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11.2 GUI usage

The arrow keys (or mouse wheel) are convenient for temporarily raising and lowering objects within xasy, allowing an object to be selected. Pressing the arrow keys will pan while the shift key is held and zoom while the control key is held. The mouse wheel will pan while the alt or shift keys is held and zoom while the control key is held. In translate mode, an object can be dragged coarsely with the mouse or positioned finely with the arrow keys while holding down the mouse button.

Deconstruction of compound objects (such as arrows) can be prevented by enclosing them within the commands

void begingroup(picture pic=currentpicture);
void endgroup(picture pic=currentpicture);

By default, the elements of a picture or frame will be grouped together on adding them to a picture. However, the elements of a frame added to another frame are not grouped together by default: their elements will be individually deconstructed (see add).