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<article id="cursortheme" lang="&language;">
<title>Cursor Theme</title>
<author>&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</author>
<author>&Brad.Hards; &Brad.Hards.mail;</author>
<author>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author>

<releaseinfo>Plasma 5.27</releaseinfo>

<para>This is the documentation for the &systemsettings; module to 
customize the mouse cursor appearance.


<sect1 id="cursorthemes">
<title>Cursor Theme</title>

This module allows you to
<listitem><para>select a cursor theme</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>configure a cursor animation for launching applications</para></listitem>

<para>The features provided by this module may not be available on some systems.</para>

<sect2 id="cursorthememanagement">
<title>Cursor Theme Management</title>

<screeninfo>Screenshot of the Cursor Theme manager</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="main.png" format="PNG" />

<para>To use a cursor theme, simply select it and click the <guilabel>Apply</guilabel> button.</para>

<para>You can remove cursor themes using the trash button that appears when you hover the mouse pointer over the theme item in the list. Note that you can not remove the pre-installed themes.</para>

<para>Use the <guilabel>Get New Cursors...</guilabel> button to launch the <guilabel>Download New Cursors</guilabel> dialog and download additional themes from the internet.</para>

<screeninfo>Screenshot of the Get New Cursor Themes</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="get-new-stuff.png" format="PNG" />

<para>You can also install cursor themes files you have downloaded or otherwise obtained using the <guilabel>Install from File...</guilabel> button.</para>

<para>If you are interested in creating your own cursor theme, you can find information<ulink url="https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Create_your_own_mouse_cursor_theme">here</ulink>.</para>


<sect2 id="cursorsize">
<title>Cursor size</title>

<para>Some themes allow choosing the cursor size. Use the <guilabel>Size</guilabel> field to select the appropriate size.</para>

<screeninfo>Screenshot of the Cursor Size</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="cursor-size.png" format="PNG" />


<sect2 id="lauchfeedback">
<title>Launch feedback</title>

<para>Sometimes it is reassuring to know that your computer didn't just
ignore your command, and something is happening behind the scenes. In
this dialog <guilabel>Configure Launch Fedback...</guilabel>, 
you can configure visible feedback to help you know if you
really hit that icon or not.</para>

<screeninfo>Screenshot of the Launch Feedback</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="launch-feedback.png" format="PNG" />
<para>The traditional way to indicate that your computer is busy is to
modify the cursor, and you can turn this on by choosing a

<para>With this option enabled, your cursor will have an icon attached
to it for a short time, when a new application is being launched.  You
can configure how long this icon is displayed beside your cursor with the
<guilabel>Stop animation after:</guilabel> spinbox.  The
default is 5 seconds.</para>

<para>There are several variations of busy cursor available, including
a <guilabel>No Feedback</guilabel>, a <guilabel>Blinking</guilabel>, a 
<guilabel>Bouncing</guilabel> or a <guilabel>Static</guilabel> cursor 
icon with no animation.</para>

<para>Traditional &plasma; launch notification has taken another form,
which you can also enable and disable here.  Normally when you start an
application, it gets an immediate entry in the taskbar, with the icon
replaced by a spinning hourglass to let you know something is
happening.  You can toggle this behavior on and off with the
<guilabel>Enable animation</guilabel> checkbox.</para>

<para>Not all applications that you start will eventually show a window, or 
an entry in the taskbar.  Some of them, for example, are docked into the 
&plasma; system tray. Alternatively, it might be that you sent it off to a 
different virtual desktop, and in the <guilabel>Behavior</guilabel> section 
of the <ulink url="help:/plasma-desktop/panel.html"> <guilabel>Task Manager 
Settings</guilabel></ulink> the option <guilabel>From the current 
desktop</guilabel> is checked for the <guilabel>Show only tasks</guilabel> 
switcher.  Setting a timeout ensures that, even in these cases, you can 
still get launch feedback, but also that it will go away when the job is 




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