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7.10.1 configuration file presets

Configuration files are enabled by specifying the program attribute homerc (see Program Description Attributes). Any option not marked with the no-preset attribute may appear in a configuration file. The files loaded are selected both by the homerc entries and, optionally, via a command line option. The first component of the homerc entry may be an environment variable such as $HOME, or it may also be ‘$$’ (two dollar sign characters) to specify the directory of the executable. For example:

homerc = "$$/../share/autogen";

will cause the AutoOpts library to look in the normal autogen datadir relative to the current installation directory for autogen.

The configuration files are processed in the order they are specified by the homerc attribute, so that each new file will normally override the settings of the previous files. This may be overridden by marking some options for immediate action (see Immediate Action Attributes). Any such options are acted upon in reverse order. The disabled load-opts (--no-load-opts) option, for example, is an immediate action option. Its presence in the last homerc file will prevent the processing of any prior homerc files because its effect is immediate.

Configuration file processing can be completely suppressed by specifying --no-load-opts on the command line, or PROGRAM_LOAD_OPTS=no in the environment (if environrc has been specified).

See the Configuration File Format section (see Configuration File Format) for details on the format of the file.