Debian packages on transit

only installed packages

Packages with section math

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                             Version                Architecture
+++-====================================            -======================-====================================                                                       
ii  4ti2                                             1.6.9+ds-8             amd64        mathematical tool suite for problems on linear spaces -- tools
ii  apcalc                                              all          transitional package
un  apcalc-common                                    <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  bc                                               1.07.1-3+b1            amd64        GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language
un  cadabra2                                         <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  calc                                                amd64        Arbitrary precision calculator
ii  calc-common                                         all          Arbitrary precision calculator (common files)
ii  cliquer                                          1.21-3+b1              amd64        clique searching program
ii  dc                                               1.07.1-3+b1            amd64        GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator
ii  eclib-tools                                      20221012-1             amd64        Programs for modular symbols and elliptic curves over Q
ii  fflas-ffpack                                     2.5.0-2                amd64        Finite field linear algebra subroutines/package
ii  fflas-ffpack-common                              2.5.0-2                all          Finite field linear algebra subroutines/package - common files
ii  flintqs                                          1:1.0-4                amd64        Program using quadratic sieve to factor integers
ii  galculator                                       2.1.4-1.2              amd64        scientific calculator
ii  gap                                              4.12.1-2               all          computer algebra system for Groups, Algorithms and Programming
un  gap-aclib                                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-alnuth                                       3.2.1-1                all          GAP Alnuth - Algebraic number theory and an interface to PARI/GP
ii  gap-atlasrep                                     2.1.6-1                all          GAP AtlasRep - A GAP Interface to the Atlas of Group Representations
ii  gap-autpgrp                                      1.11-1                 all          GAP AutPGrp - Computing the Automorphism Group of a p-Group
ii  gap-character-tables                             1.3.4-1                all          GAP Library of character tables
un  gap-congruence                                   <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-core                                         4.12.1-2               amd64        GAP computer algebra system, core components
un  gap-cryst                                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gap-crystcat                                     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gap-design                                       <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-factint                                      1.6.3+ds-2             all          advanced methods for factoring integers for GAP
ii  gap-fga                                          1.4.0-2                all          GAP FGA - Free Group Algorithms
un  gap-float                                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-gapdoc                                       1.6.6-1                all          GAPDoc - A Meta Package for GAP Documentation
un  gap-grape                                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gap-guava                                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gap-guava-bin                                    <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gap-hap                                          <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gap-hapcryst                                     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-io                                           4.8.0+ds-1             amd64        low level C library IO bindings for GAP
ii  gap-laguna                                       3.9.5+ds-2             all          LAGUNA GAP package
ii  gap-libs                                         4.12.1-2               all          GAP computer algebra system, essential GAP libraries
un  gap-nq                                           <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-online-help                                  4.12.1-2               all          GAP computer algebra system, online help
un  gap-openmath                                     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-polycyclic                                   2.16-2                 all          GAP Polycyclic - Computation with polycyclic groups
un  gap-polymaking                                   <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-primgrp                                      3.4.3-1                all          GAP PrimGrp - GAP Primitive Permutation Groups Library
un  gap-radiroot                                     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gap-scscp                                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-smallgrp                                     1.5.1-1                all          GAP SmallGrp - The GAP Small Groups Library
un  gap-smallgrp-extra                               <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gap-sonata                                       <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-table-of-marks                               1.2.9-2                all          GAP TomLib - The GAP Library of Tables of Marks
un  gap-toric                                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gap-transgrp                                     3.6.3-1                all          GAP TransGrp - Transitive Groups Library
ii  gap-utils                                        0.81-1                 all          GAP utils - Utility functions in GAP
ii  gfan                                             0.6.2-6+b1             amd64        program for computing with Groebner fans
ii  ggobi                                            2.1.11-2+b2            amd64        Data visualization system for high-dimensional data
ii  ginac-tools                                      1.8.6-1                amd64        GiNaC symbolic framework support tools
ii  glpk-utils                                       5.0-1                  amd64        linear programming kit - utility files
ii  gmp-ecm                                          7.0.5+ds-1             amd64        Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method
ii  gmsh                                             4.8.4+ds2-3            amd64        Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
ii  gnome-calculator                                 1:43.0.1-2             amd64        GNOME desktop calculator
ii  gnuplot                                          5.4.4+dfsg1-2          all          Command-line driven interactive plotting program.
un  gnuplot-nox                                      <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnuplot-qt                                       5.4.4+dfsg1-2+b2       amd64        Command-line driven interactive plotting program. QT-package
un  gnuplot-x11                                      <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gsl-bin                                          2.7.1+dfsg-5           amd64        GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- binary package
ii  jags                                             4.3.1-1                amd64        Just Another Gibbs Sampler for Bayesian MCMC - binary
ii  kcalc                                            4:22.12.3-1            amd64        simple and scientific calculator
ii  lcalc                                            2.0.5-1+b1             amd64        program for calculating with L-functions
ii  libcdd-tools                                     094m-1                 amd64        Programs using libcdd
ii  libgts-bin                                       0.7.6+darcs121130-5+b1 amd64        utility binaries for libgts
un  libreoffice-nlpsolver                            <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  lp-solve                                             amd64        Solve (mixed integer) linear programming problems
ii  mate-calc                                        1.26.0-1               amd64        MATE desktop calculator
ii  mate-calc-common                                 1.26.0-1               all          MATE desktop calculator (common files)
ii  maxima                                           5.46.0-11              amd64        Computer algebra system -- base system
ii  maxima-emacs                                     5.46.0-11              all          Computer algebra system -- emacs interface
ii  maxima-sage                                      5.45.1-2               amd64        Computer algebra system -- base system
ii  maxima-sage-share                                5.45.1-2               all          Computer algebra system -- extra code
ii  maxima-share                                     5.46.0-11              all          Computer algebra system -- extra code
ii  maxima-src                                       5.46.0-11              all          Computer algebra system -- source code
ii  maxima-test                                      5.46.0-11              all          Computer algebra system -- test suite
ii  nauty                                            2.8.6+ds-2             amd64        library for graph automorphisms -- interface and tools
ii  normaliz                                         3.9.4+ds-2             all          math computing tools for affine monoids, rational polytopes and cones
ii  normaliz-bin                                     3.9.4+ds-2             amd64        math computing tools for affine monoids, rational polytopes and cones - bin
ii  octave                                           7.3.0-2                amd64        GNU Octave language for numerical computations
ii  octave-common                                    7.3.0-2                all          architecture-independent files for octave
ii  octave-dataframe                                 1.2.0-6                all          manipulate data in Octave similar to R data.frame
ii  octave-fpl                                       1.3.5-7                all          plot data on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes in Octave
ii  octave-ga                                        0.10.3-2               all          genetic optimization code for Octave
ii  octave-missing-functions                         1.0.2-12               all          finds functions that are in Matlab but not in Octave
un  octave-nlopt                                     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  octave-specfun                                   1.1.0-9                all          special mathematical functions for Octave
ii  octave-splines                                   1.3.4-3                all          cubic spline functions for Octave
un  octave-symbolic                                  <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  octave-zenity                                    0.5.7-14               all          simple graphical user interfaces using zenity in Octave
ii  palp                                             2.20-2                 amd64        Package for Analyzing Lattice Polytopes
ii  pari-elldata                                     0.20210301-1           all          PARI/GP Computer Algebra System elliptic curves (elldata)
ii  pari-galdata                                     0.20080411-4           all          PARI/GP Computer Algebra System Galois resolvents (galdata)
ii  pari-galpol                                      4.0-2                  all          PARI/GP Computer Algebra System Galois polynomial database
ii  pari-gp                                          2.15.2-1               amd64        PARI/GP Computer Algebra System binaries
ii  pari-gp2c                                        0.0.13-1               amd64        PARI/GP GP to C compiler
un  pari-nflistdata                                  <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  pari-seadata                                     0.20090618-3           all          PARI/GP Computer Algebra System modular polynomials (seadata)
ii  pi                                               1.3.6-4                amd64        Compute Archimedes' constant Pi to arbitrary precision
ii  planarity                                            amd64        Program for planarity-related graph algorithms
ii  plotutils                                        2.6-13                 amd64        GNU plotutils command line tools based on libplot
ii  primecount-bin                                   7.6+ds-1               amd64        fast prime number counter C/C++ library -- bin
ii  primesieve-bin                                   11.0+ds-2              amd64        fast prime number generator C/C++ library -- bin
ii  pspp                                             1.6.2-2                amd64        Statistical analysis tool
ii  rocs                                             4:22.12.3-1            amd64        graph theory IDE
ii  sagemath                                         9.5-6                  all          Open Source Mathematical Software
ii  sagemath-database-conway-polynomials             0.5-8                  all          Database of Conway polynomials
ii  sagemath-database-elliptic-curves                0.8.1-5                all          Databases for elliptic curves
ii  sagemath-database-graphs                         20210214+dfsg-1        all          Databases of graphs
ii  sagemath-database-mutually-combinatorial-designs 20140630-6             all          Databases of combinatorial designs
ii  sagemath-database-polytopes                      20170220-5             all          Databases of polytopes
ii  sagemath-doc                                     9.5-6                  all          Open Source Mathematical Software - documentation
ii  sagemath-jupyter                                 9.5-6                  all          Open Source Mathematical Software - Jupyter kernel
ii  scilab                                           6.1.1+dfsg2-6          all          Scientific software package for numerical computations
ii  scilab-cli                                       6.1.1+dfsg2-6          all          Scientific software package - Command Line Interpreter
ii  scilab-data                                      6.1.1+dfsg2-6          all          Scientific software package for numerical computations (data files)
ii  scilab-full-bin                                  6.1.1+dfsg2-6          amd64        Scientific software package for numerical computations (all binary files)
ii  scilab-include                                   6.1.1+dfsg2-6          amd64        Scientific software package for numerical computations (include files)
ii  scilab-minimal-bin                               6.1.1+dfsg2-6          amd64        Scientific software package for numerical computations (minimal binary files)
ii  singular-data                                    1:4.3.1-p3+ds-2        all          Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations -- shared data
ii  singular-ui                                      1:4.3.1-p3+ds-2        amd64        Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations -- console user interface
un  singular-ui-emacs                                <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  surf-alggeo                                      1.0.6+ds-6+b2          amd64        visualization of real algebraic geometry
ii  surf-alggeo-nox                                  1.0.6+ds-6+b2          amd64        visualization of real algebraic geometry -- no X support
ii  sympow                                           2.023.6-1.1            amd64        mathematical program for SYMmetric POWer elliptic curve L-functions -- program
ii  sympow-data                                      2.023.6-1.1            all          mathematical program for SYMmetric POWer elliptic curve L-functions -- shared
ii  tachyon                                          0.99~b6+dsx-10         all          Parallel/Multiprocessor Standalone Ray Tracer - metapackage
ii  tachyon-bin-nox                                  0.99~b6+dsx-10+b1      amd64        Parallel/Multiprocessor Standalone Ray Tracer - with no X support
un  topcom                                           <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  xmaxima                                          5.46.0-11              amd64        Computer algebra system -- x interface

134 packages                                         

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