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<article lang="&language;" id="smb">
<author>&Alexander.Neundorf; &Alexander.Neundorf.mail;</author>
<releaseinfo>Applications 16.12</releaseinfo>
The smb worker enables you to browse the shares of a &Windows; (or Samba)

To see the workgroups, enter
will list the hosts in this workgroup.
To see the shares of a host, enter
To access a share directly enter

The smb worker requires that you have libsmbclient to use this worker.

You can set your default user name and password in the &systemsettings;
category <guilabel>Network</guilabel> in
Windows Shares</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.  This is especially useful if you are a
member of a &Windows; <acronym>NT</acronym> domain. There you can also set your
workgroup name, but in most cases this is not required.  The worker will ask for your username and password if a default is not set.


Generated by dwww version 1.15 on Sun Jun 16 18:09:08 CEST 2024.