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<article id="splashscreen" lang="&language;">
>Tela de apresentação</title>
> <surname
> <affiliation
> <address
<othercredit role="translator"

>Plasma 5.3</releaseinfo>

>Configurações do Sistema</keyword>
>tela de abertura</keyword>

>Este módulo fornece uma interface para visualizar e selecionar os temas da tela de abertura.</para>

>Aqui está uma imagem do gerenciador da tela de abertura</screeninfo>
      <imagedata fileref="splash-main.png" format="PNG"/>
>O módulo de gerenciamento da tela de abertura</phrase>

>Nesta página, você pode visualizar as telas de abertura já instaladas. A visualização da tela de abertura que está em uso aparece realçada.</para>

>Passe com o ponteiro do mouse sobre uma imagem em miniatura para aparecer o botão <guilabel
>Testar tela de abertura</guilabel
> no canto superior direito da imagem. Clique nesse botão para ver a tela de abertura em ação.</para>

<!-- not in 5.3
>Get New Themes...</guilabel
You need to be connected to the Internet to use this action. A dialog will display a list of themes from the <ulink url="http://www.kde-look.org"
> website. Clicking the <guibutton
> button associated with a theme will install this theme locally.
>Installing a new theme</screeninfo>
      <imagedata fileref="get-new-theme.png" format="PNG"/>
>Installing a new theme</phrase>
This new theme is immediately available after you close the System Settings Add-On Installer dialog and is highlighted. The preview displays the picture. You need to click the <guibutton
> biutton to make this theme your current splash-screen theme.

>Install Theme File...</guilabel
Instead of installing a theme directly as above you might have a tarball of a theme locally that you want to install. Clicking on this button will open a file dialog and you choose the tarball of the theme you want to install. The installer then unpacks the theme locally and makes it immediately available in the themes list.

>Remove Theme</guilabel
Removing a theme means removing the theme files from your disk. A message box warns you before doing anything and indicates to you what it will remove. Clicking on <guibutton
> in this message box will remove the splash screen theme from your disk. Clicking <guibutton
> will abort the remove action. If you choose <guibutton
>, the theme is then no longer available in the list.

>Test Theme</guilabel
This shows you the theme and the associated icons as they will be displayed as splash screen when &kde; starts. Clicking on the splash screen hides it.

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Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Thu Jun 27 09:54:05 CEST 2024.