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>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author>
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> är ett kompressionsprogram.</para>

>The bzip2 KIO worker is not directly usable, and is intended for use as a filter. For example, the tar KIO worker can filter a file through the bzip2 KIO worker, in order to display the contents of a <literal role="extension"
> file directly in a &konqueror; window.</para>

>If you click on a file compressed with a <literal role="extension"
> in &konqueror;, this KIO worker is used to uncompress it and display it as a normal (uncompressed) file.</para>

>If you are a developer, and would like to use the bzip2 filter, you can find documentation on using KIO workers at <ulink url="http://techbase.kde.org"

>Se manualen: <ulink url="man:/bzip2"
>. </para>

> är föregångaren till bzip2. Det används sällan nu för tiden, eftersom det har ersatts av bzip2, som erbjuder mycket bättre komprimering.</para>


Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Wed Jun 26 01:33:32 CEST 2024.