Debian packages on transit

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Packages with section kde

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                Version            Architecture
ii  akonadi-mime-data                   4:22.12.3-1        all          Akonadi MIME handling library - data files
ii  breeze                              4:5.27.5-2         amd64        Default Plasma theme (Metapackage)
ii  breeze-cursor-theme                 4:5.27.5-2         all          Default Plasma cursor theme
ii  breeze-gtk-theme                    5.27.5-2           amd64        GTK theme built to match KDE's Breeze
ii  breeze-icon-theme                   4:5.103.0-1        all          Default Plasma icon theme
un  debconf-kde-helper                  <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  drkonqi                             5.27.5-2           amd64        Crash handler for Qt applications
un  ffmpegthumbs                        <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  frameworkintegration                5.103.0-1          amd64        KF5 cross-framework integration plugins
ii  gtk3-engines-breeze                 5.27.5-2           all          Transitional package for KDE's Breeze
ii  kaccounts-providers                 4:22.12.3-1        amd64        KDE providers for accounts sign-on
ii  kactivities-bin                     5.103.0-1          amd64        Command Line Tool for KActivities
ii  kactivitymanagerd                   5.27.5-2           amd64        System service to manage user's activities
un  kalarm                              <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kate5-data                          4:22.12.3-1        all          shared data files for Kate text editor
un  kde-config-flatpak                  <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  kde-config-gtk-style-preview        <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kde-config-screenlocker             5.27.5-2           amd64        KCM Module for kscreenlocker
ii  kde-config-sddm                     4:5.27.5-2         amd64        KCM module for SDDM
un  kde-config-systemd                  <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  kde-config-telepathy-accounts       <none>             <none>       (no description available)
in  kde-runtime-data                    <none>             all          (no description available)
ii  kde-style-breeze                    4:5.27.5-2         amd64        Widget style for Qt and KDE Software
ii  kde-style-oxygen-qt5                4:5.27.5-2         amd64        Qt decoration for the Oxygen desktop theme
un  kde-telepathy-auth-handler          <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  kde-telepathy-kaccounts             <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  kde-telepathy-send-file             <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  kdeconnect                          <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kded5                               5.103.0-1          amd64        Extensible daemon for providing session services
un  kdegraphics-thumbnailers            <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kdeplasma-addons-data               4:5.27.5-2         all          locale files for kdeplasma-addons
in  kdewallpapers                       <none>             all          (no description available)
ii  kdiff3                              1.10.0-1           amd64        compares and merges 2 or 3 files or directories
ii  khotkeys-data                       4:5.27.5-2         all          configure input actions settings
un  kimageformat-plugins                <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kinit                               5.103.0-1          amd64        process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications
ii  kio                                 5.103.0-1+deb12u1  amd64        resource and network access abstraction
ii  kio-extras                          4:22.12.3-1        amd64        Extra functionality for kioslaves.
ii  kio-extras-data                     4:22.12.3-1        all          Extra functionality for kioslaves data files.
un  kirigami-gallery                    <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kmenuedit                           4:5.27.5-2         amd64        XDG menu editor
ii  konsole                             4:22.12.3-1        amd64        X terminal emulator
ii  konsole-kpart                       4:22.12.3-1        amd64        Konsole plugin for Qt applications
un  korganizer                          <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kpackagetool5                       5.103.0-1          amd64        command line kpackage tool
ii  kscreen                             4:5.27.5-2         amd64        KDE monitor hotplug and screen handling
ii  ksystemstats                        5.27.5-2           amd64        plugin based system monitoring daemon
ii  ktexteditor-data                    5.103.0-1.1        all          provide advanced plain text editing services
un  kwayland-integration                <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  kwin-addons                         <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kwin-common                         4:5.27.5-3         amd64        KDE window manager, common files
ii  kwin-data                           4:5.27.5-3         all          KDE window manager data files
un  kwin-decoration-oxygen              <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kwin-style-breeze                   4:5.27.5-2         amd64        KWin Breeze Style
un  kwin-wayland                        <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  kwin-x11                            4:5.27.5-3         amd64        KDE window manager, X11 version
ii  kwrited                             4:5.27.5-2         amd64        Read and write console output to X
ii  layer-shell-qt                      5.27.5-2           amd64        use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol - plugin
ii  libcolorcorrect5                    4:5.27.5-2+deb12u2 amd64        Plasma Workspace for KF5 library
ii  libkf5codecs-data                   5.103.0-1          all          collection of methods to manipulate strings
ii  libkf5filemetadata-data             5.103.0-1          all          library for extracting file metadata
ii  liblayershellqtinterface5           5.27.5-2           amd64        use the Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol - run-time library
ii  libpam-kwallet-common               5.27.5-2           all          KWallet integration with PAM (common files)
ii  libpam-kwallet5                     5.27.5-2           amd64        KWallet (Kf5) integration with PAM
un  libreoffice-kf5                     <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  milou                               4:5.27.5-2         amd64        Dedicated search plasmoid
ii  okteta                              5:0.26.10-1        amd64        hexadecimal editor for binary files
ii  okular-extra-backends               4:22.12.3-1        amd64        additional document format support for Okular
ii  oxygen-sounds                       4:5.27.5-2         all          Sounds for the Oxygen desktop theme
un  plasma-browser-integration          <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  plasma-desktop                      4:5.27.5-2         amd64        Tools and widgets for the desktop
ii  plasma-desktop-data                 4:5.27.5-2         all          Tools and widgets for the desktop data files
un  plasma-discover                     <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  plasma-disks                        <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  plasma-firewall                     <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  plasma-framework                    5.103.0-1+deb12u1  amd64        Plasma Runtime components
ii  plasma-integration                  5.27.5-2           amd64        Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for KDE Plasma
un  plasma-nm                           <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  plasma-pa                           4:5.27.5-2         amd64        Plasma 5 Volume controller
un  plasma-theme-oxygen                 <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  plasma-thunderbolt                  <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  plasma-vault                        <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  plasma-welcome                      <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  plasma-widgets-addons               4:5.27.5-2         amd64        additional widgets for Plasma 5
ii  plasma-workspace                    4:5.27.5-2+deb12u2 amd64        Plasma Workspace for KF5
ii  plasma-workspace-data               4:5.27.5-2+deb12u2 all          Plasma Workspace for KF5 - data files
un  plasma-workspace-dev                <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  plasma-workspace-wayland            <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  polkit-kde-agent-1                  4:5.27.5-2         amd64        KDE dialogs for PolicyKit
ii  powerdevil                          4:5.27.5-2         amd64        Global power saver settings.
ii  powerdevil-data                     4:5.27.5-2         all          Global power saver settings data files.
ii  qml-module-org-kde-kirigami2        5.103.0-1          amd64        set of QtQuick components targeted for mobile use
ii  qml-module-org-kde-qqc2desktopstyle 5.103.0-1          amd64        Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style
un  sddm-theme-debian-elarun            <none>             <none>       (no description available)
ii  systemsettings                      4:5.27.5-2         amd64        System Settings interface
un  xdg-desktop-portal-kde              <none>             <none>       (no description available)
un  xsettings-kde                       <none>             <none>       (no description available)

97 packages                             

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