanly... sighup will cause blackbox
          to reconfigure itself
        - changed the way the version string is printed... 

Changes from 0.34.3 to 0.34.4:
        - changed the window stacking code to stack windows and their menus
          more sanely... window menus are stacked directly ontop of the client
          windows... instead of on top of every other client window... the
          workspace manager is now by default stacked above client windows...
        - reworked alot of code in Window.cc, blackbox.cc, Workspace.cc and
          WorkspaceManager.cc to properly handle ICCCM state hints... the
          startup and shutdown code has been completely reworked as a result of

Changes from 0.34.2 to 0.34.3:
        - this was a small change in the code... but a BIG change for the user
          base... the X error handler is now non fatal... yes... this means if
          blackbox encounters an X error (like a bad window or a bad match) it
          will fprintf() the error and continue running... the quick window bug
          has been mostly fixed... i have a small app that i wrote that quickly
          maps a window, calls XSync()... then destroys the window and exits...
          the first time i ran this little beauty... blackbox died a horrible
          death... blackbox now handles this app nicely... but does
          occasionally report an error (during the decoration creation... which
          is promptly destroyed from the destroy notify event placed in the
          queue by the X server... thus... no memory leaks... no memory
          corruption... blackbox just keeps chugging along nicely

Changes from 0.34.1 to 0.34.2 (unreleased):
        - fixed MSBFirst byte order image rendering at 32bpp (24bpp pending)
          (for machines better than this intel machine of mine)
        - changed BImage to allocate dithering space when the image is created
          and to delete it when the image is destroyed... instead of allocating
          the space and deleting the space each time the image is rendered to 
          an XImage... hopefully this will provide a speed increase (albeit a
          small one)
        - changed blackbox to call XListPixmapFormats once at startup...
          instead of each time an image is rendered... this should afford some
          speed increase (a small one at best :)
        - fixed a bug in Window.cc that re-reads the window name...
          Jon Denardis discovered this bug while playing with netscape 4.5...
          the validation call is now directly before the XFetchName call...
          instead of before an if() { } block that calls strcmp and XFree()
        - edit Window.cc to change the way buttons are decorated and sized
          the associatedWindow.button.color(To) resources have been removed,
          but the associatedWindow.button texture resource is still there

Changes from 0.34.0 to 0.34.1:
        - fixed the unmanaged rxvt/xconsole/whatever problem that didn't
          decorate windows at start up... just a little logic error that was
          fixed with a few braces
        - fixed the shutdown code so that X and blackbox don't die a gruesome
          death while reparenting the small applets on the workspace manager
          toolbar... the above bug fixed also fixed a bug that didn't reparent
          any existing app windows...
        - updated libBox code to allow for flaws in it's design (forgotten from
        - removed #include <sys/select.h> from blackbox.cc so that it compiles
          on any platform (since select is supposed to be defined in unistd.h)
        - removed the NEED_STRNCASECMP block in blackbox.cc until i can get
          a working posix like routine to work (needed for OS2 platforms)
        - edited the Imakefile scheme to have the the toplevel Imakefile and 
          Imakefiles in app-defaults/ lib/ and src/... there now is Imakeconfig
          which includes all the options in one file... so that editing all
          the Imakefiles is no longer necessary

Changes from 0.33.6 to 0.34.0:
        - edited some Imakefiles so that rpm creaters have an easier time
        - added stuff to lib/  which contains a small (VERY small) library for
          letting applications open a window on the workspace manager toolbar
          this is very very new... restarting will cause the app to crash
          (at best) or take X with it (the worst)... play with it an let me
          know how it works
        - further revised window.cc and blackbox.cc to provide better error
          checking... window.cc received the most updates... validating a
          window is now done in the statement before the window is used... not
          at the beginning of the function the window is used in...
        - fixed the stacking order bug when changing workspaces... the windows
          will now be restored in the order that you left them... not in the
          order they were created in...
        - updated the README... a little bit anyway :)
        - updated BlackboxWindow::maximizeWindow() in window.cc to properly
          maximize windows that have specified size increments
        - fixed BlackboxWindow::configureWindow so that shaded windows that re
          size themselves only resize the titlebar
        - added ccmalloc 0.2.3 to the main source tree to aid in debugging...
          this is NOT maintained by myself, see the source tree for details
        - eliminated a double delete call with the aid of ccmalloc!@#!

Changes from 0.33.5 to 0.33.6:
        - added Makefile.generic for those of you with foobared imake configs.
          the use of xmkmf -a (i.e. imake) is still prefered... but this should
          work on any system... with a little editing
        - added static int handleXErrors(Display *, XErrorEvent *) in
          blackbox.cc to handle any and all X lib errors while blackbox is
          running... this should produce a coredump and thus the -moron
          community should be able to flood my inbox with stack trace upon
          stack trace :)
        - added some sub directories and moved the sources around, this allows
          for easier inclusion of the library for blackbox specific programs
          (which will run in the dock)
        - hopefully fixed the "disappearing-rxvt-trick"... since i can't
          reproduce it i don't know for sure
        - removed the use of alloca in graphics.cc... i was noticing very odd
          behaviour from malloc() and free()... where blackbox would sig11 
          when exiting because of XCloseDisplay doing something naughty...
          and this seems to have done the trick... no more sig11's from malloc
          or new... everything i've thrown at blackbox is gently but firmly
          beaten into submission...
        - added docboy's curved gradient hack as a compile time option... see
          src/Imakefile and src/graphics.cc

Changes from 0.33.4 to 0.33.5:
        - added a small test to cascade windows that start out partially hidden
          (like netscape, Xnest, xv, etc.)
        - changed icon handling to include a menu of icons accessible from the
          workspace manager toolbar
        - deiconifying a window now takes it to the top of the stack
        - clicking on a menuitem that has a submenu no longer hides the submenu
        - added resource "workspaceManager.24hourClock",  a value of True turns
          on the 24hour clock on the toolbar
        - removed icon pixmap/window/mask support/handling from window.cc and
          window.hh... since icons are now handled in a menu, this is no
          longer needed
        - added session.handleWidth and session.bevelWidth
          to control window sizes (instead of hardcoded defaults)
        - changed parts of Basemenu.cc and WorkspaceManager.cc to follow the
          sizes set by session.bevelWidth
        - fixed Alt-Tab window switching... also fixed some focus handling bugs
          which let two windows become focused at the same time (which is bad

Changes from 0.33.3 to 0.33.4:
        - corrected a typo in the sample Blackbox.ad file to correctly show
          which resource to set for the menu file
        - added moderate window group support for programs like netscape and 
          other motif applications... modified window stacking code and
          internal list code to support window groups (this makes transients
          behave properly... another step towards more complete ICCCM
        - modified focus event handlers to stop applications from focusing out
          when pressing menubars... also window focus is returned to root if 
          the focus window is closed... if another window is under the focus
          window when it is closed... that window is awarded input focus
        - fixed tiny little bug that didn't move the close button when resizing
          a window

Changes from 0.33.2 to 0.33.3: 
        - changed some of the menu code ("updated" in 0.33.1) back to the
          original 0.33.0, which seems to perform better.  Reason behind it? -
          blackbox died too often with 0.33.1/2
        - added "Kill Client" option to window menus... for those applications
          that don't accept the WM_DELETE_WINDOW atom
        - menus that are not partially moved off the root window are shifted to
          a visible position when the pointer enters the frame... it is also
          shifted back to it's original position when left (this is new... let
          me know how it works)

Changes from 0.33.1 to 0.33.2: (unreleased)
        - changed BlackboxIcon to not try and read its config when it was
          created.  This was forgotten from the 0.31.0 -> 0.33.0 move :/

Changes from 0.33.0 to 0.33.1: (unreleased)
        - improved menu handling, less possibilty for SIGSEGV
        - menus now make copies of all label, exec strings and titles, to
          make less loose pointers
        - fixed typo to allow submenus of submenus of submenus (...)
        - fixed workspace menu and window list menu placements

Changes from 0.31.0 to 0.33.0:
        - added #ifdef statements so the C preprocessor doesn't complain about
          _GNU_SOURCE being redefined.
        - changed internal resource data structures
        - added Sticky windows functionality
        - remove old animation code bound with #ifdef ANIMATIONS
        - fixed a silly little bug that sometimes mapped a submenu when its
          parent was unmapping itself
        - added ExecReconfigure option to execute a shell statement before
          performing reconfiguration
        - rearranged window config code to reduce wait time while resizing
        - added internal macro BImageNoDitherSolid to make window frame
          rendering faster (dithering a solid image is silly anyway)
        - added new menu file format
        - added Blackbox::validateWindow to provide a stabler environment for
          Blackbox.  This gives blackbox more error checking and greater
          stability.  For me, random crashes have (nearly) disappeared.
        - removed window name/class dependant frame texture/color
        - with 0.31.0, each entity read it's configuration from the rc database
          loaded at start.  this has changed back to the old behaviour of
          reading all configuration parameters at start, no database reads are
          performed after the initial setup (save for reconfiguring).
        - configuration has changed to be a little cleaner, and a little more
          thorough.  See the Blackbox.ad and BlackboxMenu.ad for exmaples.

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sat Jun 15 21:10:35 CEST 2024.