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<article id="trash" lang="&language;">

<releaseinfo>Frameworks 5.48</releaseinfo>


This module allows you to configure the settings for the trash.

Check this box to allow automatic deletion of files that are 
older than the value specified. Leave this disabled to <emphasis>not</emphasis> 
automatically delete any items after a certain timespan.
Set the number of days that files can remain in the trash. Any files 
older than this will be automatically deleted.

Check this box to limit the trash to the maximum amount of disk space 
that you specify. Otherwise, it will be unlimited.

<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Limit to</guilabel></term>
This is the maximum percent of disk space that will be used for the 
trash. The calculated amount of disk space that will be allowed for 
the trash is displayed right of the spinbox.

<varlistentry><term><guilabel>Full trash:</guilabel></term>
When the size limit is reached, the selected action will be performed, 
either the oldest or biggest files will be deleted automatically
or you will be warned.



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