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Basic MPD

This widget's purpose is to provide a simple interface to MPD, the Music Player
Daemon. The widget will output track/album/artist information, formatted
according to your wishes.

Note, because Basic MPD runs on top of Obvious' MPD library, you do have access
to features like pause/next/previous and everything else. However, this is done
through the library directly rather than through Basic MPD.

Note, because Basic MPD runs on top of Obvious' MPD library, access to advanced
features is done using calls to the library via Basic MPD's connection to the
MPD server.

Settings available:
 - set_format: Takes a string/function to use to format the Basic MPD display
   output. If a function is given, then a table with keys "artist", "album", and
   "title" will be given to this function, and whatever string it returns will
   be displayed. If a string is given to set_format, then it will be displayed
   with substitutions done on it. The format understands "$artist", "$album" and
   "$title" to do the replacement. For example, you could have a format string
   like: "$artist//$album//$title". The slashes are literal slashes, and the
   special variables will be replaced. If you're using a format string, the
   length is respected. If you're using a function, handling length is up to
   you. See set_length documentation about how it handles length.
 - set_length: Setting length only works for when using a format string for
   set_format (this is the default if you never call set_format). It would be
   somewhat silly to have the length just cut off the end of the string. This
   could land you in a situation where you know the title and album but not the
   artist, for example. Instead, what happens is that the formatter tries to
   shorten the longest components of format first and even out the lengths of
   the fields. So for example, imagine you have the output "Matisse The Cat -
   Jesse Cook - Frontiers" in your widget, but want this to be cut down to 32
   characters max. The system would reformat this as "Matisse T - Jesse Coo -
 - set_unknown: If some metadata is not available, this is the string that
   should be displayed in that metadata's place. So for example, if you don't
   know the album, it might be "Matisse The Cat - Jesse Cook - (Unknown)".

To set one of these settings, simply do something like:
    obvious.basic_mpd.set_format("MPD: $title")

To use it, include it into your rc.lua by inserting this line (near the top

    local mpd = require("obvious.basic_mpd")

Then add it to your wibox's widgets list:


It's also possible to create binds to control MPD via Obvious' MPD library:
    -- mod-p to pause/play.
    awful.key({ modkey }, "p", function()

    -- mod-plus/minus to decrease and increase volume by increments of 5.
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "=", function ()
    awful.key({ modkey }, "-", function ()

    -- mod-> and mod-< to go forward/backward a song.
    bind({ modkey, "Shift" }, ",", function ()
    bind({ modkey, "Shift" }, ".", function ()

Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 16 16:14:56 CEST 2024.