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                                   Annex G


1   The Numerics Annex specifies

2     * features for complex arithmetic, including complex I/O;

3     * a mode ("strict mode"), in which the predefined arithmetic operations
        of floating point and fixed point types and the functions and
        operations of various predefined packages have to provide guaranteed
        accuracy or conform to other numeric performance requirements, which
        the Numerics Annex also specifies;

4     * a mode ("relaxed mode"), in which no accuracy or other numeric
        performance requirements need be satisfied, as for implementations not
        conforming to the Numerics Annex;

5/2   * {AI95-00296-01} models of floating point and fixed point arithmetic on
        which the accuracy requirements of strict mode are based;

6/2   * {AI95-00296-01} the definitions of the model-oriented attributes of
        floating point types that apply in the strict mode; and

6.1/2   * {AI95-00296-01} features for the manipulation of real and complex
        vectors and matrices.

                            Implementation Advice

7/3 {AI05-0229-1} If Fortran (respectively, C) is widely supported in the
target environment, implementations supporting the Numerics Annex should
provide the child package Interfaces.Fortran (respectively, Interfaces.C)
specified in Annex B and should support a convention_identifier of Fortran
(respectively, C) for the Convention aspect (see Annex B), thus allowing Ada
programs to interface with programs written in that language.

7.a.1/2     Implementation Advice: If Fortran (respectively, C) is supported
            in the target environment, then interfacing to Fortran
            (respectively, C) should be supported as specified in Annex B.

                            Extensions to Ada 83

7.a         This Annex is new to Ada 95.

G.1 Complex Arithmetic

1   Types and arithmetic operations for complex arithmetic are provided in
Generic_Complex_Types, which is defined in G.1.1. Implementation-defined
approximations to the complex analogs of the mathematical functions known as
the "elementary functions" are provided by the subprograms in Generic_Complex_-
Elementary_Functions, which is defined in G.1.2. Both of these library units
are generic children of the predefined package Numerics (see A.5). Nongeneric
equivalents of these generic packages for each of the predefined floating
point types are also provided as children of Numerics.

1.a         Implementation defined: The accuracy actually achieved by the
            complex elementary functions and by other complex arithmetic

1.b         Discussion: Complex arithmetic is defined in the Numerics Annex,
            rather than in the core, because it is considered to be a
            specialized need of (some) numeric applications.

G.1.1 Complex Types

                              Static Semantics

1   The generic library package Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types has the
following declaration:

2/1     {8652/0020} {AI95-00126-01} generic
           type Real is digits <>;
        package Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types is
           pragma Pure(Generic_Complex_Types);

3          type Complex is
                 Re, Im : Real'Base;
              end record;

4/2     {AI95-00161-01}    type Imaginary is private;
           pragma Preelaborable_Initialization(Imaginary);

5          i : constant Imaginary;
           j : constant Imaginary;

6          function Re (X : Complex)   return Real'Base;
           function Im (X : Complex)   return Real'Base;
           function Im (X : Imaginary) return Real'Base;

7          procedure Set_Re (X  : in out Complex;
                             Re : in     Real'Base);
           procedure Set_Im (X  : in out Complex;
                             Im : in     Real'Base);
           procedure Set_Im (X  :    out Imaginary;
                             Im : in     Real'Base);

8          function Compose_From_Cartesian
         (Re, Im : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function Compose_From_Cartesian
         (Re     : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function Compose_From_Cartesian
         (Im     : Imaginary) return Complex;

9          function Modulus (X     : Complex) return Real'Base;
           function "abs"   (Right : Complex) return Real'Base renames Modulus;

10         function Argument (X     : Complex)   return Real'Base;
           function Argument (X     : Complex;
                              Cycle : Real'Base) return Real'Base;

11         function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument        : Real'Base)
              return Complex;
           function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument, Cycle : Real'Base)
              return Complex;

12         function "+"       (Right : Complex) return Complex;
           function "-"       (Right : Complex) return Complex;
           function Conjugate (X     : Complex) return Complex;

13         function "+" (Left, Right : Complex) return Complex;
           function "-" (Left, Right : Complex) return Complex;
           function "*" (Left, Right : Complex) return Complex;
           function "/" (Left, Right : Complex) return Complex;

14         function "**" (Left : Complex; Right : Integer) return Complex;

15         function "+"       (Right : Imaginary) return Imaginary;
           function "-"       (Right : Imaginary) return Imaginary;
           function Conjugate
         (X     : Imaginary) return Imaginary renames "-";
           function "abs"     (Right : Imaginary) return Real'Base;

16         function "+" (Left, Right : Imaginary) return Imaginary;
           function "-" (Left, Right : Imaginary) return Imaginary;
           function "*" (Left, Right : Imaginary) return Real'Base;
           function "/" (Left, Right : Imaginary) return Real'Base;

17         function "**" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Integer) return Complex;

18         function "<"  (Left, Right : Imaginary) return Boolean;
           function "<=" (Left, Right : Imaginary) return Boolean;
           function ">"  (Left, Right : Imaginary) return Boolean;
           function ">=" (Left, Right : Imaginary) return Boolean;

19         function "+" (Left : Complex;   Right : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function "+" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Complex)   return Complex;
           function "-" (Left : Complex;   Right : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function "-" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Complex)   return Complex;
           function "*" (Left : Complex;   Right : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function "*" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Complex)   return Complex;
           function "/" (Left : Complex;   Right : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function "/" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Complex)   return Complex;

20         function "+" (Left : Complex;   Right : Imaginary) return Complex;
           function "+" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Complex)   return Complex;
           function "-" (Left : Complex;   Right : Imaginary) return Complex;
           function "-" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Complex)   return Complex;
           function "*" (Left : Complex;   Right : Imaginary) return Complex;
           function "*" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Complex)   return Complex;
           function "/" (Left : Complex;   Right : Imaginary) return Complex;
           function "/" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Complex)   return Complex;

21         function "+" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function "+" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Imaginary) return Complex;
           function "-" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function "-" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Imaginary) return Complex;
           function "*" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Real'Base) return Imaginary;
           function "*" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Imaginary) return Imaginary;
           function "/" (Left : Imaginary; Right : Real'Base) return Imaginary;
           function "/" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Imaginary) return Imaginary;

22      private

23         type Imaginary is new Real'Base;
           i : constant Imaginary := 1.0;
           j : constant Imaginary := 1.0;

24      end Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;

25/1 {8652/0020} {AI95-00126-01} The library package Numerics.Complex_Types is
declared pure and defines the same types, constants, and subprograms as
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types, except that the predefined type Float is
systematically substituted for Real'Base throughout. Nongeneric equivalents of
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types for each of the other predefined floating point
types are defined similarly, with the names Numerics.Short_Complex_Types,
Numerics.Long_Complex_Types, etc.

25.a        Reason: The nongeneric equivalents are provided to allow the
            programmer to construct simple mathematical applications without
            being required to understand and use generics.

25.b        Reason: The nongeneric equivalents all export the types Complex
            and Imaginary and the constants i and j (rather than uniquely
            named types and constants, such as Short_Complex, Long_Complex,
            etc.) to preserve their equivalence to actual instantiations of
            the generic package and to allow the programmer to change the
            precision of an application globally by changing a single context

26/2 {AI95-00434-01} [Complex is a visible type with Cartesian components.]

26.a        Reason: The Cartesian representation is far more common than the
            polar representation, in practice. The accuracy of the results of
            the complex arithmetic operations and of the complex elementary
            functions is dependent on the representation; thus, implementers
            need to know that representation. The type is visible so that
            complex "literals" can be written in aggregate notation, if

27  [Imaginary is a private type; its full type is derived from Real'Base.]

27.a        Reason: The Imaginary type and the constants i and j are provided
            for two reasons:

27.b          * They allow complex "literals" to be written in the alternate
                form of a + b*i (or a + b*j), if desired. Of course, in some
                contexts the sum will need to be parenthesized.

27.c          * When an Ada binding to IEC 559:1989 that provides (signed)
                infinities as the result of operations that overflow becomes
                available, it will be important to allow arithmetic between
                pure-imaginary and complex operands without requiring the
                former to be represented as (or promoted to) complex values
                with a real component of zero. For example, the multiplication
                of a + b*i by d*i should yield -b· d + a· d*i, but if one
                cannot avoid representing the pure-imaginary value d*i as the
                complex value 0.0 + d*i, then a NaN ("Not-a-Number") could be
                produced as the result of multiplying a by 0.0 (e.g., when a
                is infinite); the NaN could later trigger an exception.
                Providing the Imaginary type and overloadings of the
                arithmetic operators for mixtures of Imaginary and Complex
                operands gives the programmer the same control over avoiding
                premature coercion of pure-imaginary values to complex as is
                already provided for pure-real values.

27.d        Reason: The Imaginary type is private, rather than being visibly
            derived from Real'Base, for two reasons:

27.e          * to preclude implicit conversions of real literals to the
                Imaginary type (such implicit conversions would make many
                common arithmetic expressions ambiguous); and

27.f          * to suppress the implicit derivation of the multiplication,
                division, and absolute value operators with Imaginary operands
                and an Imaginary result (the result type would be incorrect).

27.g        Reason: The base subtype Real'Base is used for the component type
            of Complex, the parent type of Imaginary, and the parameter and
            result types of some of the subprograms to maximize the chances of
            being able to pass meaningful values into the subprograms and
            receive meaningful results back. The generic formal parameter Real
            therefore plays only one role, that of providing the precision to
            be maintained in complex arithmetic calculations. Thus, the
            subprograms in Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types share with those in
            Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions, and indeed even with the
            predefined arithmetic operations (see 4.5), the property of being
            free of range checks on input and output, i.e., of being able to
            exploit the base range of the relevant floating point type fully.
            As a result, the user loses the ability to impose
            application-oriented bounds on the range of values that the
            components of a complex variable can acquire; however, it can be
            argued that few, if any, applications have a naturally square
            domain (as opposed to a circular domain) anyway.

28  The arithmetic operations and the Re, Im, Modulus, Argument, and Conjugate
functions have their usual mathematical meanings. When applied to a parameter
of pure-imaginary type, the "imaginary-part" function Im yields the value of
its parameter, as the corresponding real value. The remaining subprograms have
the following meanings:

28.a        Reason: The middle case can be understood by considering the
            parameter of pure-imaginary type to represent a complex value with
            a zero real part.

29    * The Set_Re and Set_Im procedures replace the designated component of a
        complex parameter with the given real value; applied to a parameter of
        pure-imaginary type, the Set_Im procedure replaces the value of that
        parameter with the imaginary value corresponding to the given real

30    * The Compose_From_Cartesian function constructs a complex value from
        the given real and imaginary components. If only one component is
        given, the other component is implicitly zero.

31    * The Compose_From_Polar function constructs a complex value from the
        given modulus (radius) and argument (angle). When the value of the
        parameter Modulus is positive (resp., negative), the result is the
        complex value represented by the point in the complex plane lying at a
        distance from the origin given by the absolute value of Modulus and
        forming an angle measured counterclockwise from the positive (resp.,
        negative) real axis given by the value of the parameter Argument.

32  When the Cycle parameter is specified, the result of the Argument function
and the parameter Argument of the Compose_From_Polar function are measured in
units such that a full cycle of revolution has the given value; otherwise,
they are measured in radians.

33  The computed results of the mathematically multivalued functions are
rendered single-valued by the following conventions, which are meant to imply
the principal branch:

34    * The result of the Modulus function is nonnegative.

35    * The result of the Argument function is in the quadrant containing the
        point in the complex plane represented by the parameter X. This may be
        any quadrant (I through IV); thus, the range of the Argument function
        is approximately -PI to PI (-Cycle/2.0 to Cycle/2.0, if the parameter
        Cycle is specified). When the point represented by the parameter X
        lies on the negative real axis, the result approximates

36        * PI (resp., -PI) when the sign of the imaginary component of X is
            positive (resp., negative), if Real'Signed_Zeros is True;

37        * PI, if Real'Signed_Zeros is False.

38    * Because a result lying on or near one of the axes may not be exactly
        representable, the approximation inherent in computing the result may
        place it in an adjacent quadrant, close to but on the wrong side of
        the axis.

                              Dynamic Semantics

39  The exception Numerics.Argument_Error is raised by the Argument and
Compose_From_Polar functions with specified cycle, signaling a parameter value
outside the domain of the corresponding mathematical function, when the value
of the parameter Cycle is zero or negative.

40  The exception Constraint_Error is raised by the division operator when the
value of the right operand is zero, and by the exponentiation operator when
the value of the left operand is zero and the value of the exponent is
negative, provided that Real'Machine_Overflows is True; when
Real'Machine_Overflows is False, the result is unspecified. [Constraint_Error
can also be raised when a finite result overflows (see G.2.6).]

40.a        Discussion: It is anticipated that an Ada binding to IEC 559:1989
            will be developed in the future. As part of such a binding, the
            Machine_Overflows attribute of a conformant floating point type
            will be specified to yield False, which will permit
            implementations of the complex arithmetic operations to deliver
            results with an infinite component (and set the overflow flag
            defined by the binding) instead of raising Constraint_Error in
            overflow situations, when traps are disabled. Similarly, it is
            appropriate for the complex arithmetic operations to deliver
            results with infinite components (and set the zero-divide flag
            defined by the binding) instead of raising Constraint_Error in the
            situations defined above, when traps are disabled. Finally, such a
            binding should also specify the behavior of the complex arithmetic
            operations, when sensible, given operands with infinite

                         Implementation Requirements

41  In the implementation of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types, the range of
intermediate values allowed during the calculation of a final result shall not
be affected by any range constraint of the subtype Real.

41.a        Implementation Note: Implementations of
            Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types written in Ada should therefore
            avoid declaring local variables of subtype Real; the subtype
            Real'Base should be used instead.

42  In the following cases, evaluation of a complex arithmetic operation shall
yield the prescribed result, provided that the preceding rules do not call for
an exception to be raised:

43    * The results of the Re, Im, and Compose_From_Cartesian functions are

44    * The real (resp., imaginary) component of the result of a binary
        addition operator that yields a result of complex type is exact when
        either of its operands is of pure-imaginary (resp., real) type.

44.a        Ramification: The result of the addition operator is exact when
            one of its operands is of real type and the other is of
            pure-imaginary type. In this particular case, the operator is
            analogous to the Compose_From_Cartesian function; it performs no

45    * The real (resp., imaginary) component of the result of a binary
        subtraction operator that yields a result of complex type is exact
        when its right operand is of pure-imaginary (resp., real) type.

46    * The real component of the result of the Conjugate function for the
        complex type is exact.

47    * When the point in the complex plane represented by the parameter X
        lies on the nonnegative real axis, the Argument function yields a
        result of zero.

47.a        Discussion: Argument(X + i*Y) is analogous to EF.Arctan(Y, X),
            where EF is an appropriate instance of
            Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions, except when X and Y are
            both zero, in which case the former yields the value zero while
            the latter raises Numerics.Argument_Error.

48    * When the value of the parameter Modulus is zero, the
        Compose_From_Polar function yields a result of zero.

49    * When the value of the parameter Argument is equal to a multiple of the
        quarter cycle, the result of the Compose_From_Polar function with
        specified cycle lies on one of the axes. In this case, one of its
        components is zero, and the other has the magnitude of the parameter

50    * Exponentiation by a zero exponent yields the value one. Exponentiation
        by a unit exponent yields the value of the left operand.
        Exponentiation of the value one yields the value one. Exponentiation
        of the value zero yields the value zero, provided that the exponent is
        nonzero. When the left operand is of pure-imaginary type, one
        component of the result of the exponentiation operator is zero.

51  When the result, or a result component, of any operator of
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types has a mathematical definition in terms of a
single arithmetic or relational operation, that result or result component
exhibits the accuracy of the corresponding operation of the type Real.

52  Other accuracy requirements for the Modulus, Argument, and
Compose_From_Polar functions, and accuracy requirements for the multiplication
of a pair of complex operands or for division by a complex operand, all of
which apply only in the strict mode, are given in G.2.6.

53  The sign of a zero result or zero result component yielded by a complex
arithmetic operation or function is implementation defined when
Real'Signed_Zeros is True.

53.a        Implementation defined: The sign of a zero result (or a component
            thereof) from any operator or function in
            Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types, when Real'Signed_Zeros is True.

                         Implementation Permissions

54  The nongeneric equivalent packages may, but need not, be actual
instantiations of the generic package for the appropriate predefined type.

55/2 {8652/0091} {AI95-00434-01} Implementations may obtain the result of
exponentiation of a complex or pure-imaginary operand by repeated complex
multiplication, with arbitrary association of the factors and with a possible
final complex reciprocation (when the exponent is negative). Implementations
are also permitted to obtain the result of exponentiation of a complex
operand, but not of a pure-imaginary operand, by converting the left operand
to a polar representation; exponentiating the modulus by the given exponent;
multiplying the argument by the given exponent; and reconverting to a
Cartesian representation. Because of this implementation freedom, no accuracy
requirement is imposed on complex exponentiation (except for the prescribed
results given above, which apply regardless of the implementation method

                            Implementation Advice

56  Because the usual mathematical meaning of multiplication of a complex
operand and a real operand is that of the scaling of both components of the
former by the latter, an implementation should not perform this operation by
first promoting the real operand to complex type and then performing a full
complex multiplication. In systems that, in the future, support an Ada binding
to IEC 559:1989, the latter technique will not generate the required result
when one of the components of the complex operand is infinite. (Explicit
multiplication of the infinite component by the zero component obtained during
promotion yields a NaN that propagates into the final result.) Analogous
advice applies in the case of multiplication of a complex operand and a
pure-imaginary operand, and in the case of division of a complex operand by a
real or pure-imaginary operand.

56.a/2      Implementation Advice: Mixed real and complex operations (as well
            as pure-imaginary and complex operations) should not be performed
            by converting the real (resp. pure-imaginary) operand to complex.

57  Likewise, because the usual mathematical meaning of addition of a complex
operand and a real operand is that the imaginary operand remains unchanged, an
implementation should not perform this operation by first promoting the real
operand to complex type and then performing a full complex addition. In
implementations in which the Signed_Zeros attribute of the component type is
True (and which therefore conform to IEC 559:1989 in regard to the handling of
the sign of zero in predefined arithmetic operations), the latter technique
will not generate the required result when the imaginary component of the
complex operand is a negatively signed zero. (Explicit addition of the
negative zero to the zero obtained during promotion yields a positive zero.)
Analogous advice applies in the case of addition of a complex operand and a
pure-imaginary operand, and in the case of subtraction of a complex operand
and a real or pure-imaginary operand.

58  Implementations in which Real'Signed_Zeros is True should attempt to
provide a rational treatment of the signs of zero results and result
components. As one example, the result of the Argument function should have
the sign of the imaginary component of the parameter X when the point
represented by that parameter lies on the positive real axis; as another, the
sign of the imaginary component of the Compose_From_Polar function should be
the same as (resp., the opposite of) that of the Argument parameter when that
parameter has a value of zero and the Modulus parameter has a nonnegative
(resp., negative) value.

58.a.1/3    Implementation Advice: If Real'Signed_Zeros is True for Numerics.-
            Generic_Complex_Types, a rational treatment of the signs of zero
            results and result components should be provided.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 83

58.a        The semantics of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types differs from
            Generic_Complex_Types as defined in ISO/IEC CD 13813 (for Ada 83)
            in the following ways:

58.b          * The generic package is a child of the package defining the
                Argument_Error exception.

58.c          * The nongeneric equivalents export types and constants with the
                same names as those exported by the generic package, rather
                than with names unique to the package.

58.d          * Implementations are not allowed to impose an optional
                restriction that the generic actual parameter associated with
                Real be unconstrained. (In view of the ability to declare
                variables of subtype Real'Base in implementations of
                Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types, this flexibility is no longer

58.e          * The dependence of the Argument function on the sign of a zero
                parameter component is tied to the value of Real'Signed_Zeros.

58.f          * Conformance to accuracy requirements is conditional.

                            Extensions to Ada 95

58.g/2      {AI95-00161-01} Amendment Correction: Added a pragma
            Preelaborable_Initialization to type Imaginary, so that it can be
            used in preelaborated units.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 95

58.h/2      {8652/0020} {AI95-00126-01} Corrigendum: Explicitly stated that
            the nongeneric equivalents of Generic_Complex_Types are pure.

G.1.2 Complex Elementary Functions

                              Static Semantics

1   The generic library package Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions
has the following declaration:

2/2     {AI95-00434-01} with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;
           with package Complex_Types is
                 new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (<>);
           use Complex_Types;
        package Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions is
           pragma Pure(Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions);

3          function Sqrt (X : Complex)   return Complex;
           function Log  (X : Complex)   return Complex;
           function Exp  (X : Complex)   return Complex;
           function Exp  (X : Imaginary) return Complex;
           function "**" (Left : Complex;   Right : Complex)   return Complex;
           function "**" (Left : Complex;   Right : Real'Base) return Complex;
           function "**" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Complex)   return Complex;

4          function Sin (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Cos (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Tan (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Cot (X : Complex) return Complex;

5          function Arcsin (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Arccos (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Arctan (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Arccot (X : Complex) return Complex;

6          function Sinh (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Cosh (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Tanh (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Coth (X : Complex) return Complex;

7          function Arcsinh (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Arccosh (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Arctanh (X : Complex) return Complex;
           function Arccoth (X : Complex) return Complex;

8       end Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions;

9/1 {8652/0020} {AI95-00126-01} The library package
Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions is declared pure and defines the same
subprograms as Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions, except that the
predefined type Float is systematically substituted for Real'Base, and the
Complex and Imaginary types exported by Numerics.Complex_Types are
systematically substituted for Complex and Imaginary, throughout. Nongeneric
equivalents of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions corresponding to
each of the other predefined floating point types are defined similarly, with
the names Numerics.Short_Complex_Elementary_Functions, Numerics.Long_Complex_-
Elementary_Functions, etc.

9.a         Reason: The nongeneric equivalents are provided to allow the
            programmer to construct simple mathematical applications without
            being required to understand and use generics.

10  The overloading of the Exp function for the pure-imaginary type is
provided to give the user an alternate way to compose a complex value from a
given modulus and argument. In addition to Compose_From_Polar(Rho, Theta) (see
G.1.1), the programmer may write Rho * Exp(i * Theta).

11  The imaginary (resp., real) component of the parameter X of the forward
hyperbolic (resp., trigonometric) functions and of the Exp function (and the
parameter X, itself, in the case of the overloading of the Exp function for
the pure-imaginary type) represents an angle measured in radians, as does the
imaginary (resp., real) component of the result of the Log and inverse
hyperbolic (resp., trigonometric) functions.

12  The functions have their usual mathematical meanings. However, the
arbitrariness inherent in the placement of branch cuts, across which some of
the complex elementary functions exhibit discontinuities, is eliminated by the
following conventions:

13    * The imaginary component of the result of the Sqrt and Log functions is
        discontinuous as the parameter X crosses the negative real axis.

14    * The result of the exponentiation operator when the left operand is of
        complex type is discontinuous as that operand crosses the negative
        real axis.

15/2   * {AI95-00185-01} The imaginary component of the result of the Arcsin,
        Arccos, and Arctanh functions is discontinuous as the parameter X
        crosses the real axis to the left of -1.0 or the right of 1.0.

16/2   * {AI95-00185-01} The real component of the result of the Arctan and
        Arcsinh functions is discontinuous as the parameter X crosses the
        imaginary axis below -i or above i.

17/2   * {AI95-00185-01} The real component of the result of the Arccot
        function is discontinuous as the parameter X crosses the imaginary
        axis below -i or above i.

18    * The imaginary component of the Arccosh function is discontinuous as
        the parameter X crosses the real axis to the left of 1.0.

19    * The imaginary component of the result of the Arccoth function is
        discontinuous as the parameter X crosses the real axis between -1.0
        and 1.0.

19.a/2      Discussion: {AI95-00185-01} The branch cuts come from the fact
            that the functions in question are really multi-valued in the
            complex domain, and that we have to pick one principal value to be
            the result of the function. Evidently we have much freedom in
            choosing where the branch cuts lie. However, we are adhering to
            the following principles which seem to lead to the more natural

19.b/2        * A branch cut should not intersect the real axis at a place
                where the corresponding real function is well-defined (in
                other words, the complex function should be an extension of
                the corresponding real function).

19.c/2        * Because all the functions in question are analytic, to ensure
                power series validity for the principal value, the branch cuts
                should be invariant by complex conjugation.

19.d/2        * For odd functions, to ensure that the principal value remains
                an odd function, the branch cuts should be invariant by
                reflection in the origin.

20/2 {AI95-00185-01} The computed results of the mathematically multivalued
functions are rendered single-valued by the following conventions, which are
meant to imply that the principal branch is an analytic continuation of the
corresponding real-valued function in Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions.
(For Arctan and Arccot, the single-argument function in question is that
obtained from the two-argument version by fixing the second argument to be its
default value.)

21    * The real component of the result of the Sqrt and Arccosh functions is

22    * The same convention applies to the imaginary component of the result
        of the Log function as applies to the result of the natural-cycle
        version of the Argument function of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types
        (see G.1.1).

23    * The range of the real (resp., imaginary) component of the result of
        the Arcsin and Arctan (resp., Arcsinh and Arctanh) functions is
        approximately -PI/2.0 to PI/2.0.

24    * The real (resp., imaginary) component of the result of the Arccos and
        Arccot (resp., Arccoth) functions ranges from 0.0 to approximately

25    * The range of the imaginary component of the result of the Arccosh
        function is approximately -PI to PI.

26  In addition, the exponentiation operator inherits the single-valuedness of
the Log function.

                              Dynamic Semantics

27  The exception Numerics.Argument_Error is raised by the exponentiation
operator, signaling a parameter value outside the domain of the corresponding
mathematical function, when the value of the left operand is zero and the real
component of the exponent (or the exponent itself, when it is of real type) is

28  The exception Constraint_Error is raised, signaling a pole of the
mathematical function (analogous to dividing by zero), in the following cases,
provided that Complex_Types.Real'Machine_Overflows is True:

29    * by the Log, Cot, and Coth functions, when the value of the parameter X
        is zero;

30    * by the exponentiation operator, when the value of the left operand is
        zero and the real component of the exponent (or the exponent itself,
        when it is of real type) is negative;

31    * by the Arctan and Arccot functions, when the value of the parameter X
        is ± i;

32    * by the Arctanh and Arccoth functions, when the value of the parameter
        X is ± 1.0.

33  [Constraint_Error can also be raised when a finite result overflows (see
G.2.6); this may occur for parameter values sufficiently near poles, and, in
the case of some of the functions, for parameter values having components of
sufficiently large magnitude.] When Complex_Types.Real'Machine_Overflows is
False, the result at poles is unspecified.

33.a        Reason: The purpose of raising Constraint_Error (rather than
            Numerics.Argument_Error) at the poles of a function, when
            Float_Type'Machine_Overflows is True, is to provide continuous
            behavior as the actual parameters of the function approach the
            pole and finally reach it.

33.b        Discussion: It is anticipated that an Ada binding to IEC 559:1989
            will be developed in the future. As part of such a binding, the
            Machine_Overflows attribute of a conformant floating point type
            will be specified to yield False, which will permit
            implementations of the complex elementary functions to deliver
            results with an infinite component (and set the overflow flag
            defined by the binding) instead of raising Constraint_Error in
            overflow situations, when traps are disabled. Similarly, it is
            appropriate for the complex elementary functions to deliver
            results with an infinite component (and set the zero-divide flag
            defined by the binding) instead of raising Constraint_Error at
            poles, when traps are disabled. Finally, such a binding should
            also specify the behavior of the complex elementary functions,
            when sensible, given parameters with infinite components.

                         Implementation Requirements

34  In the implementation of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions,
the range of intermediate values allowed during the calculation of a final
result shall not be affected by any range constraint of the subtype

34.a        Implementation Note: Implementations of
            Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions written in Ada
            should therefore avoid declaring local variables of subtype
            Complex_Types.Real; the subtype Complex_Types.Real'Base should be
            used instead.

35  In the following cases, evaluation of a complex elementary function shall
yield the prescribed result (or a result having the prescribed component),
provided that the preceding rules do not call for an exception to be raised:

36    * When the parameter X has the value zero, the Sqrt, Sin, Arcsin, Tan,
        Arctan, Sinh, Arcsinh, Tanh, and Arctanh functions yield a result of
        zero; the Exp, Cos, and Cosh functions yield a result of one; the
        Arccos and Arccot functions yield a real result; and the Arccoth
        function yields an imaginary result.

37    * When the parameter X has the value one, the Sqrt function yields a
        result of one; the Log, Arccos, and Arccosh functions yield a result
        of zero; and the Arcsin function yields a real result.

38    * When the parameter X has the value -1.0, the Sqrt function yields the

39        * i (resp., -i), when the sign of the imaginary component of X is
            positive (resp., negative), if Complex_Types.Real'Signed_Zeros is

40        * i, if Complex_Types.Real'Signed_Zeros is False;

41/2   * {AI95-00434-01} When the parameter X has the value -1.0, the Log
        function yields an imaginary result; and the Arcsin and Arccos
        functions yield a real result.

42    * When the parameter X has the value ± i, the Log function yields an
        imaginary result.

43    * Exponentiation by a zero exponent yields the value one. Exponentiation
        by a unit exponent yields the value of the left operand (as a complex
        value). Exponentiation of the value one yields the value one.
        Exponentiation of the value zero yields the value zero.

43.a        Discussion: It is possible to give many other prescribed results
            restricting the result to the real or imaginary axis when the
            parameter X is appropriately restricted to easily testable
            portions of the domain. We follow the proposed ISO/IEC standard
            for Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions (for Ada 83), CD 13813,
            in not doing so, however.

44  Other accuracy requirements for the complex elementary functions, which
apply only in the strict mode, are given in G.2.6.

45  The sign of a zero result or zero result component yielded by a complex
elementary function is implementation defined when
Complex_Types.Real'Signed_Zeros is True.

45.a        Implementation defined: The sign of a zero result (or a component
            thereof) from any operator or function in
            Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions, when
            Complex_Types.Real'Signed_Zeros is True.

                         Implementation Permissions

46  The nongeneric equivalent packages may, but need not, be actual
instantiations of the generic package with the appropriate predefined
nongeneric equivalent of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types; if they are, then the
latter shall have been obtained by actual instantiation of

47  The exponentiation operator may be implemented in terms of the Exp and Log
functions. Because this implementation yields poor accuracy in some parts of
the domain, no accuracy requirement is imposed on complex exponentiation.

48  The implementation of the Exp function of a complex parameter X is allowed
to raise the exception Constraint_Error, signaling overflow, when the real
component of X exceeds an unspecified threshold that is approximately log(
Complex_Types.Real'Safe_Last). This permission recognizes the impracticality
of avoiding overflow in the marginal case that the exponential of the real
component of X exceeds the safe range of Complex_Types.Real but both
components of the final result do not. Similarly, the Sin and Cos (resp., Sinh
and Cosh) functions are allowed to raise the exception Constraint_Error,
signaling overflow, when the absolute value of the imaginary (resp., real)
component of the parameter X exceeds an unspecified threshold that is
approximately log(Complex_Types.Real'Safe_Last) + log(2.0). This permission
recognizes the impracticality of avoiding overflow in the marginal case that
the hyperbolic sine or cosine of the imaginary (resp., real) component of X
exceeds the safe range of Complex_Types.Real but both components of the final
result do not.

                            Implementation Advice

49  Implementations in which Complex_Types.Real'Signed_Zeros is True should
attempt to provide a rational treatment of the signs of zero results and
result components. For example, many of the complex elementary functions have
components that are odd functions of one of the parameter components; in these
cases, the result component should have the sign of the parameter component at
the origin. Other complex elementary functions have zero components whose sign
is opposite that of a parameter component at the origin, or is always positive
or always negative.

49.a.1/3    Implementation Advice: If Complex_Types.Real'Signed_Zeros is True
            for Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions, a rational
            treatment of the signs of zero results and result components
            should be provided.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 83

49.a        The semantics of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions
            differs from Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions as defined in
            ISO/IEC CD 13814 (for Ada 83) in the following ways:

49.b          * The generic package is a child unit of the package defining
                the Argument_Error exception.

49.c          * The proposed Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions standard
                (for Ada 83) specified names for the nongeneric equivalents,
                if provided. Here, those nongeneric equivalents are required.

49.d          * The generic package imports an instance of
                Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types rather than a long list of
                individual types and operations exported by such an instance.

49.e          * The dependence of the imaginary component of the Sqrt and Log
                functions on the sign of a zero parameter component is tied to
                the value of Complex_Types.Real'Signed_Zeros.

49.f          * Conformance to accuracy requirements is conditional.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 95

49.g/2      {8652/0020} {AI95-00126-01} Corrigendum: Explicitly stated that
            the nongeneric equivalents of Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions
            are pure.

49.h/2      {AI95-00185-01} Corrected various inconsistencies in the
            definition of the branch cuts.

G.1.3 Complex Input-Output

1   The generic package Text_IO.Complex_IO defines procedures for the
formatted input and output of complex values. The generic actual parameter in
an instantiation of Text_IO.Complex_IO is an instance of
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types for some floating point subtype. Exceptional
conditions are reported by raising the appropriate exception defined in

1.a         Implementation Note: An implementation of Text_IO.Complex_IO can
            be built around an instance of Text_IO.Float_IO for the base
            subtype of Complex_Types.Real, where Complex_Types is the generic
            formal package parameter of Text_IO.Complex_IO. There is no need
            for an implementation of Text_IO.Complex_IO to parse real values.

                              Static Semantics

2   The generic library package Text_IO.Complex_IO has the following

2.a         Ramification: Because this is a child of Text_IO, the declarations
            of the visible part of Text_IO are directly visible within it.

3       with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;
           with package Complex_Types is
                 new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (<>);
        package Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO is

4          use Complex_Types;

5          Default_Fore : Field := 2;
           Default_Aft  : Field := Real'Digits - 1;
           Default_Exp  : Field := 3;

6          procedure Get (File  : in  File_Type;
                          Item  : out Complex;
                          Width : in  Field := 0);
           procedure Get (Item  : out Complex;
                          Width : in  Field := 0);

7          procedure Put (File : in File_Type;
                          Item : in Complex;
                          Fore : in Field := Default_Fore;
                          Aft  : in Field := Default_Aft;
                          Exp  : in Field := Default_Exp);
           procedure Put (Item : in Complex;
                          Fore : in Field := Default_Fore;
                          Aft  : in Field := Default_Aft;
                          Exp  : in Field := Default_Exp);

8          procedure Get (From : in  String;
                          Item : out Complex;
                          Last : out Positive);
           procedure Put (To   : out String;
                          Item : in  Complex;
                          Aft  : in  Field := Default_Aft;
                          Exp  : in  Field := Default_Exp);

9       end Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO;

9.1/2 {AI95-00328-01} The library package Complex_Text_IO defines the same
subprograms as Text_IO.Complex_IO, except that the predefined type Float is
systematically substituted for Real, and the type
Numerics.Complex_Types.Complex is systematically substituted for Complex
throughout. Nongeneric equivalents of Text_IO.Complex_IO corresponding to each
of the other predefined floating point types are defined similarly, with the
names Short_Complex_Text_IO, Long_Complex_Text_IO, etc.

9.a/2       Reason: The nongeneric equivalents are provided to allow the
            programmer to construct simple mathematical applications without
            being required to understand and use generics.

10  The semantics of the Get and Put procedures are as follows:

11      procedure Get (File  : in  File_Type;
                       Item  : out Complex;
                       Width : in  Field := 0);
        procedure Get (Item  : out Complex;
                       Width : in  Field := 0);

12/1        {8652/0092} {AI95-00029-01} The input sequence is a pair of
            optionally signed real literals representing the real and
            imaginary components of a complex value. These components have the
            format defined for the corresponding Get procedure of an instance
            of Text_IO.Float_IO (see A.10.9) for the base subtype of
            Complex_Types.Real. The pair of components may be separated by a
            comma or surrounded by a pair of parentheses or both. Blanks are
            freely allowed before each of the components and before the
            parentheses and comma, if either is used. If the value of the
            parameter Width is zero, then

13            * line and page terminators are also allowed in these places;

14            * the components shall be separated by at least one blank or
                line terminator if the comma is omitted; and

15            * reading stops when the right parenthesis has been read, if the
                input sequence includes a left parenthesis, or when the
                imaginary component has been read, otherwise.

15.1        If a nonzero value of Width is supplied, then

16            * the components shall be separated by at least one blank if the
                comma is omitted; and

17            * exactly Width characters are read, or the characters (possibly
                none) up to a line terminator, whichever comes first (blanks
                are included in the count).

17.a        Reason: The parenthesized and comma-separated form is the form
            produced by Put on output (see below), and also by list-directed
            output in Fortran. The other allowed forms match several common
            styles of edit-directed output in Fortran, allowing most
            preexisting Fortran data files containing complex data to be read
            easily. When such files contain complex values with no separation
            between the real and imaginary components, the user will have to
            read those components separately, using an instance of

18          Returns, in the parameter Item, the value of type Complex that
            corresponds to the input sequence.

19          The exception Text_IO.Data_Error is raised if the input sequence
            does not have the required syntax or if the components of the
            complex value obtained are not of the base subtype of

20      procedure Put (File : in File_Type;
                       Item : in Complex;
                       Fore : in Field := Default_Fore;
                       Aft  : in Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp  : in Field := Default_Exp);
        procedure Put (Item : in Complex;
                       Fore : in Field := Default_Fore;
                       Aft  : in Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp  : in Field := Default_Exp);

21          Outputs the value of the parameter Item as a pair of decimal
            literals representing the real and imaginary components of the
            complex value, using the syntax of an aggregate. More

22            * outputs a left parenthesis;

23            * outputs the value of the real component of the parameter Item
                with the format defined by the corresponding Put procedure of
                an instance of Text_IO.Float_IO for the base subtype of
                Complex_Types.Real, using the given values of Fore, Aft, and

24            * outputs a comma;

25            * outputs the value of the imaginary component of the parameter
                Item with the format defined by the corresponding Put
                procedure of an instance of Text_IO.Float_IO for the base
                subtype of Complex_Types.Real, using the given values of Fore,
                Aft, and Exp;

26            * outputs a right parenthesis.

26.a        Discussion: If the file has a bounded line length, a line
            terminator may be output implicitly before any element of the
            sequence itemized above.

26.b        Discussion: The option of outputting the complex value as a pair
            of reals without additional punctuation is not provided, since it
            can be accomplished by outputting the real and imaginary
            components of the complex value separately.

27      procedure Get (From : in  String;
                       Item : out Complex;
                       Last : out Positive);

28/2        {AI95-00434-01} Reads a complex value from the beginning of the
            given string, following the same rule as the Get procedure that
            reads a complex value from a file, but treating the end of the
            string as a file terminator. Returns, in the parameter Item, the
            value of type Complex that corresponds to the input sequence.
            Returns in Last the index value such that From(Last) is the last
            character read.

29          The exception Text_IO.Data_Error is raised if the input sequence
            does not have the required syntax or if the components of the
            complex value obtained are not of the base subtype of

30      procedure Put (To   : out String;
                       Item : in  Complex;
                       Aft  : in  Field := Default_Aft;
                       Exp  : in  Field := Default_Exp);

31          Outputs the value of the parameter Item to the given string as a
            pair of decimal literals representing the real and imaginary
            components of the complex value, using the syntax of an aggregate.
            More specifically,

32            * a left parenthesis, the real component, and a comma are left
                justified in the given string, with the real component having
                the format defined by the Put procedure (for output to a file)
                of an instance of Text_IO.Float_IO for the base subtype of
                Complex_Types.Real, using a value of zero for Fore and the
                given values of Aft and Exp;

33            * the imaginary component and a right parenthesis are right
                justified in the given string, with the imaginary component
                having the format defined by the Put procedure (for output to
                a file) of an instance of Text_IO.Float_IO for the base
                subtype of Complex_Types.Real, using a value for Fore that
                completely fills the remainder of the string, together with
                the given values of Aft and Exp.

33.a        Reason: This rule is the one proposed in LSN-1051. Other rules
            were considered, including one that would have read "Outputs the
            value of the parameter Item to the given string, following the
            same rule as for output to a file, using a value for Fore such
            that the sequence of characters output exactly fills, or comes
            closest to filling, the string; in the latter case, the string is
            filled by inserting one extra blank immediately after the
            comma." While this latter rule might be considered the closest analogue
            to the rule for output to a string in Text_IO.Float_IO, it
            requires a more difficult and inefficient implementation involving
            special cases when the integer part of one component is
            substantially longer than that of the other and the string is too
            short to allow both to be preceded by blanks. Unless such a
            special case applies, the latter rule might produce better
            columnar output if several such strings are ultimately output to a
            file, but very nearly the same output can be produced by
            outputting to the file directly, with the appropriate value of
            Fore; in any case, it might validly be assumed that output to a
            string is intended for further computation rather than for
            display, so that the precise formatting of the string to achieve a
            particular appearance is not the major concern.

34          The exception Text_IO.Layout_Error is raised if the given string
            is too short to hold the formatted output.

                         Implementation Permissions

35  Other exceptions declared (by renaming) in Text_IO may be raised by the
preceding procedures in the appropriate circumstances, as for the
corresponding procedures of Text_IO.Float_IO.

                            Extensions to Ada 95

35.a/2      {AI95-00328-01} Nongeneric equivalents for Text_IO.Complex_IO are
            added, to be consistent with all other language-defined Numerics
            generic packages.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 95

35.b/2      {8652/0092} {AI95-00029-01} Corrigendum: Clarified that the syntax
            of values read by Complex_IO is the same as that read by

G.1.4 The Package Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO

                              Static Semantics

1   Implementations shall also provide the generic library package
Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO. Its declaration is obtained from that of
Text_IO.Complex_IO by systematically replacing Text_IO by Wide_Text_IO and
String by Wide_String; the description of its behavior is obtained by
additionally replacing references to particular characters (commas,
parentheses, etc.) by those for the corresponding wide characters.

G.1.5 The Package Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO

                              Static Semantics

1/2 {AI95-00285-01} Implementations shall also provide the generic library
package Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO. Its declaration is obtained from that of
Text_IO.Complex_IO by systematically replacing Text_IO by Wide_Wide_Text_IO
and String by Wide_Wide_String; the description of its behavior is obtained by
additionally replacing references to particular characters (commas,
parentheses, etc.) by those for the corresponding wide wide characters.

                            Extensions to Ada 95

1.a/2       {AI95-00285-01} Package Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO is new. (At
            least it wasn't called Incredibly_Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO; maybe
            next time.)

G.2 Numeric Performance Requirements

                         Implementation Requirements

1   Implementations shall provide a user-selectable mode in which the accuracy
and other numeric performance requirements detailed in the following
subclauses are observed. This mode, referred to as the strict mode, may or may
not be the default mode; it directly affects the results of the predefined
arithmetic operations of real types and the results of the subprograms in
children of the Numerics package, and indirectly affects the operations in
other language defined packages. Implementations shall also provide the
opposing mode, which is known as the relaxed mode.

1.a         Reason: On the assumption that the users of an implementation that
            does not support the Numerics Annex have no particular need for
            numerical performance, such an implementation has no obligation to
            meet any particular requirements in this area. On the other hand,
            users of an implementation that does support the Numerics Annex
            are provided with a way of ensuring that their programs achieve a
            known level of numerical performance and that the performance is
            portable to other such implementations. The relaxed mode is
            provided to allow implementers to offer an efficient but not fully
            accurate alternative in the case that the strict mode entails a
            time overhead that some users may find excessive. In some of its
            areas of impact, the relaxed mode may be fully equivalent to the
            strict mode.

1.b         Implementation Note: The relaxed mode may, for example, be used to
            exploit the implementation of (some of) the elementary functions
            in hardware, when available. Such implementations often do not
            meet the accuracy requirements of the strict mode, or do not meet
            them over the specified range of parameter values, but compensate
            in other ways that may be important to the user, such as their
            extreme speed.

1.c         Ramification: For implementations supporting the Numerics Annex,
            the choice of mode has no effect on the selection of a
            representation for a real type or on the values of attributes of a
            real type.

                         Implementation Permissions

2   Either mode may be the default mode.

2.a         Implementation defined: Whether the strict mode or the relaxed
            mode is the default.

3   The two modes need not actually be different.

                            Extensions to Ada 83

3.a         The choice between strict and relaxed numeric performance was not
            available in Ada 83.

G.2.1 Model of Floating Point Arithmetic

1   In the strict mode, the predefined operations of a floating point type
shall satisfy the accuracy requirements specified here and shall avoid or
signal overflow in the situations described. This behavior is presented in
terms of a model of floating point arithmetic that builds on the concept of
the canonical form (see A.5.3).

                              Static Semantics

2   Associated with each floating point type is an infinite set of model
numbers. The model numbers of a type are used to define the accuracy
requirements that have to be satisfied by certain predefined operations of the
type; through certain attributes of the model numbers, they are also used to
explain the meaning of a user-declared floating point type declaration. The
model numbers of a derived type are those of the parent type; the model
numbers of a subtype are those of its type.

3   The model numbers of a floating point type T are zero and all the values
expressible in the canonical form (for the type T), in which mantissa has
T'Model_Mantissa digits and exponent has a value greater than or equal to
T'Model_Emin. (These attributes are defined in G.2.2.)

3.a         Discussion: The model is capable of describing the behavior of
            most existing hardware that has a mantissa-exponent
            representation. As applied to a type T, it is parameterized by the
            values of T'Machine_Radix, T'Model_Mantissa, T'Model_Emin,
            T'Safe_First, and T'Safe_Last. The values of these attributes are
            determined by how, and how well, the hardware behaves. They in
            turn determine the set of model numbers and the safe range of the
            type, which figure in the accuracy and range (overflow avoidance)

3.b         In hardware that is free of arithmetic anomalies,
            T'Model_Mantissa, T'Model_Emin, T'Safe_First, and T'Safe_Last will
            yield the same values as T'Machine_Mantissa, T'Machine_Emin,
            T'Base'First, and T'Base'Last, respectively, and the model numbers
            in the safe range of the type T will coincide with the machine
            numbers of the type T. In less perfect hardware, it is not
            possible for the model-oriented attributes to have these optimal
            values, since the hardware, by definition, and therefore the
            implementation, cannot conform to the stringencies of the
            resulting model; in this case, the values yielded by the
            model-oriented parameters have to be made more conservative (i.e.,
            have to be penalized), with the result that the model numbers are
            more widely separated than the machine numbers, and the safe range
            is a subrange of the base range. The implementation will then be
            able to conform to the requirements of the weaker model defined by
            the sparser set of model numbers and the smaller safe range.

4   A model interval of a floating point type is any interval whose bounds are
model numbers of the type. The model interval of a type T associated with a
value v is the smallest model interval of T that includes v. (The model
interval associated with a model number of a type consists of that number

                         Implementation Requirements

5   The accuracy requirements for the evaluation of certain predefined
operations of floating point types are as follows.

5.a         Discussion: This subclause does not cover the accuracy of an
            operation of a static expression; such operations have to be
            evaluated exactly (see 4.9). It also does not cover the accuracy
            of the predefined attributes of a floating point subtype that
            yield a value of the type; such operations also yield exact
            results (see 3.5.8 and A.5.3).

6   An operand interval is the model interval, of the type specified for the
operand of an operation, associated with the value of the operand.

7   For any predefined arithmetic operation that yields a result of a floating
point type T, the required bounds on the result are given by a model interval
of T (called the result interval) defined in terms of the operand values as

8     * The result interval is the smallest model interval of T that includes
        the minimum and the maximum of all the values obtained by applying the
        (exact) mathematical operation to values arbitrarily selected from the
        respective operand intervals.

9   The result interval of an exponentiation is obtained by applying the above
rule to the sequence of multiplications defined by the exponent, assuming
arbitrary association of the factors, and to the final division in the case of
a negative exponent.

10  The result interval of a conversion of a numeric value to a floating point
type T is the model interval of T associated with the operand value, except
when the source expression is of a fixed point type with a small that is not a
power of T'Machine_Radix or is a fixed point multiplication or division either
of whose operands has a small that is not a power of T'Machine_Radix; in these
cases, the result interval is implementation defined.

10.a        Implementation defined: The result interval in certain cases of
            fixed-to-float conversion.

11  For any of the foregoing operations, the implementation shall deliver a
value that belongs to the result interval when both bounds of the result
interval are in the safe range of the result type T, as determined by the
values of T'Safe_First and T'Safe_Last; otherwise,

12    * if T'Machine_Overflows is True, the implementation shall either
        deliver a value that belongs to the result interval or raise

13    * if T'Machine_Overflows is False, the result is implementation defined.

13.a        Implementation defined: The result of a floating point arithmetic
            operation in overflow situations, when the Machine_Overflows
            attribute of the result type is False.

14  For any predefined relation on operands of a floating point type T, the
implementation may deliver any value (i.e., either True or False) obtained by
applying the (exact) mathematical comparison to values arbitrarily chosen from
the respective operand intervals.

15  The result of a membership test is defined in terms of comparisons of the
operand value with the lower and upper bounds of the given range or type mark
(the usual rules apply to these comparisons).

                         Implementation Permissions

16  If the underlying floating point hardware implements division as
multiplication by a reciprocal, the result interval for division (and
exponentiation by a negative exponent) is implementation defined.

16.a        Implementation defined: The result interval for division (or
            exponentiation by a negative exponent), when the floating point
            hardware implements division as multiplication by a reciprocal.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 83

16.b        The Ada 95 model numbers of a floating point type that are in the
            safe range of the type are comparable to the Ada 83 safe numbers
            of the type. There is no analog of the Ada 83 model numbers. The
            Ada 95 model numbers, when not restricted to the safe range, are
            an infinite set.

                         Inconsistencies With Ada 83

16.c        Giving the model numbers the hardware radix, instead of always a
            radix of two, allows (in conjunction with other changes) some
            borderline declared types to be represented with less precision
            than in Ada 83 (i.e., with single precision, whereas Ada 83 would
            have used double precision). Because the lower precision satisfies
            the requirements of the model (and did so in Ada 83 as well), this
            change is viewed as a desirable correction of an anomaly, rather
            than a worrisome inconsistency. (Of course, the wider
            representation chosen in Ada 83 also remains eligible for
            selection in Ada 95.)

16.d        As an example of this phenomenon, assume that Float is represented
            in single precision and that a double precision type is also
            available. Also assume hexadecimal hardware with clean properties,
            for example certain IBM hardware. Then,

16.e            type T is digits Float'Digits range -Float'Last .. Float'Last;

16.f        results in T being represented in double precision in Ada 83 and
            in single precision in Ada 95. The latter is intuitively correct;
            the former is counterintuitive. The reason why the double
            precision type is used in Ada 83 is that Float has model and safe
            numbers (in Ada 83) with 21 binary digits in their mantissas, as
            is required to model the hypothesized hexadecimal hardware using a
            binary radix; thus Float'Last, which is not a model number, is
            slightly outside the range of safe numbers of the single precision
            type, making that type ineligible for selection as the
            representation of T even though it provides adequate precision. In
            Ada 95, Float'Last (the same value as before) is a model number
            and is in the safe range of Float on the hypothesized hardware,
            making Float eligible for the representation of T.

                            Extensions to Ada 83

16.g        Giving the model numbers the hardware radix allows for practical
            implementations on decimal hardware.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 83

16.h        The wording of the model of floating point arithmetic has been
            simplified to a large extent.

G.2.2 Model-Oriented Attributes of Floating Point Types

1   In implementations that support the Numerics Annex, the model-oriented
attributes of floating point types shall yield the values defined here, in
both the strict and the relaxed modes. These definitions add conditions to
those in A.5.3.

                              Static Semantics

2   For every subtype S of a floating point type T:

3/2 {AI95-00256-01} S'Model_Mantissa
                Yields the number of digits in the mantissa of the canonical
                form of the model numbers of T (see A.5.3). The value of this
                attribute shall be greater than or equal to

3.1/2               Ceiling(d · log(10) / log(T'Machine_Radix)) + g

3.2/2           where d is the requested decimal precision of T, and g is 0 if
                T'Machine_Radix is a positive power of 10 and 1 otherwise. In
                addition, T'Model_Mantissa shall be less than or equal to the
                value of T'Machine_Mantissa. This attribute yields a value of
                the type universal_integer.

3.a         Ramification: S'Model_Epsilon, which is defined in terms of
            S'Model_Mantissa (see A.5.3), yields the absolute value of the
            difference between one and the next model number of the type T
            above one. It is equal to or larger than the absolute value of the
            difference between one and the next machine number of the type T
            above one.

4   S'Model_Emin
                Yields the minimum exponent of the canonical form of the model
                numbers of T (see A.5.3). The value of this attribute shall be
                greater than or equal to the value of T'Machine_Emin. This
                attribute yields a value of the type universal_integer.

4.a         Ramification: S'Model_Small, which is defined in terms of
            S'Model_Emin (see A.5.3), yields the smallest positive (nonzero)
            model number of the type T.

5   S'Safe_First
                Yields the lower bound of the safe range of T. The value of
                this attribute shall be a model number of T and greater than
                or equal to the lower bound of the base range of T. In
                addition, if T is declared by a floating_point_definition or
                is derived from such a type, and the
                floating_point_definition includes a
                real_range_specification specifying a lower bound of lb, then
                the value of this attribute shall be less than or equal to lb;
                otherwise, it shall be less than or equal to -10.0 (4 · d),
                where d is the requested decimal precision of T. This
                attribute yields a value of the type universal_real.

6   S'Safe_Last Yields the upper bound of the safe range of T. The value of
                this attribute shall be a model number of T and less than or
                equal to the upper bound of the base range of T. In addition,
                if T is declared by a floating_point_definition or is derived
                from such a type, and the floating_point_definition includes a
                real_range_specification specifying an upper bound of ub, then
                the value of this attribute shall be greater than or equal to
                ub; otherwise, it shall be greater than or equal to 10.0 (4 ·
                d), where d is the requested decimal precision of T. This
                attribute yields a value of the type universal_real.

7   S'Model     Denotes a function (of a parameter X) whose specification is
                given in A.5.3. If X is a model number of T, the function
                yields X; otherwise, it yields the value obtained by rounding
                or truncating X to either one of the adjacent model numbers of
                T. Constraint_Error is raised if the resulting model number is
                outside the safe range of S. A zero result has the sign of X
                when S'Signed_Zeros is True.

8   Subject to the constraints given above, the values of S'Model_Mantissa and
S'Safe_Last are to be maximized, and the values of S'Model_Emin and
S'Safe_First minimized, by the implementation as follows:

9     * First, S'Model_Mantissa is set to the largest value for which values
        of S'Model_Emin, S'Safe_First, and S'Safe_Last can be chosen so that
        the implementation satisfies the strict-mode requirements of G.2.1 in
        terms of the model numbers and safe range induced by these attributes.

10    * Next, S'Model_Emin is set to the smallest value for which values of
        S'Safe_First and S'Safe_Last can be chosen so that the implementation
        satisfies the strict-mode requirements of G.2.1 in terms of the model
        numbers and safe range induced by these attributes and the previously
        determined value of S'Model_Mantissa.

11/3   * {AI05-0092-1} Finally, S'Safe_First and S'Safe_Last are set (in
        either order) to the smallest and largest values, respectively, for
        which the implementation satisfies the strict-mode requirements of
        G.2.1 in terms of the model numbers and safe range induced by these
        attributes and the previously determined values of S'Model_Mantissa
        and S'Model_Emin.

11.a        Ramification: The following table shows appropriate attribute
            values for IEEE basic single and double precision types (ANSI/IEEE
            Std 754-1985, IEC 559:1989). Here, we use the names IEEE_Float_32
            and IEEE_Float_64, the names that would typically be declared in
            package Interfaces, in an implementation that supports IEEE
            arithmetic. In such an implementation, the attributes would
            typically be the same for Standard.Float and Long_Float,

11.b            Attribute                        IEEE_Float_32                 IEEE_Float_64

11.c            'Machine_Radix                               2                             2
                'Machine_Mantissa                           24                            53
                'Machine_Emin                             -125                         -1021
                'Machine_Emax                              128                          1024
                'Denorm                                   True                          True
                'Machine_Rounds                           True                          True
                'Machine_Overflows                  True/False                    True/False
                'Signed_Zeros                   should be True                should be True

11.d            'Model_Mantissa    (same as 'Machine_Mantissa)   (same as 'Machine_Mantissa)
                'Model_Emin            (same as 'Machine_Emin)       (same as 'Machine_Emin)
                'Model_Epsilon                      2.0**(-23)                    2.0**(-52)
                'Model_Small                       2.0**(-126)                  2.0**(-1022)
                'Safe_First         -2.0**128*(1.0-2.0**(-24))   -2.0**1024*(1.0-2.0**(-53))
                'Safe_Last           2.0**128*(1.0-2.0**(-24))    2.0**1024*(1.0-2.0**(-53))

11.e            'Digits                                      6                            15
                'Base'Digits                 (same as 'Digits)             (same as 'Digits)

11.f            'First                   (same as 'Safe_First)         (same as 'Safe_First)
                'Last                     (same as 'Safe_Last)          (same as 'Safe_Last)
                'Size                                       32                            64

11.g        Note: 'Machine_Overflows can be True or False, depending on
            whether the Ada implementation raises Constraint_Error or delivers
            a signed infinity in overflow and zerodivide situations (and at
            poles of the elementary functions).

                         Wording Changes from Ada 95

11.h/2      {AI95-00256-01} Corrected the definition of Model_Mantissa to
            match that given in 3.5.8.

G.2.3 Model of Fixed Point Arithmetic

1   In the strict mode, the predefined arithmetic operations of a fixed point
type shall satisfy the accuracy requirements specified here and shall avoid or
signal overflow in the situations described.

                         Implementation Requirements

2   The accuracy requirements for the predefined fixed point arithmetic
operations and conversions, and the results of relations on fixed point
operands, are given below.

2.a         Discussion: This subclause does not cover the accuracy of an
            operation of a static expression; such operations have to be
            evaluated exactly (see 4.9).

3   The operands of the fixed point adding operators, absolute value, and
comparisons have the same type. These operations are required to yield exact
results, unless they overflow.

4   Multiplications and divisions are allowed between operands of any two
fixed point types; the result has to be (implicitly or explicitly) converted
to some other numeric type. For purposes of defining the accuracy rules, the
multiplication or division and the conversion are treated as a single
operation whose accuracy depends on three types (those of the operands and the
result). For decimal fixed point types, the attribute T'Round may be used to
imply explicit conversion with rounding (see 3.5.10).

5   When the result type is a floating point type, the accuracy is as given in
G.2.1. For some combinations of the operand and result types in the remaining
cases, the result is required to belong to a small set of values called the
perfect result set; for other combinations, it is required merely to belong to
a generally larger and implementation-defined set of values called the close
result set. When the result type is a decimal fixed point type, the perfect
result set contains a single value; thus, operations on decimal types are
always fully specified.

5.a         Implementation defined: The definition of close result set, which
            determines the accuracy of certain fixed point multiplications and

6   When one operand of a fixed-fixed multiplication or division is of type
universal_real, that operand is not implicitly converted in the usual sense,
since the context does not determine a unique target type, but the accuracy of
the result of the multiplication or division (i.e., whether the result has to
belong to the perfect result set or merely the close result set) depends on
the value of the operand of type universal_real and on the types of the other
operand and of the result.

6.a         Discussion: We need not consider here the multiplication or
            division of two such operands, since in that case either the
            operation is evaluated exactly (i.e., it is an operation of a
            static expression all of whose operators are of a root numeric
            type) or it is considered to be an operation of a floating point

7   For a fixed point multiplication or division whose (exact) mathematical
result is v, and for the conversion of a value v to a fixed point type, the
perfect result set and close result set are defined as follows:

8     * If the result type is an ordinary fixed point type with a small of s,

9         * if v is an integer multiple of s, then the perfect result set
            contains only the value v;

10        * otherwise, it contains the integer multiple of s just below v and
            the integer multiple of s just above v.

11      The close result set is an implementation-defined set of consecutive
        integer multiples of s containing the perfect result set as a subset.

12    * If the result type is a decimal type with a small of s,

13        * if v is an integer multiple of s, then the perfect result set
            contains only the value v;

14/3      * {AI05-0264-1} otherwise, if truncation applies, then it contains
            only the integer multiple of s in the direction toward zero,
            whereas if rounding applies, then it contains only the nearest
            integer multiple of s (with ties broken by rounding away from

15      The close result set is an implementation-defined set of consecutive
        integer multiples of s containing the perfect result set as a subset.

15.a        Ramification: As a consequence of subsequent rules, this case does
            not arise when the operand types are also decimal types.

16    * If the result type is an integer type,

17        * if v is an integer, then the perfect result set contains only the
            value v;

18        * otherwise, it contains the integer nearest to the value v (if v
            lies equally distant from two consecutive integers, the perfect
            result set contains the one that is further from zero).

19      The close result set is an implementation-defined set of consecutive
        integers containing the perfect result set as a subset.

20  The result of a fixed point multiplication or division shall belong either
to the perfect result set or to the close result set, as described below, if
overflow does not occur. In the following cases, if the result type is a fixed
point type, let s be its small; otherwise, i.e. when the result type is an
integer type, let s be 1.0.

21    * For a multiplication or division neither of whose operands is of type
        universal_real, let l and r be the smalls of the left and right
        operands. For a multiplication, if (l · r) / s is an integer or the
        reciprocal of an integer (the smalls are said to be "compatible" in
        this case), the result shall belong to the perfect result set;
        otherwise, it belongs to the close result set. For a division, if l /
        (r · s) is an integer or the reciprocal of an integer (i.e., the
        smalls are compatible), the result shall belong to the perfect result
        set; otherwise, it belongs to the close result set.

21.a        Ramification: When the operand and result types are all decimal
            types, their smalls are necessarily compatible; the same is true
            when they are all ordinary fixed point types with binary smalls.

22    * For a multiplication or division having one universal_real operand
        with a value of v, note that it is always possible to factor v as an
        integer multiple of a "compatible" small, but the integer multiple may
        be "too big." If there exists a factorization in which that multiple
        is less than some implementation-defined limit, the result shall
        belong to the perfect result set; otherwise, it belongs to the close
        result set.

22.a        Implementation defined: Conditions on a universal_real operand of
            a fixed point multiplication or division for which the result
            shall be in the perfect result set.

23  A multiplication P * Q of an operand of a fixed point type F by an operand
of an integer type I, or vice-versa, and a division P / Q of an operand of a
fixed point type F by an operand of an integer type I, are also allowed. In
these cases, the result has a type of F; explicit conversion of the result is
never required. The accuracy required in these cases is the same as that
required for a multiplication F(P * Q) or a division F(P / Q) obtained by
interpreting the operand of the integer type to have a fixed point type with a
small of 1.0.

24  The accuracy of the result of a conversion from an integer or fixed point
type to a fixed point type, or from a fixed point type to an integer type, is
the same as that of a fixed point multiplication of the source value by a
fixed point operand having a small of 1.0 and a value of 1.0, as given by the
foregoing rules. The result of a conversion from a floating point type to a
fixed point type shall belong to the close result set. The result of a
conversion of a universal_real operand to a fixed point type shall belong to
the perfect result set.

25  The possibility of overflow in the result of a predefined arithmetic
operation or conversion yielding a result of a fixed point type T is analogous
to that for floating point types, except for being related to the base range
instead of the safe range. If all of the permitted results belong to the base
range of T, then the implementation shall deliver one of the permitted
results; otherwise,

26    * if T'Machine_Overflows is True, the implementation shall either
        deliver one of the permitted results or raise Constraint_Error;

27    * if T'Machine_Overflows is False, the result is implementation defined.

27.a        Implementation defined: The result of a fixed point arithmetic
            operation in overflow situations, when the Machine_Overflows
            attribute of the result type is False.

                         Inconsistencies With Ada 83

27.b        Since the values of a fixed point type are now just the integer
            multiples of its small, the possibility of using extra bits
            available in the chosen representation for extra accuracy rather
            than for increasing the base range would appear to be removed,
            raising the possibility that some fixed point expressions will
            yield less accurate results than in Ada 83. However, this is
            partially offset by the ability of an implementation to choose a
            smaller default small than before. Of course, if it does so for a
            type T then T'Small will have a different value than it previously

27.c        The accuracy requirements in the case of incompatible smalls are
            relaxed to foster wider support for nonbinary smalls. If this
            relaxation is exploited for a type that was previously supported,
            lower accuracy could result; however, there is no particular
            incentive to exploit the relaxation in such a case.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 83

27.d        The fixed point accuracy requirements are now expressed without
            reference to model or safe numbers, largely because the full
            generality of the former model was never exploited in the case of
            fixed point types (particularly in regard to operand
            perturbation). Although the new formulation in terms of perfect
            result sets and close result sets is still verbose, it can be seen
            to distill down to two cases:

27.e          * a case where the result must be the exact result, if the exact
                result is representable, or, if not, then either one of the
                adjacent values of the type (in some subcases only one of
                those adjacent values is allowed);

27.f          * a case where the accuracy is not specified by the language.

G.2.4 Accuracy Requirements for the Elementary Functions

1   In the strict mode, the performance of
Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions shall be as specified here.

                         Implementation Requirements

2   When an exception is not raised, the result of evaluating a function in an
instance EF of Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions belongs to a result
interval, defined as the smallest model interval of EF.Float_Type that
contains all the values of the form f · (1.0 + d), where f is the exact value
of the corresponding mathematical function at the given parameter values, d is
a real number, and |d| is less than or equal to the function's maximum
relative error. The function delivers a value that belongs to the result
interval when both of its bounds belong to the safe range of EF.Float_Type;

3     * if EF.Float_Type'Machine_Overflows is True, the function either
        delivers a value that belongs to the result interval or raises
        Constraint_Error, signaling overflow;

4     * if EF.Float_Type'Machine_Overflows is False, the result is
        implementation defined.

4.a         Implementation defined: The result of an elementary function
            reference in overflow situations, when the Machine_Overflows
            attribute of the result type is False.

5   The maximum relative error exhibited by each function is as follows:

6     * 2.0 · EF.Float_Type'Model_Epsilon, in the case of the Sqrt, Sin, and
        Cos functions;

7     * 4.0 · EF.Float_Type'Model_Epsilon, in the case of the Log, Exp, Tan,
        Cot, and inverse trigonometric functions; and

8     * 8.0 · EF.Float_Type'Model_Epsilon, in the case of the forward and
        inverse hyperbolic functions.

9   The maximum relative error exhibited by the exponentiation operator, which
depends on the values of the operands, is (4.0 + |Right · log(Left)| / 32.0) ·

10  The maximum relative error given above applies throughout the domain of
the forward trigonometric functions when the Cycle parameter is specified.
When the Cycle parameter is omitted, the maximum relative error given above
applies only when the absolute value of the angle parameter X is less than or
equal to some implementation-defined angle threshold, which shall be at least
EF.Float_Type'Machine_Radix (Floor(EF.Float_Type'Machine_Mantissa/2)). Beyond
the angle threshold, the accuracy of the forward trigonometric functions is
implementation defined.

10.a        Implementation defined: The value of the angle threshold, within
            which certain elementary functions, complex arithmetic operations,
            and complex elementary functions yield results conforming to a
            maximum relative error bound.

10.b        Implementation defined: The accuracy of certain elementary
            functions for parameters beyond the angle threshold.

10.c        Implementation Note: The angle threshold indirectly determines the
            amount of precision that the implementation has to maintain during
            argument reduction.

11/2 {AI95-00434-01} The prescribed results specified in A.5.1 for certain
functions at particular parameter values take precedence over the maximum
relative error bounds; effectively, they narrow to a single value the result
interval allowed by the maximum relative error bounds. Additional rules with a
similar effect are given by table G-1 for the inverse trigonometric functions,
at particular parameter values for which the mathematical result is possibly
not a model number of EF.Float_Type (or is, indeed, even transcendental). In
each table entry, the values of the parameters are such that the result lies
on the axis between two quadrants; the corresponding accuracy rule, which
takes precedence over the maximum relative error bounds, is that the result
interval is the model interval of EF.Float_Type associated with the exact
mathematical result given in the table.

12/1 This paragraph was deleted.

13  The last line of the table is meant to apply when
EF.Float_Type'Signed_Zeros is False; the two lines just above it, when
EF.Float_Type'Signed_Zeros is True and the parameter Y has a zero value with
the indicated sign.

          Table G-1: Tightly Approximated Elementary Function Results

          Value of X                                                             
          Value of Y                                                             
          Exact Result
          when Cycle
          Exact Result
          when Cycle

          Arctan and Arccot                                                      
          Arctan and Arccot                                                      
          Arctan and Arccot                                                      
          Arctan and Arccot                                                      
          Arctan and Arccot                                                      
14  The amount by which the result of an inverse trigonometric function is
allowed to spill over into a quadrant adjacent to the one corresponding to the
principal branch, as given in A.5.1, is limited. The rule is that the result
belongs to the smallest model interval of EF.Float_Type that contains both
boundaries of the quadrant corresponding to the principal branch. This rule
also takes precedence over the maximum relative error bounds, effectively
narrowing the result interval allowed by them.

15  Finally, the following specifications also take precedence over the
maximum relative error bounds:

16    * The absolute value of the result of the Sin, Cos, and Tanh functions
        never exceeds one.

17    * The absolute value of the result of the Coth function is never less
        than one.

18    * The result of the Cosh function is never less than one.

                            Implementation Advice

19  The versions of the forward trigonometric functions without a Cycle
parameter should not be implemented by calling the corresponding version with
a Cycle parameter of 2.0*Numerics.Pi, since this will not provide the required
accuracy in some portions of the domain. For the same reason, the version of
Log without a Base parameter should not be implemented by calling the
corresponding version with a Base parameter of Numerics.e.

19.a.1/2    Implementation Advice: For elementary functions, the forward
            trigonometric functions without a Cycle parameter should not be
            implemented by calling the corresponding version with a Cycle
            parameter. Log without a Base parameter should not be implemented
            by calling Log with a Base parameter.

                         Wording Changes from Ada 83

19.a        The semantics of Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions differs
            from Generic_Elementary_Functions as defined in ISO/IEC DIS 11430
            (for Ada 83) in the following ways related to the accuracy
            specified for strict mode:

19.b          * The maximum relative error bounds use the Model_Epsilon
                attribute instead of the Base'Epsilon attribute.

19.c          * The accuracy requirements are expressed in terms of result
                intervals that are model intervals. On the one hand, this
                facilitates the description of the required results in the
                presence of underflow; on the other hand, it slightly relaxes
                the requirements expressed in ISO/IEC DIS 11430.

G.2.5 Performance Requirements for Random Number Generation

1   In the strict mode, the performance of Numerics.Float_Random and
Numerics.Discrete_Random shall be as specified here.

                         Implementation Requirements

2   Two different calls to the time-dependent Reset procedure shall reset the
generator to different states, provided that the calls are separated in time
by at least one second and not more than fifty years.

3   The implementation's representations of generator states and its
algorithms for generating random numbers shall yield a period of at least
2(31)-2; much longer periods are desirable but not required.

4   The implementations of Numerics.Float_Random.Random and
Numerics.Discrete_Random.Random shall pass at least 85% of the individual
trials in a suite of statistical tests. For Numerics.Float_Random, the tests
are applied directly to the floating point values generated (i.e., they are
not converted to integers first), while for Numerics.Discrete_Random they are
applied to the generated values of various discrete types. Each test suite
performs 6 different tests, with each test repeated 10 times, yielding a total
of 60 individual trials. An individual trial is deemed to pass if the
chi-square value (or other statistic) calculated for the observed counts or
distribution falls within the range of values corresponding to the 2.5 and
97.5 percentage points for the relevant degrees of freedom (i.e., it shall be
neither too high nor too low). For the purpose of determining the degrees of
freedom, measurement categories are combined whenever the expected counts are
fewer than 5.

4.a         Implementation Note: In the floating point random number test
            suite, the generator is reset to a time-dependent state at the
            beginning of the run. The test suite incorporates the following
            tests, adapted from D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming,
            vol. 2: Seminumerical Algorithms. In the descriptions below, the
            given number of degrees of freedom is the number before reduction
            due to any necessary combination of measurement categories with
            small expected counts; it is one less than the number of
            measurement categories.

4.b           * Proportional Distribution Test (a variant of the
                Equidistribution Test). The interval 0.0 .. 1.0 is partitioned
                into K subintervals. K is chosen randomly between 4 and 25 for
                each repetition of the test, along with the boundaries of the
                subintervals (subject to the constraint that at least 2 of the
                subintervals have a width of 0.001 or more). 5000 random
                floating point numbers are generated. The counts of random
                numbers falling into each subinterval are tallied and compared
                with the expected counts, which are proportional to the widths
                of the subintervals. The number of degrees of freedom for the
                chi-square test is K-1.

4.c           * Gap Test. The bounds of a range A .. B, with 0.0 <= A < B <=
                1.0, are chosen randomly for each repetition of the test,
                subject to the constraint that 0.2 <= B-A <= 0.6. Random
                floating point numbers are generated until 5000 falling into
                the range A .. B have been encountered. Each of these 5000 is
                preceded by a "gap" (of length greater than or equal to 0) of
                consecutive random numbers not falling into the range A .. B.
                The counts of gaps of each length from 0 to 15, and of all
                lengths greater than 15 lumped together, are tallied and
                compared with the expected counts. Let P = B-A. The
                probability that a gap has a length of L is (1-P) (L) · P for
                L <= 15, while the probability that a gap has a length of 16
                or more is (1-P) (16). The number of degrees of freedom for
                the chi-square test is 16.

4.d           * Permutation Test. 5000 tuples of 4 different random floating
                point numbers are generated. (An entire 4-tuple is discarded
                in the unlikely event that it contains any two exactly equal
                components.) The counts of each of the 4! = 24 possible
                relative orderings of the components of the 4-tuples are
                tallied and compared with the expected counts. Each of the
                possible relative orderings has an equal probability. The
                number of degrees of freedom for the chi-square test is 23.

4.e           * Increasing-Runs Test. Random floating point numbers are
                generated until 5000 increasing runs have been observed. An
                "increasing run" is a sequence of random numbers in strictly
                increasing order; it is followed by a random number that is
                strictly smaller than the preceding random number. (A run
                under construction is entirely discarded in the unlikely event
                that one random number is followed immediately by an exactly
                equal random number.) The decreasing random number that
                follows an increasing run is discarded and not included with
                the next increasing run. The counts of increasing runs of each
                length from 1 to 4, and of all lengths greater than 4 lumped
                together, are tallied and compared with the expected counts.
                The probability that an increasing run has a length of L is
                1/L! - 1/(L+1)! for L <= 4, while the probability that an
                increasing run has a length of 5 or more is 1/5!. The number
                of degrees of freedom for the chi-square test is 4.

4.f           * Decreasing-Runs Test. The test is similar to the Increasing
                Runs Test, but with decreasing runs.

4.g           * Maximum-of-t Test (with t = 5). 5000 tuples of 5 random
                floating point numbers are generated. The maximum of the
                components of each 5-tuple is determined and raised to the 5th
                power. The uniformity of the resulting values over the range
                0.0 .. 1.0 is tested as in the Proportional Distribution Test.

4.h         Implementation Note: In the discrete random number test suite,
            Numerics.Discrete_Random is instantiated as described below. The
            generator is reset to a time-dependent state after each
            instantiation. The test suite incorporates the following tests,
            adapted from D. E. Knuth (op. cit.) and other sources. The given
            number of degrees of freedom for the chi-square test is reduced by
            any necessary combination of measurement categories with small
            expected counts, as described above.

4.i           * Equidistribution Test. In each repetition of the test, a
                number R between 2 and 30 is chosen randomly, and
                Numerics.Discrete_Random is instantiated with an integer
                subtype whose range is 1 .. R. 5000 integers are generated
                randomly from this range. The counts of occurrences of each
                integer in the range are tallied and compared with the
                expected counts, which have equal probabilities. The number of
                degrees of freedom for the chi-square test is R-1.

4.j           * Simplified Poker Test. Numerics.Discrete_Random is
                instantiated once with an enumeration subtype representing the
                13 denominations (Two through Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace)
                of an infinite deck of playing cards. 2000 "poker" hands
                (5-tuples of values of this subtype) are generated randomly.
                The counts of hands containing exactly K different
                denominations (1 <= K <= 5) are tallied and compared with the
                expected counts. The probability that a hand contains exactly
                K different denominations is given by a formula in Knuth. The
                number of degrees of freedom for the chi-square test is 4.

4.k           * Coupon Collector's Test. Numerics.Discrete_Random is
                instantiated in each repetition of the test with an integer
                subtype whose range is 1 .. R, where R varies systematically
                from 2 to 11. Integers are generated randomly from this range
                until each value in the range has occurred, and the number K
                of integers generated is recorded. This constitutes a "coupon
                collector's segment" of length K. 2000 such segments are
                generated. The counts of segments of each length from R to
                R+29, and of all lengths greater than R+29 lumped together,
                are tallied and compared with the expected counts. The
                probability that a segment has any given length is given by
                formulas in Knuth. The number of degrees of freedom for the
                chi-square test is 30.

4.l           * Craps Test (Lengths of Games). Numerics.Discrete_Random is
                instantiated once with an integer subtype whose range is 1 ..
                6 (representing the six numbers on a die). 5000 craps games
                are played, and their lengths are recorded. (The length of a
                craps game is the number of rolls of the pair of dice required
                to produce a win or a loss. A game is won on the first roll if
                the dice show 7 or 11; it is lost if they show 2, 3, or 12. If
                the dice show some other sum on the first roll, it is called
                the point, and the game is won if and only if the point is
                rolled again before a 7 is rolled.) The counts of games of
                each length from 1 to 18, and of all lengths greater than 18
                lumped together, are tallied and compared with the expected
                counts. For 2 <= S <= 12, let D (S) be the probability that a
                roll of a pair of dice shows the sum S, and let Q (S)(L) = D
                (S) · (1 - (D (S) + D (7))) (L-2) · (D (S) + D (7)). Then, the
                probability that a game has a length of 1 is D (7) + D (11) +
                D (2) + D (3) + D (12) and, for L > 1, the probability that a
                game has a length of L is Q (4)(L) + Q (5)(L) + Q (6)(L) + Q
                (8)(L) + Q (9)(L) + Q (10)(L). The number of degrees of
                freedom for the chi-square test is 18.

4.m           * Craps Test (Lengths of Passes). This test is similar to the
                last, but enough craps games are played for 3000 losses to
                occur. A string of wins followed by a loss is called a pass,
                and its length is the number of wins preceding the loss. The
                counts of passes of each length from 0 to 7, and of all
                lengths greater than 7 lumped together, are tallied and
                compared with the expected counts. For L >= 0, the probability
                that a pass has a length of L is W (L) · (1-W), where W, the
                probability that a game ends in a win, is 244.0/495.0. The
                number of degrees of freedom for the chi-square test is 8.

4.n           * Collision Test. Numerics.Discrete_Random is instantiated once
                with an integer or enumeration type representing binary bits.
                15 successive calls on the Random function are used to obtain
                the bits of a 15-bit binary integer between 0 and 32767. 3000
                such integers are generated, and the number of collisions
                (integers previously generated) is counted and compared with
                the expected count. A chi-square test is not used to assess
                the number of collisions; rather, the limits on the number of
                collisions, corresponding to the 2.5 and 97.5 percentage
                points, are (from formulas in Knuth) 112 and 154. The test
                passes if and only if the number of collisions is in this

G.2.6 Accuracy Requirements for Complex Arithmetic

1   In the strict mode, the performance of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types and
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions shall be as specified here.

                         Implementation Requirements

2   When an exception is not raised, the result of evaluating a real function
of an instance CT of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (i.e., a function that
yields a value of subtype CT.Real'Base or CT.Imaginary) belongs to a result
interval defined as for a real elementary function (see G.2.4).

3   When an exception is not raised, each component of the result of
evaluating a complex function of such an instance, or of an instance of
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions obtained by instantiating the
latter with CT (i.e., a function that yields a value of subtype CT.Complex),
also belongs to a result interval. The result intervals for the components of
the result are either defined by a maximum relative error bound or by a
maximum box error bound. When the result interval for the real (resp.,
imaginary) component is defined by maximum relative error, it is defined as
for that of a real function, relative to the exact value of the real (resp.,
imaginary) part of the result of the corresponding mathematical function. When
defined by maximum box error, the result interval for a component of the
result is the smallest model interval of CT.Real that contains all the values
of the corresponding part of f · (1.0 + d), where f is the exact complex value
of the corresponding mathematical function at the given parameter values, d is
complex, and |d| is less than or equal to the given maximum box error. The
function delivers a value that belongs to the result interval (or a value both
of whose components belong to their respective result intervals) when both
bounds of the result interval(s) belong to the safe range of CT.Real;

3.a         Discussion: The maximum relative error could be specified
            separately for each component, but we do not take advantage of
            that freedom here.

3.b         Discussion: Note that f · (1.0 + d) defines a small circular
            region of the complex plane centered at f, and the result
            intervals for the real and imaginary components of the result
            define a small rectangular box containing that circle.

3.c         Reason: Box error is used when the computation of the result risks
            loss of significance in a component due to cancellation.

3.d         Ramification: The components of a complex function that exhibits
            bounded relative error in each component have to have the correct
            sign. In contrast, one of the components of a complex function
            that exhibits bounded box error may have the wrong sign, since the
            dimensions of the box containing the result are proportional to
            the modulus of the mathematical result and not to either component
            of the mathematical result individually. Thus, for example, the
            box containing the computed result of a complex function whose
            mathematical result has a large modulus but lies very close to the
            imaginary axis might well straddle that axis, allowing the real
            component of the computed result to have the wrong sign. In this
            case, the distance between the computed result and the
            mathematical result is, nevertheless, a small fraction of the
            modulus of the mathematical result.

4     * if CT.Real'Machine_Overflows is True, the function either delivers a
        value that belongs to the result interval (or a value both of whose
        components belong to their respective result intervals) or raises
        Constraint_Error, signaling overflow;

5     * if CT.Real'Machine_Overflows is False, the result is implementation

5.a         Implementation defined: The result of a complex arithmetic
            operation or complex elementary function reference in overflow
            situations, when the Machine_Overflows attribute of the
            corresponding real type is False.

6/2 {AI95-00434-01} The error bounds for particular complex functions are
tabulated in table G-2. In the table, the error bound is given as the
coefficient of CT.Real'Model_Epsilon.

7/1 This paragraph was deleted.

          Table G-2: Error Bounds for Particular Complex Functions

          Function or Operator                                                 
          Nature of
          Nature of
          Error Bound

          max. rel. error                                                      
          max. rel. error                                                      
          max. rel. error                                                      
          "*" (both operands complex)                                          
          max. box error                                                       
          "/" (right operand complex)                                          
          max. box error                                                       
          max. rel. error                                                      
          max. box error                                                       
          Exp (complex parameter)                                              
          max. rel. error                                                      
          Exp (imaginary parameter)                                            
          max. rel. error                                                      
          Sin, Cos, Sinh, and Cosh                                             
          max. rel. error                                                      
          Tan, Cot, Tanh, and Coth                                             
          max. rel. error                                                      
          inverse trigonometric                                                
          max. rel. error                                                      
          inverse hyperbolic                                                   
          max. rel. error                                                      
8   The maximum relative error given above applies throughout the domain of
the Compose_From_Polar function when the Cycle parameter is specified. When
the Cycle parameter is omitted, the maximum relative error applies only when
the absolute value of the parameter Argument is less than or equal to the
angle threshold (see G.2.4). For the Exp function, and for the forward
hyperbolic (resp., trigonometric) functions, the maximum relative error given
above likewise applies only when the absolute value of the imaginary (resp.,
real) component of the parameter X (or the absolute value of the parameter
itself, in the case of the Exp function with a parameter of pure-imaginary
type) is less than or equal to the angle threshold. For larger angles, the
accuracy is implementation defined.

8.a         Implementation defined: The accuracy of certain complex arithmetic
            operations and certain complex elementary functions for parameters
            (or components thereof) beyond the angle threshold.

9   The prescribed results specified in G.1.2 for certain functions at
particular parameter values take precedence over the error bounds;
effectively, they narrow to a single value the result interval allowed by the
error bounds for a component of the result. Additional rules with a similar
effect are given below for certain inverse trigonometric and inverse
hyperbolic functions, at particular parameter values for which a component of
the mathematical result is transcendental. In each case, the accuracy rule,
which takes precedence over the error bounds, is that the result interval for
the stated result component is the model interval of CT.Real associated with
the component's exact mathematical value. The cases in question are as

10    * When the parameter X has the value zero, the real (resp., imaginary)
        component of the result of the Arccot (resp., Arccoth) function is in
        the model interval of CT.Real associated with the value PI/2.0.

11    * When the parameter X has the value one, the real component of the
        result of the Arcsin function is in the model interval of CT.Real
        associated with the value PI/2.0.

12    * When the parameter X has the value -1.0, the real component of the
        result of the Arcsin (resp., Arccos) function is in the model interval
        of CT.Real associated with the value -PI/2.0 (resp., PI).

12.a        Discussion: It is possible to give many other prescribed results
            in which a component of the parameter is restricted to a similar
            model interval when the parameter X is appropriately restricted to
            an easily testable portion of the domain. We follow the proposed
            ISO/IEC standard for Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions (for Ada
            83) in not doing so, however.

13/2 {AI95-00434-01} The amount by which a component of the result of an
inverse trigonometric or inverse hyperbolic function is allowed to spill over
into a quadrant adjacent to the one corresponding to the principal branch, as
given in G.1.2, is limited. The rule is that the result belongs to the
smallest model interval of CT.Real that contains both boundaries of the
quadrant corresponding to the principal branch. This rule also takes
precedence over the maximum error bounds, effectively narrowing the result
interval allowed by them.

14  Finally, the results allowed by the error bounds are narrowed by one
further rule: The absolute value of each component of the result of the Exp
function, for a pure-imaginary parameter, never exceeds one.

                            Implementation Advice

15  The version of the Compose_From_Polar function without a Cycle parameter
should not be implemented by calling the corresponding version with a Cycle
parameter of 2.0*Numerics.Pi, since this will not provide the required
accuracy in some portions of the domain.

15.a.1/2    Implementation Advice: For complex arithmetic, the
            Compose_From_Polar function without a Cycle parameter should not
            be implemented by calling Compose_From_Polar with a Cycle

                         Wording Changes from Ada 83

15.a        The semantics of Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types and
            Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions differs from
            Generic_Complex_Types and Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions as
            defined in ISO/IEC CDs 13813 and 13814 (for Ada 83) in ways
            analogous to those identified for the elementary functions in
            G.2.4. In addition, we do not generally specify the signs of zero
            results (or result components), although those proposed standards

G.3 Vector and Matrix Manipulation

1/2 {AI95-00296-01} Types and operations for the manipulation of real vectors
and matrices are provided in Generic_Real_Arrays, which is defined in G.3.1.
Types and operations for the manipulation of complex vectors and matrices are
provided in Generic_Complex_Arrays, which is defined in G.3.2. Both of these
library units are generic children of the predefined package Numerics (see
A.5). Nongeneric equivalents of these packages for each of the predefined
floating point types are also provided as children of Numerics.

1.a/2       Discussion: Vector and matrix manipulation is defined in the
            Numerics Annex, rather than in the core, because it is considered
            to be a specialized need of (some) numeric applications.

1.b/2       These packages provide facilities that are similar to and replace
            those found in ISO/IEC 13813:1998 Information technology -
            Programming languages - Generic packages of real and complex type
            declarations and basic operations for Ada (including vector and
            matrix types). (The other facilities provided by that Standard
            were already provided in Ada 95.) In addition to the main
            facilities of that Standard, these packages also include
            subprograms for the solution of linear equations, matrix
            inversion, determinants, and the determination of the eigenvalues
            and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices and Hermitian

                            Extensions to Ada 95

1.c/3       {AI95-00296-01} {AI05-0299-1} This subclause It just provides an
            introduction to the following subclauses.

G.3.1 Real Vectors and Matrices

                              Static Semantics

1/2 {AI95-00296-01} {AI95-00418-01} The generic library package
Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays has the following declaration:

2/2     generic
           type Real is digits <>;
        package Ada.Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays is
           pragma Pure(Generic_Real_Arrays);

3/2        -- Types

4/2        type Real_Vector is array (Integer range <>) of Real'Base;
           type Real_Matrix is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>)
                                                           of Real'Base;

5/2        -- Subprograms for Real_Vector types

6/2        -- Real_Vector arithmetic operations

7/2        function "+"   (Right : Real_Vector)       return Real_Vector;
           function "-"   (Right : Real_Vector)       return Real_Vector;
           function "abs" (Right : Real_Vector)       return Real_Vector;

8/2        function "+"   (Left, Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;
           function "-"   (Left, Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;

9/2        function "*"   (Left, Right : Real_Vector) return Real'Base;

10/2       function "abs" (Right : Real_Vector)       return Real'Base;

11/2       -- Real_Vector scaling operations

12/2       function "*" (Left : Real'Base;   Right : Real_Vector)
              return Real_Vector;
           function "*" (Left : Real_Vector; Right : Real'Base)
              return Real_Vector;
           function "/" (Left : Real_Vector; Right : Real'Base)
              return Real_Vector;

13/2       -- Other Real_Vector operations

14/2       function Unit_Vector (Index : Integer;
                                 Order : Positive;
                                 First : Integer := 1) return Real_Vector;

15/2       -- Subprograms for Real_Matrix types

16/2       -- Real_Matrix arithmetic operations

17/2       function "+"       (Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function "-"       (Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function "abs"     (Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function Transpose (X     : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

18/2       function "+" (Left, Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function "-" (Left, Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function "*" (Left, Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

19/2       function "*" (Left, Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Matrix;

20/2       function "*" (Left : Real_Vector; Right : Real_Matrix)
              return Real_Vector;
           function "*" (Left : Real_Matrix; Right : Real_Vector)
              return Real_Vector;

21/2       -- Real_Matrix scaling operations

22/2       function "*" (Left : Real'Base;   Right : Real_Matrix)
              return Real_Matrix;
           function "*" (Left : Real_Matrix; Right : Real'Base)
              return Real_Matrix;
           function "/" (Left : Real_Matrix; Right : Real'Base)
              return Real_Matrix;

23/2       -- Real_Matrix inversion and related operations

24/2       function Solve
         (A : Real_Matrix; X : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;
           function Solve (A, X : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function Inverse (A : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function Determinant (A : Real_Matrix) return Real'Base;

25/2       -- Eigenvalues and vectors of a real symmetric matrix

26/2       function Eigenvalues (A : Real_Matrix) return Real_Vector;

27/2       procedure Eigensystem (A       : in  Real_Matrix;
                                  Values  : out Real_Vector;
                                  Vectors : out Real_Matrix);

28/2       -- Other Real_Matrix operations

29/2       function Unit_Matrix (Order            : Positive;
                                 First_1, First_2 : Integer := 1)
                                                    return Real_Matrix;

30/2    end Ada.Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays;

31/2 {AI95-00296-01} The library package Numerics.Real_Arrays is declared pure
and defines the same types and subprograms as Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays,
except that the predefined type Float is systematically substituted for
Real'Base throughout. Nongeneric equivalents for each of the other predefined
floating point types are defined similarly, with the names
Numerics.Short_Real_Arrays, Numerics.Long_Real_Arrays, etc.

31.a/2      Reason: The nongeneric equivalents are provided to allow the
            programmer to construct simple mathematical applications without
            being required to understand and use generics, and to be
            consistent with other Numerics packages.

32/2 {AI95-00296-01} Two types are defined and exported by
Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays. The composite type Real_Vector is provided to
represent a vector with components of type Real; it is defined as an
unconstrained, one-dimensional array with an index of type Integer. The
composite type Real_Matrix is provided to represent a matrix with components
of type Real; it is defined as an unconstrained, two-dimensional array with
indices of type Integer.

33/2 {AI95-00296-01} The effect of the various subprograms is as described
below. In most cases the subprograms are described in terms of corresponding
scalar operations of the type Real; any exception raised by those operations
is propagated by the array operation. Moreover, the accuracy of the result for
each individual component is as defined for the scalar operation unless stated

34/2 {AI95-00296-01} In the case of those operations which are defined to
involve an inner product, Constraint_Error may be raised if an intermediate
result is outside the range of Real'Base even though the mathematical final
result would not be.

35/2    function "+"   (Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;
        function "-"   (Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;
        function "abs" (Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;

36/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation of the type Real to each component of
            Right. The index range of the result is Right'Range.

37/2    function "+" (Left, Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;
        function "-" (Left, Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;

38/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation of the type Real to each component of Left
            and the matching component of Right. The index range of the result
            is Left'Range. Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length is not
            equal to Right'Length.

39/2    function "*" (Left, Right : Real_Vector) return Real'Base;

40/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the inner product of Left
            and Right. Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length is not equal
            to Right'Length. This operation involves an inner product.

41/2    function "abs" (Right : Real_Vector) return Real'Base;

42/2        {AI95-00418-01} This operation returns the L2-norm of Right (the
            square root of the inner product of the vector with itself).

42.a/2      Discussion: Normalization of vectors is a frequent enough
            operation that it is useful to provide the norm as a basic
            operation. Furthermore, implementing the norm is not entirely
            straightforward, because the inner product might overflow while
            the final norm does not. An implementation cannot merely return
            Sqrt (X * X), it has to cope with a possible overflow of the inner

42.b/2      Implementation Note: While the definition is given in terms of an
            inner product, the norm doesn't "involve an inner product" in the
            technical sense. The reason is that it has accuracy requirements
            substantially different from those applicable to inner products;
            and that cancellations cannot occur, because all the terms are
            positive, so there is no possibility of intermediate overflow.

43/2    function "*" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;

44/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the result of multiplying
            each component of Right by the scalar Left using the "*" operation
            of the type Real. The index range of the result is Right'Range.

45/2    function "*" (Left : Real_Vector; Right : Real'Base) return Real_Vector;
        function "/" (Left : Real_Vector; Right : Real'Base) return Real_Vector;

46/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation of the type Real to each component of Left
            and to the scalar Right. The index range of the result is

47/2    function Unit_Vector (Index : Integer;
                              Order : Positive;
                              First : Integer := 1) return Real_Vector;

48/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a unit vector with Order
            components and a lower bound of First. All components are set to
            0.0 except for the Index component which is set to 1.0.
            Constraint_Error is raised if Index < First, Index > First + Order
            - 1 or if First + Order - 1 > Integer'Last.

49/2    function "+"   (Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
        function "-"   (Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
        function "abs" (Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

50/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation of the type Real to each component of
            Right. The index ranges of the result are those of Right.

51/2    function Transpose (X : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

52/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns the transpose of a matrix X.
            The first and second index ranges of the result are X'Range(2) and
            X'Range(1) respectively.

53/2    function "+" (Left, Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
        function "-" (Left, Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

54/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation of the type Real to each component of Left
            and the matching component of Right. The index ranges of the
            result are those of Left. Constraint_Error is raised if
            Left'Length(1) is not equal to Right'Length(1) or Left'Length(2)
            is not equal to Right'Length(2).

55/2    function "*" (Left, Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

56/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for matrix multiplication. The first and second index
            ranges of the result are Left'Range(1) and Right'Range(2)
            respectively. Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length(2) is not
            equal to Right'Length(1). This operation involves inner products.

57/2    function "*" (Left, Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Matrix;

58/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the outer product of a
            (column) vector Left by a (row) vector Right using the operation
            "*" of the type Real for computing the individual components. The
            first and second index ranges of the result are Left'Range and
            Right'Range respectively.

59/2    function "*" (Left : Real_Vector; Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Vector;

60/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for multiplication of a (row) vector Left by a matrix
            Right. The index range of the (row) vector result is
            Right'Range(2). Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length is not
            equal to Right'Length(1). This operation involves inner products.

61/2    function "*" (Left : Real_Matrix; Right : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;

62/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for multiplication of a matrix Left by a (column) vector
            Right. The index range of the (column) vector result is
            Left'Range(1). Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length(2) is not
            equal to Right'Length. This operation involves inner products.

63/2    function "*" (Left : Real'Base; Right : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

64/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the result of multiplying
            each component of Right by the scalar Left using the "*" operation
            of the type Real. The index ranges of the result are those of

65/2    function "*" (Left : Real_Matrix; Right : Real'Base) return Real_Matrix;
        function "/" (Left : Real_Matrix; Right : Real'Base) return Real_Matrix;

66/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation of the type Real to each component of Left
            and to the scalar Right. The index ranges of the result are those
            of Left.

67/2    function Solve (A : Real_Matrix; X : Real_Vector) return Real_Vector;

68/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a vector Y such that X is
            (nearly) equal to A * Y. This is the standard mathematical
            operation for solving a single set of linear equations. The index
            range of the result is A'Range(2). Constraint_Error is raised if
            A'Length(1), A'Length(2), and X'Length are not equal.
            Constraint_Error is raised if the matrix A is ill-conditioned.

68.a/2      Discussion: The text says that Y is such that "X is (nearly) equal
            to A * Y" rather than "X is equal to A * Y" because rounding
            errors may mean that there is no value of Y such that X is exactly
            equal to A * Y. On the other hand it does not mean that any old
            rough value will do. The algorithm given under
            Implementation Advice should be followed.

68.b/2      The requirement to raise Constraint_Error if the matrix is
            ill-conditioned is really a reflection of what will happen if the
            matrix is ill-conditioned. See Implementation Advice. We do not
            make any attempt to define ill-conditioned formally.

68.c/2      These remarks apply to all versions of Solve and Inverse.

69/2    function Solve (A, X : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

70/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a matrix Y such that X is
            (nearly) equal to A * Y. This is the standard mathematical
            operation for solving several sets of linear equations. The index
            ranges of the result are A'Range(2) and X'Range(2).
            Constraint_Error is raised if A'Length(1), A'Length(2), and
            X'Length(1) are not equal. Constraint_Error is raised if the
            matrix A is ill-conditioned.

71/2    function Inverse (A : Real_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

72/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a matrix B such that A * B
            is (nearly) equal to the unit matrix. The index ranges of the
            result are A'Range(2) and A'Range(1). Constraint_Error is raised
            if A'Length(1) is not equal to A'Length(2). Constraint_Error is
            raised if the matrix A is ill-conditioned.

73/2    function Determinant (A : Real_Matrix) return Real'Base;

74/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns the determinant of the
            matrix A. Constraint_Error is raised if A'Length(1) is not equal
            to A'Length(2).

75/2    function Eigenvalues(A : Real_Matrix) return Real_Vector;

76/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns the eigenvalues of the
            symmetric matrix A as a vector sorted into order with the largest
            first. Constraint_Error is raised if A'Length(1) is not equal to
            A'Length(2). The index range of the result is A'Range(1).
            Argument_Error is raised if the matrix A is not symmetric.

77/2    procedure Eigensystem(A       : in  Real_Matrix;
                              Values  : out Real_Vector;
                              Vectors : out Real_Matrix);

78/3        {AI95-00296-01} {AI05-0047-1} This procedure computes both the
            eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix A. The out
            parameter Values is the same as that obtained by calling the
            function Eigenvalues. The out parameter Vectors is a matrix whose
            columns are the eigenvectors of the matrix A. The order of the
            columns corresponds to the order of the eigenvalues. The
            eigenvectors are normalized and mutually orthogonal (they are
            orthonormal), including when there are repeated eigenvalues.
            Constraint_Error is raised if A'Length(1) is not equal to
            A'Length(2), or if Values'Range is not equal to A'Range(1), or if
            the index ranges of the parameter Vectors are not equal to those
            of A. Argument_Error is raised if the matrix A is not symmetric.
            Constraint_Error is also raised in implementation-defined
            circumstances if the algorithm used does not converge quickly

78.a/3      Ramification: {AI05-0047-1} There is no requirement on the
            absolute direction of the returned eigenvectors. Thus they might
            be multiplied by -1. It is only the ratios of the components that
            matter. This is standard practice.

79/2    function Unit_Matrix (Order            : Positive;
                              First_1, First_2 : Integer := 1) return Real_Matrix;

80/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a square unit matrix with
            Order**2 components and lower bounds of First_1 and First_2 (for
            the first and second index ranges respectively). All components
            are set to 0.0 except for the main diagonal, whose components are
            set to 1.0. Constraint_Error is raised if First_1 + Order - 1 >
            Integer'Last or First_2 + Order - 1 > Integer'Last.

                         Implementation Requirements

81/2 {AI95-00296-01} Accuracy requirements for the subprograms Solve, Inverse,
Determinant, Eigenvalues and Eigensystem are implementation defined.

81.a/2      Implementation defined: The accuracy requirements for the
            subprograms Solve, Inverse, Determinant, Eigenvalues and
            Eigensystem for type Real_Matrix.

82/2 For operations not involving an inner product, the accuracy requirements
are those of the corresponding operations of the type Real in both the strict
mode and the relaxed mode (see G.2).

83/2 For operations involving an inner product, no requirements are specified
in the relaxed mode. In the strict mode the modulus of the absolute error of
the inner product X*Y shall not exceed g*abs(X)*abs(Y) where g is defined as

84/2    g = X'Length * Real'Machine_Radix**(1 - Real'Model_Mantissa)

85/2 {AI95-00418-01} For the L2-norm, no accuracy requirements are specified
in the relaxed mode. In the strict mode the relative error on the norm shall
not exceed g / 2.0 + 3.0 * Real'Model_Epsilon where g is defined as above.

85.a/2      Reason: This is simply the combination of the error on the inner
            product with the error on Sqrt. A first order computation would
            lead to 2.0 * Real'Model_Epsilon above, but we are adding an extra
            Real'Model_Epsilon to account for higher order effects.

                         Documentation Requirements

86/2 {AI95-00296-01} Implementations shall document any techniques used to
reduce cancellation errors such as extended precision arithmetic.

86.a/2      Documentation Requirement: Any techniques used to reduce
            cancellation errors in Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays shall be

86.b/2      Implementation Note: The above accuracy requirement is met by the
            canonical implementation of the inner product by multiplication
            and addition using the corresponding operations of type Real'Base
            and performing the cumulative addition using ascending indices.
            Note however, that some hardware provides special operations for
            the computation of the inner product and although these may be
            fast they may not meet the accuracy requirement specified. See
            Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms By N J Higham (ISBN
            0-89871-355-2), Section 3.1.

86.c/3      {AI05-0047-1} Note moreover that the componentwise accuracy
            requirements are not met by subcubic methods for matrix
            multiplication such as that devised by Strassen. These methods,
            which are typically used for the fast multiplication of very large
            matrices (e.g. order more than a few thousands), have normwise
            accuracy properties. If it is desired to use such methods, then
            distinct subprograms should be provided (perhaps in a child
            package). See Section 22.2.2 in the above reference.

                         Implementation Permissions

87/2 {AI95-00296-01} The nongeneric equivalent packages may, but need not, be
actual instantiations of the generic package for the appropriate predefined

                            Implementation Advice

88/3 {AI95-00296-01} {AI05-0264-1} Implementations should implement the Solve
and Inverse functions using established techniques such as LU decomposition
with row interchanges followed by back and forward substitution.
Implementations are recommended to refine the result by performing an
iteration on the residuals; if this is done, then it should be documented.

88.a/2      Implementation Advice: Solve and Inverse for
            Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays should be implemented using
            established techniques such as LU decomposition and the result
            should be refined by an iteration on the residuals.

89/2 It is not the intention that any special provision should be made to
determine whether a matrix is ill-conditioned or not. The naturally occurring
overflow (including division by zero) which will result from executing these
functions with an ill-conditioned matrix and thus raise Constraint_Error is

89.a/2      Discussion: There isn't any advice for the implementation to
            document with this paragraph.

90/2 The test that a matrix is symmetric should be performed by using the
equality operator to compare the relevant components.

90.a/2      Implementation Advice: The equality operator should be used to
            test that a matrix in Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays is symmetric.

91/3 {AI05-0047-1} An implementation should minimize the circumstances under
which the algorithm used for Eigenvalues and Eigensystem fails to converge.

91.a.1/3    Implementation Advice: An implementation should minimize the
            circumstances under which the algorithm used for
            Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays.Eigenvalues and
            Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays.Eigensystem fails to converge.

91.a/3      Implementation Note: J. H. Wilkinson is the acknowledged expert in
            this area. See for example Wilkinson, J. H., and Reinsch, C. ,
            Linear Algebra , vol II of Handbook for Automatic Computation,
            Springer-Verlag, or Wilkinson, J. H., The Algebraic Eigenvalue
            Problem, Oxford University Press.

                            Extensions to Ada 95

91.b/2      {AI95-00296-01} The package Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays and its
            nongeneric equivalents are new.

                        Wording Changes from Ada 2005

91.c/3      {AI05-0047-1} Correction: Corrected various accuracy and
            definition issues.

G.3.2 Complex Vectors and Matrices

                              Static Semantics

1/2 {AI95-00296-01} The generic library package
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays has the following declaration:

2/2     with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays, Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;
           with package Real_Arrays   is new
              Ada.Numerics.Generic_Real_Arrays   (<>);
           use Real_Arrays;
           with package Complex_Types is new
              Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (Real);
           use Complex_Types;
        package Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays is
           pragma Pure(Generic_Complex_Arrays);

3/2        -- Types

4/2        type Complex_Vector is array (Integer range <>) of Complex;
           type Complex_Matrix is array (Integer range <>,
                                         Integer range <>) of Complex;

5/2        -- Subprograms for Complex_Vector types

6/2        -- Complex_Vector selection, conversion and composition operations

7/2        function Re (X : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector;
           function Im (X : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector;

8/2        procedure Set_Re (X  : in out Complex_Vector;
                             Re : in     Real_Vector);
           procedure Set_Im (X  : in out Complex_Vector;
                             Im : in     Real_Vector);

9/2        function Compose_From_Cartesian (Re     : Real_Vector)
              return Complex_Vector;
           function Compose_From_Cartesian (Re, Im : Real_Vector)
              return Complex_Vector;

10/2       function Modulus  (X     : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector;
           function "abs"    (Right : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector
                                                         renames Modulus;
           function Argument (X     : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector;
           function Argument (X     : Complex_Vector;
                              Cycle : Real'Base)      return Real_Vector;

11/2       function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument : Real_Vector)
              return Complex_Vector;
           function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument : Real_Vector;
                                        Cycle             : Real'Base)
              return Complex_Vector;

12/2       -- Complex_Vector arithmetic operations

13/2       function "+"       (Right  : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
           function "-"       (Right  : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
           function Conjugate (X      : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

14/2       function "+"  (Left, Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
           function "-"  (Left, Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

15/2       function "*"  (Left, Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex;

16/3    {AI05-0047-1}
           function "abs"     (Right : Complex_Vector) return Real'Base;

17/2       -- Mixed Real_Vector and Complex_Vector arithmetic operations

18/2       function "+" (Left  : Real_Vector;
                         Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
           function "+" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex_Vector;
           function "-" (Left  : Real_Vector;
                         Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
           function "-" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex_Vector;

19/2       function "*" (Left  : Real_Vector;    Right : Complex_Vector)
              return Complex;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector; Right : Real_Vector)
              return Complex;

20/2       -- Complex_Vector scaling operations

21/2       function "*" (Left  : Complex;
                         Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Complex)        return Complex_Vector;
           function "/" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Complex)        return Complex_Vector;

22/2       function "*" (Left  : Real'Base;
                         Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Real'Base)      return Complex_Vector;
           function "/" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Real'Base)      return Complex_Vector;

23/2       -- Other Complex_Vector operations

24/2       function Unit_Vector (Index : Integer;
                                 Order : Positive;
                                 First : Integer := 1) return Complex_Vector;

25/2       -- Subprograms for Complex_Matrix types

26/2       -- Complex_Matrix selection, conversion and composition operations

27/2       function Re (X : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function Im (X : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

28/2       procedure Set_Re (X  : in out Complex_Matrix;
                             Re : in     Real_Matrix);
           procedure Set_Im (X  : in out Complex_Matrix;
                             Im : in     Real_Matrix);

29/2       function Compose_From_Cartesian (Re     : Real_Matrix)
              return Complex_Matrix;
           function Compose_From_Cartesian (Re, Im : Real_Matrix)
              return Complex_Matrix;

30/2       function Modulus  (X     : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function "abs"    (Right : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix
                                                         renames Modulus;

31/2       function Argument (X     : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
           function Argument (X     : Complex_Matrix;
                              Cycle : Real'Base)      return Real_Matrix;

32/2       function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument : Real_Matrix)
              return Complex_Matrix;
           function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument : Real_Matrix;
                                        Cycle             : Real'Base)
              return Complex_Matrix;

33/2       -- Complex_Matrix arithmetic operations

34/2       function "+"       (Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "-"       (Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function Conjugate (X     : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function Transpose (X     : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

35/2       function "+" (Left, Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "-" (Left, Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "*" (Left, Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

36/2       function "*" (Left, Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Matrix;

37/2       function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Vector;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

38/2       -- Mixed Real_Matrix and Complex_Matrix arithmetic operations

39/2       function "+" (Left  : Real_Matrix;
                         Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "+" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Real_Matrix)    return Complex_Matrix;
           function "-" (Left  : Real_Matrix;
                         Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "-" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Real_Matrix)    return Complex_Matrix;
           function "*" (Left  : Real_Matrix;
                         Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Real_Matrix)    return Complex_Matrix;

40/2       function "*" (Left  : Real_Vector;
                         Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex_Matrix;

41/2       function "*" (Left  : Real_Vector;
                         Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Vector;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                         Right : Real_Matrix)    return Complex_Vector;
           function "*" (Left  : Real_Matrix;
                         Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex_Vector;

42/2       -- Complex_Matrix scaling operations

43/2       function "*" (Left  : Complex;
                         Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Complex)        return Complex_Matrix;
           function "/" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Complex)        return Complex_Matrix;

44/2       function "*" (Left  : Real'Base;
                         Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function "*" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Real'Base)      return Complex_Matrix;
           function "/" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                         Right : Real'Base)      return Complex_Matrix;

45/2       -- Complex_Matrix inversion and related operations

46/2       function Solve (A : Complex_Matrix; X : Complex_Vector)
              return Complex_Vector;
           function Solve (A, X : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function Inverse (A : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
           function Determinant (A : Complex_Matrix) return Complex;

47/2       -- Eigenvalues and vectors of a Hermitian matrix

48/2       function Eigenvalues(A : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Vector;

49/2       procedure Eigensystem(A       : in  Complex_Matrix;
                                 Values  : out Real_Vector;
                                 Vectors : out Complex_Matrix);

50/2       -- Other Complex_Matrix operations

51/2       function Unit_Matrix (Order            : Positive;
                                 First_1, First_2 : Integer := 1)
                                                    return Complex_Matrix;

52/2    end Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays;

53/2 {AI95-00296-01} The library package Numerics.Complex_Arrays is declared
pure and defines the same types and subprograms as
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays, except that the predefined type Float is
systematically substituted for Real'Base, and the Real_Vector and Real_Matrix
types exported by Numerics.Real_Arrays are systematically substituted for
Real_Vector and Real_Matrix, and the Complex type exported by
Numerics.Complex_Types is systematically substituted for Complex, throughout.
Nongeneric equivalents for each of the other predefined floating point types
are defined similarly, with the names Numerics.Short_Complex_Arrays,
Numerics.Long_Complex_Arrays, etc.

54/2 {AI95-00296-01} Two types are defined and exported by
Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays. The composite type Complex_Vector is provided
to represent a vector with components of type Complex; it is defined as an
unconstrained one-dimensional array with an index of type Integer. The
composite type Complex_Matrix is provided to represent a matrix with
components of type Complex; it is defined as an unconstrained, two-dimensional
array with indices of type Integer.

55/2 {AI95-00296-01} The effect of the various subprograms is as described
below. In many cases they are described in terms of corresponding scalar
operations in Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types. Any exception raised by those
operations is propagated by the array subprogram. Moreover, any constraints on
the parameters and the accuracy of the result for each individual component
are as defined for the scalar operation.

56/2 {AI95-00296-01} In the case of those operations which are defined to
involve an inner product, Constraint_Error may be raised if an intermediate
result has a component outside the range of Real'Base even though the final
mathematical result would not.

56.a/3      Discussion: {AI05-0047-1} An inner product never involves implicit
            complex conjugation. If the product of a vector with the conjugate
            of another (or the same) vector is required, then this has to be
            stated explicitly by writing for example X * Conjugate(Y). This
            mimics the usual mathematical notation.

57/2    function Re (X : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector;
        function Im (X : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector;

58/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each function returns a vector of the specified
            Cartesian components of X. The index range of the result is

59/2    procedure Set_Re (X  : in out Complex_Vector; Re : in Real_Vector);
        procedure Set_Im (X  : in out Complex_Vector; Im : in Real_Vector);

60/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each procedure replaces the specified (Cartesian)
            component of each of the components of X by the value of the
            matching component of Re or Im; the other (Cartesian) component of
            each of the components is unchanged. Constraint_Error is raised if
            X'Length is not equal to Re'Length or Im'Length.

61/2    function Compose_From_Cartesian (Re     : Real_Vector)
           return Complex_Vector;
        function Compose_From_Cartesian (Re, Im : Real_Vector)
           return Complex_Vector;

62/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each function constructs a vector of Complex
            results (in Cartesian representation) formed from given vectors of
            Cartesian components; when only the real components are given,
            imaginary components of zero are assumed. The index range of the
            result is Re'Range. Constraint_Error is raised if Re'Length is not
            equal to Im'Length.

63/2    function Modulus  (X     : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector;
        function "abs"    (Right : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector
                                                      renames Modulus;
        function Argument (X     : Complex_Vector) return Real_Vector;
        function Argument (X     : Complex_Vector;
                           Cycle : Real'Base)      return Real_Vector;

64/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each function calculates and returns a vector of
            the specified polar components of X or Right using the
            corresponding function in numerics.generic_complex_types. The
            index range of the result is X'Range or Right'Range.

65/2    function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument : Real_Vector)
           return Complex_Vector;
        function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument : Real_Vector;
                                     Cycle             : Real'Base)
           return Complex_Vector;

66/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each function constructs a vector of Complex
            results (in Cartesian representation) formed from given vectors of
            polar components using the corresponding function in numerics.-
            generic_complex_types on matching components of Modulus and
            Argument. The index range of the result is Modulus'Range.
            Constraint_Error is raised if Modulus'Length is not equal to

67/2    function "+" (Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
        function "-" (Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

68/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of Right. The index range of the result is Right'Range.

69/2    function Conjugate (X : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

70/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns the result of applying the
            appropriate function Conjugate in numerics.generic_complex_types
            to each component of X. The index range of the result is X'Range.

71/2    function "+" (Left, Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
        function "-" (Left, Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

72/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of Left and the matching component of Right. The index
            range of the result is Left'Range. Constraint_Error is raised if
            Left'Length is not equal to Right'Length.

73/2    function "*" (Left, Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex;

74/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the inner product of Left
            and Right. Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length is not equal
            to Right'Length. This operation involves an inner product.

75/3    {AI05-0047-1} function "abs" (Right : Complex_Vector) return Real'Base;

76/2        {AI95-00418-01} This operation returns the Hermitian L2-norm of
            Right (the square root of the inner product of the vector with its

76.a/2      Implementation Note: While the definition is given in terms of an
            inner product, the norm doesn't "involve an inner product" in the
            technical sense. The reason is that it has accuracy requirements
            substantially different from those applicable to inner products;
            and that cancellations cannot occur, because all the terms are
            positive, so there is no possibility of intermediate overflow.

77/2    function "+" (Left  : Real_Vector;
                      Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
        function "+" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                      Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex_Vector;
        function "-" (Left  : Real_Vector;
                      Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
        function "-" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                      Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex_Vector;

78/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of Left and the matching component of Right. The index
            range of the result is Left'Range. Constraint_Error is raised if
            Left'Length is not equal to Right'Length.

79/2    function "*" (Left : Real_Vector;    Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex;
        function "*" (Left : Complex_Vector; Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex;

80/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the inner product of Left
            and Right. Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length is not equal
            to Right'Length. These operations involve an inner product.

81/2    function "*" (Left : Complex; Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

82/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the result of multiplying
            each component of Right by the complex number Left using the
            appropriate operation "*" in numerics.generic_complex_types. The
            index range of the result is Right'Range.

83/2    function "*" (Left : Complex_Vector; Right : Complex) return Complex_Vector;
        function "/" (Left : Complex_Vector; Right : Complex) return Complex_Vector;

84/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of the vector Left and the complex number Right. The
            index range of the result is Left'Range.

85/2    function "*" (Left : Real'Base;
                      Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

86/2        {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the result of multiplying
            each component of Right by the real number Left using the
            appropriate operation "*" in numerics.generic_complex_types. The
            index range of the result is Right'Range.

87/2    function "*" (Left : Complex_Vector;
                      Right : Real'Base) return Complex_Vector;
        function "/" (Left : Complex_Vector;
                      Right : Real'Base) return Complex_Vector;

88/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of the vector Left and the real number Right. The index
            range of the result is Left'Range.

89/2    function Unit_Vector (Index : Integer;
                              Order : Positive;
                              First : Integer := 1) return Complex_Vector;

90/2        {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a unit vector with Order
            components and a lower bound of First. All components are set to
            (0.0, 0.0) except for the Index component which is set to (1.0,
            0.0). Constraint_Error is raised if Index < First, Index > First +
            Order - 1, or if First + Order - 1 > Integer'Last.

91/2    function Re (X : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
        function Im (X : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;

92/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each function returns a matrix of the specified
            Cartesian components of X. The index ranges of the result are
            those of X.

93/2    procedure Set_Re (X : in out Complex_Matrix; Re : in Real_Matrix);
        procedure Set_Im (X : in out Complex_Matrix; Im : in Real_Matrix);

94/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each procedure replaces the specified (Cartesian)
            component of each of the components of X by the value of the
            matching component of Re or Im; the other (Cartesian) component of
            each of the components is unchanged. Constraint_Error is raised if
            X'Length(1) is not equal to Re'Length(1) or Im'Length(1) or if
            X'Length(2) is not equal to Re'Length(2) or Im'Length(2).

95/2    function Compose_From_Cartesian (Re     : Real_Matrix)
           return Complex_Matrix;
        function Compose_From_Cartesian (Re, Im : Real_Matrix)
           return Complex_Matrix;

96/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each function constructs a matrix of Complex
            results (in Cartesian representation) formed from given matrices
            of Cartesian components; when only the real components are given,
            imaginary components of zero are assumed. The index ranges of the
            result are those of Re. Constraint_Error is raised if Re'Length(1)
            is not equal to Im'Length(1) or Re'Length(2) is not equal to

97/2    function Modulus  (X     : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
        function "abs"    (Right : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix
                                                      renames Modulus;
        function Argument (X     : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Matrix;
        function Argument (X     : Complex_Matrix;
                           Cycle : Real'Base)      return Real_Matrix;

98/2        {AI95-00296-01} Each function calculates and returns a matrix of
            the specified polar components of X or Right using the
            corresponding function in numerics.generic_complex_types. The
            index ranges of the result are those of X or Right.

99/2    function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument : Real_Matrix)
           return Complex_Matrix;
        function Compose_From_Polar (Modulus, Argument : Real_Matrix;
                                     Cycle             : Real'Base)
           return Complex_Matrix;

100/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each function constructs a matrix of Complex
            results (in Cartesian representation) formed from given matrices
            of polar components using the corresponding function in numerics.-
            generic_complex_types on matching components of Modulus and
            Argument. The index ranges of the result are those of Modulus.
            Constraint_Error is raised if Modulus'Length(1) is not equal to
            Argument'Length(1) or Modulus'Length(2) is not equal to

101/2   function "+" (Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
        function "-" (Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

102/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of Right. The index ranges of the result are those of

103/2   function Conjugate (X : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

104/2       {AI95-00296-01} This function returns the result of applying the
            appropriate function Conjugate in numerics.generic_complex_types
            to each component of X. The index ranges of the result are those
            of X.

105/2   function Transpose (X : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

106/2       {AI95-00296-01} This function returns the transpose of a matrix X.
            The first and second index ranges of the result are X'Range(2) and
            X'Range(1) respectively.

107/2   function "+" (Left, Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
        function "-" (Left, Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

108/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of Left and the matching component of Right. The index
            ranges of the result are those of Left. Constraint_Error is raised
            if Left'Length(1) is not equal to Right'Length(1) or
            Left'Length(2) is not equal to Right'Length(2).

109/2   function "*" (Left, Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

110/2       {AI95-00296-01} This operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for matrix multiplication. The first and second index
            ranges of the result are Left'Range(1) and Right'Range(2)
            respectively. Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length(2) is not
            equal to Right'Length(1). This operation involves inner products.

111/2   function "*" (Left, Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Matrix;

112/2       {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the outer product of a
            (column) vector Left by a (row) vector Right using the appropriate
            operation "*" in numerics.generic_complex_types for computing the
            individual components. The first and second index ranges of the
            result are Left'Range and Right'Range respectively.

113/2   function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                      Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Vector;

114/2       {AI95-00296-01} This operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for multiplication of a (row) vector Left by a matrix
            Right. The index range of the (row) vector result is
            Right'Range(2). Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length is not
            equal to Right'Length(1). This operation involves inner products.

115/2   function "*" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                      Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

116/2       {AI95-00296-01} This operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for multiplication of a matrix Left by a (column) vector
            Right. The index range of the (column) vector result is
            Left'Range(1). Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length(2) is not
            equal to Right'Length. This operation involves inner products.

117/2   function "+" (Left  : Real_Matrix;
                      Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
        function "+" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                      Right : Real_Matrix)    return Complex_Matrix;
        function "-" (Left  : Real_Matrix;
                      Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
        function "-" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                      Right : Real_Matrix)    return Complex_Matrix;

118/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of Left and the matching component of Right. The index
            ranges of the result are those of Left. Constraint_Error is raised
            if Left'Length(1) is not equal to Right'Length(1) or
            Left'Length(2) is not equal to Right'Length(2).

119/2   function "*" (Left  : Real_Matrix;
                      Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;
        function "*" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                      Right : Real_Matrix)    return Complex_Matrix;

120/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for matrix multiplication. The first and second index
            ranges of the result are Left'Range(1) and Right'Range(2)
            respectively. Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length(2) is not
            equal to Right'Length(1). These operations involve inner products.

121/2   function "*" (Left  : Real_Vector;
                      Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Matrix;
        function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                      Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex_Matrix;

122/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the outer product of a
            (column) vector Left by a (row) vector Right using the appropriate
            operation "*" in numerics.generic_complex_types for computing the
            individual components. The first and second index ranges of the
            result are Left'Range and Right'Range respectively.

123/2   function "*" (Left  : Real_Vector;
                      Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Vector;
        function "*" (Left  : Complex_Vector;
                      Right : Real_Matrix)    return Complex_Vector;

124/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for multiplication of a (row) vector Left by a matrix
            Right. The index range of the (row) vector result is
            Right'Range(2). Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length is not
            equal to Right'Length(1). These operations involve inner products.

125/2   function "*" (Left  : Real_Matrix;
                      Right : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;
        function "*" (Left  : Complex_Matrix;
                      Right : Real_Vector)    return Complex_Vector;

126/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation provides the standard mathematical
            operation for multiplication of a matrix Left by a (column) vector
            Right. The index range of the (column) vector result is
            Left'Range(1). Constraint_Error is raised if Left'Length(2) is not
            equal to Right'Length. These operations involve inner products.

127/2   function "*" (Left : Complex; Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

128/2       {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the result of multiplying
            each component of Right by the complex number Left using the
            appropriate operation "*" in numerics.generic_complex_types. The
            index ranges of the result are those of Right.

129/2   function "*" (Left : Complex_Matrix; Right : Complex) return Complex_Matrix;
        function "/" (Left : Complex_Matrix; Right : Complex) return Complex_Matrix;

130/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of the matrix Left and the complex number Right. The
            index ranges of the result are those of Left.

131/2   function "*" (Left : Real'Base;
                      Right : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

132/2       {AI95-00296-01} This operation returns the result of multiplying
            each component of Right by the real number Left using the
            appropriate operation "*" in numerics.generic_complex_types. The
            index ranges of the result are those of Right.

133/2   function "*" (Left : Complex_Matrix;
                      Right : Real'Base) return Complex_Matrix;
        function "/" (Left : Complex_Matrix;
                      Right : Real'Base) return Complex_Matrix;

134/2       {AI95-00296-01} Each operation returns the result of applying the
            corresponding operation in numerics.generic_complex_types to each
            component of the matrix Left and the real number Right. The index
            ranges of the result are those of Left.

135/2   function Solve (A : Complex_Matrix; X : Complex_Vector) return Complex_Vector;

136/2       {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a vector Y such that X is
            (nearly) equal to A * Y. This is the standard mathematical
            operation for solving a single set of linear equations. The index
            range of the result is A'Range(2). Constraint_Error is raised if
            A'Length(1), A'Length(2), and X'Length are not equal.
            Constraint_Error is raised if the matrix A is ill-conditioned.

136.a/2     Discussion: The text says that Y is such that "X is (nearly) equal
            to A * Y" rather than "X is equal to A * Y" because rounding
            errors may mean that there is no value of Y such that X is exactly
            equal to A * Y. On the other hand it does not mean that any old
            rough value will do. The algorithm given under
            Implementation Advice should be followed.

136.b/2     The requirement to raise Constraint_Error if the matrix is
            ill-conditioned is really a reflection of what will happen if the
            matrix is ill-conditioned. See Implementation Advice. We do not
            make any attempt to define ill-conditioned formally.

136.c/2     These remarks apply to all versions of Solve and Inverse.

137/2   function Solve (A, X : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

138/2       {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a matrix Y such that X is
            (nearly) equal to A * Y. This is the standard mathematical
            operation for solving several sets of linear equations. The index
            ranges of the result are A'Range(2) and X'Range(2).
            Constraint_Error is raised if A'Length(1), A'Length(2), and
            X'Length(1) are not equal. Constraint_Error is raised if the
            matrix A is ill-conditioned.

139/2   function Inverse (A : Complex_Matrix) return Complex_Matrix;

140/2       {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a matrix B such that A * B
            is (nearly) equal to the unit matrix. The index ranges of the
            result are A'Range(2) and A'Range(1). Constraint_Error is raised
            if A'Length(1) is not equal to A'Length(2). Constraint_Error is
            raised if the matrix A is ill-conditioned.

141/2   function Determinant (A : Complex_Matrix) return Complex;

142/2       {AI95-00296-01} This function returns the determinant of the
            matrix A. Constraint_Error is raised if A'Length(1) is not equal
            to A'Length(2).

143/2   function Eigenvalues(A : Complex_Matrix) return Real_Vector;

144/2       {AI95-00296-01} This function returns the eigenvalues of the
            Hermitian matrix A as a vector sorted into order with the largest
            first. Constraint_Error is raised if A'Length(1) is not equal to
            A'Length(2). The index range of the result is A'Range(1).
            Argument_Error is raised if the matrix A is not Hermitian.

144.a/2     Discussion: A Hermitian matrix is one whose transpose is equal to
            its complex conjugate. The eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix are
            always real. We only support this case because algorithms for
            solving the general case are inherently unstable.

145/2   procedure Eigensystem(A       : in  Complex_Matrix;
                              Values  :  out Real_Vector;
                              Vectors :  out Complex_Matrix);

146/3       {AI95-00296-01} {AI05-0047-1} This procedure computes both the
            eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hermitian matrix A. The out
            parameter Values is the same as that obtained by calling the
            function Eigenvalues. The out parameter Vectors is a matrix whose
            columns are the eigenvectors of the matrix A. The order of the
            columns corresponds to the order of the eigenvalues. The
            eigenvectors are mutually orthonormal, including when there are
            repeated eigenvalues. Constraint_Error is raised if A'Length(1) is
            not equal to A'Length(2), or if Values'Range is not equal to
            A'Range(1), or if the index ranges of the parameter Vectors are
            not equal to those of A. Argument_Error is raised if the matrix A
            is not Hermitian. Constraint_Error is also raised in
            implementation-defined circumstances if the algorithm used does
            not converge quickly enough.

146.a/3     Ramification: {AI05-0047-1} There is no requirement on the
            absolute direction of the returned eigenvectors. Thus they might
            be multiplied by any complex number whose modulus is 1. It is only
            the ratios of the components that matter. This is standard

147/2   function Unit_Matrix (Order            : Positive;
                              First_1, First_2 : Integer := 1)
                                                 return Complex_Matrix;

148/2       {AI95-00296-01} This function returns a square unit matrix with
            Order**2 components and lower bounds of First_1 and First_2 (for
            the first and second index ranges respectively). All components
            are set to (0.0, 0.0) except for the main diagonal, whose
            components are set to (1.0, 0.0). Constraint_Error is raised if
            First_1 + Order - 1 > Integer'Last or First_2 + Order - 1 >

                         Implementation Requirements

149/2 {AI95-00296-01} Accuracy requirements for the subprograms Solve,
Inverse, Determinant, Eigenvalues and Eigensystem are implementation defined.

149.a/2     Implementation defined: The accuracy requirements for the
            subprograms Solve, Inverse, Determinant, Eigenvalues and
            Eigensystem for type Complex_Matrix.

150/2 {AI95-00296-01} For operations not involving an inner product, the
accuracy requirements are those of the corresponding operations of the type
Real'Base and Complex in both the strict mode and the relaxed mode (see G.2).

151/2 {AI95-00296-01} For operations involving an inner product, no
requirements are specified in the relaxed mode. In the strict mode the modulus
of the absolute error of the inner product X*Y shall not exceed
g*abs(X)*abs(Y) where g is defined as

152/2   g = X'Length * Real'Machine_Radix**(1 - Real'Model_Mantissa)
            for mixed complex and real operands

153/2   g = sqrt(2.0) * X'Length * Real'Machine_Radix**(1 - Real'Model_Mantissa)
            for two complex operands

154/2 {AI95-00418-01} For the L2-norm, no accuracy requirements are specified
in the relaxed mode. In the strict mode the relative error on the norm shall
not exceed g / 2.0 + 3.0 * Real'Model_Epsilon where g has the definition
appropriate for two complex operands.

                         Documentation Requirements

155/2 {AI95-00296-01} Implementations shall document any techniques used to
reduce cancellation errors such as extended precision arithmetic.

155.a/2     Documentation Requirement: Any techniques used to reduce
            cancellation errors in Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays shall be

155.b/2     Implementation Note: The above accuracy requirement is met by the
            canonical implementation of the inner product by multiplication
            and addition using the corresponding operations of type Complex
            and performing the cumulative addition using ascending indices.
            Note however, that some hardware provides special operations for
            the computation of the inner product and although these may be
            fast they may not meet the accuracy requirement specified. See
            Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms by N J Higham (ISBN
            0-89871-355-2), Sections 3.1 and 3.6.

                         Implementation Permissions

156/2 {AI95-00296-01} The nongeneric equivalent packages may, but need not, be
actual instantiations of the generic package for the appropriate predefined

157/2 {AI95-00296-01} Although many operations are defined in terms of
operations from numerics.generic_complex_types, they need not be implemented
by calling those operations provided that the effect is the same.

                            Implementation Advice

158/3 {AI95-00296-01} {AI05-0264-1} Implementations should implement the Solve
and Inverse functions using established techniques. Implementations are
recommended to refine the result by performing an iteration on the residuals;
if this is done, then it should be documented.

158.a/2     Implementation Advice: Solve and Inverse for
            Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays should be implemented using
            established techniques and the result should be refined by an
            iteration on the residuals.

159/2 {AI95-00296-01} It is not the intention that any special provision
should be made to determine whether a matrix is ill-conditioned or not. The
naturally occurring overflow (including division by zero) which will result
from executing these functions with an ill-conditioned matrix and thus raise
Constraint_Error is sufficient.

159.a/2     Discussion: There isn't any advice for the implementation to
            document with this paragraph.

160/2 {AI95-00296-01} The test that a matrix is Hermitian should use the
equality operator to compare the real components and negation followed by
equality to compare the imaginary components (see G.2.1).

160.a/2     Implementation Advice: The equality and negation operators should
            be used to test that a matrix is Hermitian.

160.1/3 An implementation should minimize the circumstances under which the
algorithm used for Eigenvalues and Eigensystem fails to converge.

160.a.1/3   Implementation Advice: An implementation should minimize the
            circumstances under which the algorithm used for
            Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays.Eigenvalues and
            Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays.Eigensystem fails to converge.

160.b/3     Implementation Note: J. H. Wilkinson is the acknowledged expert in
            this area. See for example Wilkinson, J. H., and Reinsch, C. ,
            Linear Algebra , vol II of Handbook for Automatic Computation,
            Springer-Verlag, or Wilkinson, J. H., The Algebraic Eigenvalue
            Problem, Oxford University Press.

161/2 {AI95-00296-01} Implementations should not perform operations on mixed
complex and real operands by first converting the real operand to complex. See

161.a/2     Implementation Advice: Mixed real and complex operations should
            not be performed by converting the real operand to complex.

                            Extensions to Ada 95

161.b/2     {AI95-00296-01} The package Numerics.Generic_Complex_Arrays and
            its nongeneric equivalents are new.

                        Wording Changes from Ada 2005

161.c/3     {AI05-0047-1} Correction: Corrected various accuracy and
            definition issues.

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