Debian packages on transit

only installed packages

Packages with section gnu-r

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                      Version              Architecture
un  littler                   <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-base               all          GNU R statistical computation and graphics system
ii  r-base-core          amd64        GNU R core of statistical computation and graphics system
ii  r-base-dev           all          GNU R installation of auxiliary GNU R packages
un  r-bioc-affy               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-all                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-annotate           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-annotationdbi      <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-bioc-biobase            2.58.0-2             amd64        base functions for Bioconductor
ii  r-bioc-biocgenerics       0.44.0-2             all          generic functions for Bioconductor
un  r-bioc-biocstyle          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-biocversion        <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-biostrings         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-delayedarray       <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-deseq2             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-genomicranges      <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-graph              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-iranges            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-bioc-qvalue             2.30.0-1             all          GNU R package for Q-value estimation for FDR control
un  r-bioc-rsamtools          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-bioc-s4vectors          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-abind              1.4-5-2              all          GNU R abind multi-dimensional array combination function
ii  r-cran-acepack            1.4.1-2+b5           amd64        GNU R package for regression transformations
ii  r-cran-aer                1.2-10-1             all          Applied Econometrics with R
un  r-cran-afex               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-amelia             1.8.1-1              amd64        GNU R package supporting multiple imputation of missing data
ii  r-cran-amore              0.2-16-2             amd64        GNU R: A MORE flexible neural network package
un  r-cran-animation          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-ape                5.7-1                amd64        GNU R package for Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
ii  r-cran-arsenal            3.6.3-1              all          arsenal of GNU R functions for large-scale statistical summaries
ii  r-cran-askpass            1.1-2                amd64        safe password entry for GNU R, Git, and SSH
ii  r-cran-assertthat         0.2.1-2              all          GNU R easy pre and post assertions
ii  r-cran-backports          1.4.1-1              amd64        reimplementation of functions introduced since R-3.0.0
ii  r-cran-base64enc          0.1-3-3              amd64        GNU R package that provides tools for base64 encoding
ii  r-cran-batchjobs          1.9-1                all          GNU R batch computing
un  r-cran-bayesfactor        <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-bayesm             3.1-5+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R package for Bayesian inference
un  r-cran-bayestestr         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-bbmisc             1.13-1               amd64        GNU R Miscellaneous helper functions for B. Bischl
un  r-cran-bbmle              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-bdsmatrix          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-beeswarm           0.4.0-1+b1           amd64        bee swarm plot, an alternative to stripchart
un  r-cran-bench              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-biasedurn          2.0.9-1              amd64        GNU R Biased Urn model distributions
un  r-cran-bigmemory          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-bindr              0.1.1-3              all          Parametrized Active Bindings for GNU R
ii  r-cran-bindrcpp           0.2.2-3              amd64        GNU R 'Rcpp' Interface to Active Bindings
ii  r-cran-biocmanager        1.30.20+dfsg-1       all          access the Bioconductor project package repository
ii  r-cran-bit                4.0.5-1              amd64        GNU R class for vectors of 1-bit booleans
ii  r-cran-bit64              4.0.5-1              amd64        GNU R S3 Class for Vectors of 64bit Integers
ii  r-cran-bitops             1.0-7-1              amd64        GNU R package implementing bitwise operations
un  r-cran-blme               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-blob               1.2.3-1              all          GNU R S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS')
un  r-cran-bookdown           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-boolnet            2.1.7-1              amd64        assembling, analyzing and visualizing Boolean networks
ii  r-cran-boot               1.3-28.1-1           all          GNU R package for bootstrapping functions from Davison and Hinkley
un  r-cran-bradleyterry2      <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-brew               1.0-8-1              all          GNU R templating framework for report generation
ii  r-cran-brio               1.1.3-1+b1           amd64        basic R input output
un  r-cran-brms               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-broom              1.0.3+dfsg-2         all          convert statistical analysis objects into tidy data frames with GNU R
un  r-cran-broom.mixed        <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-bslib              0.4.2+dfsg-1         all          custom 'bootstrap' 'Sass' themes for GNU R shiny and rmarkdown
ii  r-cran-cachem             1.0.7-1              amd64        cache GNU R objects with automatic pruning
un  r-cran-cairo              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-callr              3.7.3-2              all          Call GNU R from GNU R
ii  r-cran-car                3.1-1-1              all          GNU R Companion to Applied Regression by John Fox
ii  r-cran-cardata            3.0.5-1              all          GNU R package for datasets for Companion to Applied Regression
ii  r-cran-caret              6.0-93+dfsg-1        amd64        GNU R package for classification and regression training
ii  r-cran-catools            1.18.2-1+b1          amd64        GNU R package providing various utility functions
un  r-cran-cba                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-cellranger         1.1.0-3              all          GNU R package to map spreadsheet cell ranges to rows and columns
ii  r-cran-checkmate          2.1.0-1              amd64        GNU R fast and versatile argument checks
ii  r-cran-chron              2.3-59-1             amd64        GNU R package for chronologically ordered objects
ii  r-cran-class              7.3-21-1             amd64        GNU R package for classification
ii  r-cran-classint           0.4-9+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R Choose Univariate Class Intervals
ii  r-cran-cli                3.6.0-1              amd64        GNU R helpers for developing command line interfaces
ii  r-cran-cliapp             0.1.1-1              all          create rich command line applications in GNU R
ii  r-cran-clipr              0.8.0-1              all          Read and Write from the System Clipboard
ii  r-cran-clock              0.6.1-2              amd64        GNU R date-time types and tools
un  r-cran-clubsandwich       <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-clue               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-cluster            2.1.4-1              amd64        GNU R package for cluster analysis by Rousseeuw et al
ii  r-cran-cmprsk             2.2-11-1             amd64        GNU R subdistribution analysis of competing risks
ii  r-cran-coda               0.19-4-1             all          Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC simulations in R
ii  r-cran-codetools          0.2-19-1             all          GNU R package providing code analysis tools
ii  r-cran-coin               1.4-2-1+b1           amd64        GNU R package providing conditional inference procedures
ii  r-cran-colorspace         2.1-0+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R Color Space Manipulation
ii  r-cran-colourpicker       1.2.0+dfsg-1         all          GNU R colour picker tool for selecting colours in plots
ii  r-cran-combinat           0.0-8-7              all          GNU R package with utilities for combinatorics
ii  r-cran-commonmark         1.8.1-1              amd64        high performance CommonMark and Github markdown rendering in R
ii  r-cran-conquer            1.3.2-1              amd64        GNU R package for convolution-type smoothed quantile regression
un  r-cran-corpcor            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-covr               3.6.1+dfsg-1         amd64        test coverage for GNU R packages
ii  r-cran-cpp11              0.4.3-1              all          C++11 interface for GNU R's C interface
ii  r-cran-crayon             1.5.2-1              all          GNU R colored terminal output
ii  r-cran-credentials        1.3.2-1              all          GNU R tools for managing SSH and Git credentials
ii  r-cran-crosstalk          1.2.0+dfsg-1         all          GNU R inter-widget interactivity for HTML widgets
ii  r-cran-cubature             amd64        GNU R package for adaptive multivariate integration
ii  r-cran-curl               5.0.0+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R modern and flexible web client for R
ii  r-cran-cvar               0.5-2                all          GNU R package to Computed Expected Shortfall and Value at Risk
ii  r-cran-data.table         1.14.8+dfsg-1        amd64        GNU R extension of Data.frame
un  r-cran-datawizard         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-date               1.2.42-1             amd64        GNU R package for date handling
ii  r-cran-dbi                1.1.3-1              all          GNU R package providing a generic database interface
un  r-cran-dbitest            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-dbplyr             2.3.0+dfsg-1         all          GNU R dplyr back end for databases
un  r-cran-ddalpha            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-deal               1:1.2-42-1           amd64        Learning Bayesian Networks with Mixed Variables
ii  r-cran-decor              1.0.1-1+b1           amd64        GNU R retrieve code decorations
ii  r-cran-deldir             1.0-6-1+b1           amd64        GNU R Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
un  r-cran-dendextend         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-deoptimr           1.0-11-1             all          GNU R package for Diffential Evolution in pure R
ii  r-cran-desc               1.4.2-1              all          GNU R manipulation of DESCRIPTION files
ii  r-cran-devtools           2.4.5-1              all          Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
ii  r-cran-diagnosismed       0.2.3-7              all          medical diagnostic test accuracy analysis toolkit
ii  r-cran-dichromat          1:2.0-0.1-1          all          GNU R color schemes for dichromats
ii  r-cran-diffobj            0.3.5-1+b1           amd64        diffs for GNU R objects
ii  r-cran-digest             0.6.31-1             amd64        GNU R package for 'hash digest' of R data structures
un  r-cran-dimred             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-docopt             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-domc               1.3.8-1              all          GNU R parallel excution backend for %dopar% using multicore
ii  r-cran-doparallel         1.0.17-1             all          GNU R foreach parallel adaptor for the parallel package
ii  r-cran-dosefinding        1.0-3-1              amd64        Planning and Analyzing Dose Finding experiments
ii  r-cran-dosnow             1.0.20-1             all          GNU R parallel excution backend for %dopar% using snow
ii  r-cran-downlit            0.4.2-1              all          GNU R syntax highlighting and automatic linking
ii  r-cran-downloader         0.4-4                all          GNU R package for downloading files over http and https
ii  r-cran-dplyr              1.0.10-1             amd64        GNU R grammar of data manipulation
ii  r-cran-dt                 0.27+dfsg-1          all          GNU R wrapper of the JavaScript library 'DataTables'
ii  r-cran-dtplyr             1.2.2-1              all          GNU R data table back-end for 'dplyr'
ii  r-cran-dygraphs        all          GNU R interface to 'Dygraphs' interactive time series charting library
un  r-cran-dynlm              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-e1071              1.7-13-1             amd64        GNU R package with miscellaneous functions of the Dept of Statisics (e1071)
un  r-cran-earth              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-eco                4.0-3-1              amd64        GNU R routines for Bayesian ecological inference
ii  r-cran-ecodist            2.0.9-1              amd64        GNU R package for dissimilarity-based ecological analysis
ii  r-cran-effects            4.2.2-1              all          GNU R graphical and tabular effects display for glm models
un  r-cran-effectsize         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-ei                 <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-eipack             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-ellipse            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-ellipsis           0.3.2-2              amd64        GNU R package for working with ... (variable arguments)
un  r-cran-emmeans            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-energy             1.7-11-1             amd64        GNU R package for energy statistics for distribution comparison
ii  r-cran-epi                2.47-1               amd64        GNU R epidemiological analysis
ii  r-cran-epibasix           1.5-2                all          GNU R Elementary Epidemiological Functions
ii  r-cran-epicalc             all          GNU R Epidemiological calculator
ii  r-cran-epir               2.0.57+dfsg-1        all          GNU R Functions for analysing epidemiological data
ii  r-cran-epitools           1:0.5-10.1-2         all          GNU R Epidemiology Tools for Data and Graphics
ii  r-cran-erm                1.0-2-1+b1           amd64        GNU R package for 'extended Rasch modelling'
ii  r-cran-estimability       1.4.1-1              all          GNU R package providing tools for determining estimability of linear functions
un  r-cran-estimatr           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-etm                1.1.1-1              amd64        GNU R empirical transition matrix
ii  r-cran-evaluate           0.20-1               all          GNU R parsing and evaluation tools
ii  r-cran-evd                2.3-6.1-1            amd64        GNU R Functions for extreme value distributions
ii  r-cran-expm               0.999-7-1            amd64        GNU R Computation of the matrix exponential and related quantities
ii  r-cran-fail               1.3-4                all          GNU R File Abstraction Interface Layer (FAIL) mimicking a key-value store
ii  r-cran-fansi              1.0.4-1              amd64        GNU R ANSI control sequence aware string functions
ii  r-cran-farver             2.1.1-1              amd64        GNU R high performance colour space manipulation
ii  r-cran-fassets            3042.84-1+b2         amd64        GNU R package for financial engineering -- fAssets
ii  r-cran-fastcluster        1.2.3-2              amd64        Fast hierarchical clustering routines for GNU R
ii  r-cran-fastica            1.2-3-1+b1           amd64        GNU R package for ICA and Projection Pursuit
ii  r-cran-fastmap            1.1.1-1              amd64        GNU R fast implementation of a key-value store
un  r-cran-fastmatch          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-fbasics            4021.93-1            amd64        GNU R package for financial engineering -- fBasics
ii  r-cran-fbonds             3042.78-4            all          GNU R package for financial engineering -- fBonds
ii  r-cran-fcopulae           4022.85-1            amd64        GNU R package for financial engineering -- fCopulae
ii  r-cran-fextremes          4021.83-1            all          GNU R package for financial engineering -- fExtremes
un  r-cran-ff                 <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-fgarch             4022.89-1            amd64        GNU R package for financial engineering -- fGarch
un  r-cran-fields             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-filehash           2.4-5-1              amd64        GNU R simple key-value database
ii  r-cran-fimport            4021.86-1            all          GNU R package for financial engineering -- fImport
ii  r-cran-flextable          0.8.4-1              all          GNU R functions for tabular reporting
ii  r-cran-fmultivar          4021.83-1            all          GNU R package for financial engineering -- fMultivar
ii  r-cran-fnn                  amd64        GNU R fast nearest neighbor search algorithms and applications
ii  r-cran-fontawesome        0.5.0-1              all          GNU R support of 'Font Awesome' Icons
ii  r-cran-fontbitstreamvera  0.1.1+dfsg-4         all          GNU R fonts with 'Bitstream Vera Fonts' license
ii  r-cran-fontliberation     0.1.0+dfsg-4         all          Liberation Fonts for GNU R
ii  r-cran-fontquiver         0.2.1-3              all          set of installed fonts for GNU R
ii  r-cran-forcats            1.0.0-1              all          GNU R package for working with categorical variables (factors)
ii  r-cran-foreach            1.5.2-1              all          GNU R foreach looping support
un  r-cran-forecast           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-foreign            0.8.84-1             amd64        GNU R package to read/write data from other stat. systems
un  r-cran-formatr            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-formattable        <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-formula            1.2-4-1              all          GNU R package for extended model formulas
ii  r-cran-fportfolio         3042.83.1-1+b1       amd64        GNU R package for financial engineering -- fPortfolio
ii  r-cran-fregression        4021.83-1            amd64        GNU R package for financial engineering -- fRegression
ii  r-cran-fs                 1.6.1+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R cross-platform file system operations
ii  r-cran-ftrading           3042.79-3            all          GNU R package for financial engineering -- fTrading
un  r-cran-fts                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-funitroots         4021.80-1            amd64        GNU R package for financial engineering -- fUnitRoots
un  r-cran-furrr              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-future             1.31.0+dfsg-1        all          R package: A Future API for R
ii  r-cran-future.apply       1.10.0+dfsg-1        all          apply function to elements in parallel using futures
ii             2.4-4                all          GNU R package for delayed-data
ii  r-cran-gam                1.22-1-1             amd64        Generalized Additive Models for R
un  r-cran-gamm4              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gargle             1.3.0-1              all          GNU R utilities for working with Google APIs
ii  r-cran-gbm                  amd64        GNU R package providing Generalized Boosted Regression Models
un  r-cran-gbrd               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gbutils            0.5-3                all          GNU R package for Utilities for Simulation, Plots, And More
ii  r-cran-gdata               all          GNU R package with data manipulation tools by Greg Warnes et al
ii  r-cran-gdtools            0.2.4-1              amd64        GNU R utilities for graphical rendering
un  r-cran-gee                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-geepack            1.3.9-1              amd64        Generalized Estimating Equation Package for R
ii  r-cran-genabel            1.8-0-6              amd64        GNU R package for genome-wide SNP association analysis
ii       1.0.0-4              all          data package for genome-wide SNP association analysis
ii  r-cran-generics           0.1.3-1              all          GNU R common S3 generics not provided by base R methods
ii  r-cran-genetics           all          GNU R package for population genetics
un  r-cran-geometry           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gert               1.9.2+dfsg-1         amd64        simple git client for GNU R
ii  r-cran-getopt             1.20.3-3             all          GNU R package providing command-line parsing functionality
un  r-cran-ggalluvial         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-ggally             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-ggplot2            3.4.1+dfsg-1         all          implementation of the Grammar of Graphics
un  r-cran-ggthemes           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gh                 1.4.0-1              all          GNU R Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API'
un  r-cran-git2r              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gitcreds           0.1.2-1              all          query 'git' credentials from GNU R
un  r-cran-glmmtmb            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-glmnet             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-globals            0.16.2-1             all          R package: Identify Global Objects in R Expressions
ii  r-cran-glue               1.6.2-1              amd64        GNU R interpreted string literals
ii  r-cran-gmaps              0.2-5                all          GNU R support for producing geographic maps with grid graphics
un  r-cran-gmm                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gmodels             all          GNU R package with tools for model fitting by Greg Warnes et al
ii  r-cran-goftest            1.2-3-1+b1           amd64        GNU R Classical Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Univariate Distributions
ii  r-cran-googledrive        2.0.0-2              all          GNU R interface to Google Drive
ii  r-cran-googlesheets4      1.0.1-1              all          GNU R access Google sheets using the sheets API V4
ii  r-cran-gower              1.0.1-1              amd64        GNU R Gower's Distance
un  r-cran-gparotation        <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gplots             3.1.3-1              all          GNU R package with tools for plotting data by Greg Warnes et al
ii  r-cran-gregmisc           2.1.5-4              all          GNU R package with miscellaneous functions by Greg Warnes et al
ii  r-cran-gridbase           0.4-7-5              all          GNU R Integration of base and grid graphics
ii  r-cran-gridextra          2.3-3                all          GNU R package with extensions for the grid package
un  r-cran-gridsvg            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gsl                2.1-8-1              amd64        GNU R wrapper for the GNU Scientific Library
ii  r-cran-gss                2.2-3-2              amd64        GNU R package for multivariate estimation using smoothing splines
un  r-cran-gstat              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-gtable             0.3.1+dfsg-1         all          Arrange grobs in tables
ii  r-cran-gtools             3.9.4-1              amd64        GNU R package with R programming tools by Greg Warnes et al
ii  r-cran-haplo.stats        1.9.3-1              amd64        GNU R package for haplotype analysis
ii  r-cran-hardhat            1.2.0+dfsg-1         all          GNUR R construct modeling packages
ii  r-cran-haven              2.5.1-1              amd64        GNU R package to import/export SPSS, Stata and SAS files
un  r-cran-hexbin             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-highr              0.10+dfsg-1          all          Syntax Highlighting for R Source Code
ii  r-cran-hmisc              4.8-0-1              amd64        GNU R miscellaneous functions by Frank Harrell
ii  r-cran-hms                1.1.2-1              all          GNU R pretty time of day
un  r-cran-hsaur3             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-htmltable          2.4.1-1              all          GNU R package for advanced html tables
ii  r-cran-htmltools          0.5.4-1              amd64        GNU R tools for HTML
ii  r-cran-htmlwidgets        1.6.1+dfsg-1         all          GNU R HTML Widgets
ii  r-cran-httpuv             1.6.9+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R package of HTTP and WebSocket Server Library
ii  r-cran-httr               1.4.5+dfsg-1         all          GNU R tools for working with URLs and HTTP
ii  r-cran-httr2              0.2.2-2              all          perform HTTP requests and process the responses in GNU R
ii  r-cran-hwriter              all          HTML Writer - Outputs R objects in HTML format
ii  r-cran-ids                1.0.1-2              all          generate random identifiers with GNU R
ii  r-cran-igraph             1.3.5-3              amd64        GNU R network analysis and visualization
ii  r-cran-ini                0.3.1-2              all          Read and Write '.ini' Files
ii  r-cran-inline             0.3.19-2             all          GNU R package to inline C, C++, Fortran functions from R
ii  r-cran-insight            0.19.0+dfsg-1        all          GNU R easy access to model information for various model objects
ii  r-cran-interp             1.1-3-1              amd64        GNU R interpolation methods
un  r-cran-intervals          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-ipred              0.9-13-1             amd64        GNU R improved predictors
un  r-cran-irdisplay          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-irlba                amd64        GNU R fast truncated SVD, PCA and symmetric eigendecomposition
un  r-cran-iso                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-isoband            0.2.7-1              amd64        Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation
ii  r-cran-iterators          1.0.14-1             all          GNU R iterator support for vectors, lists and other containers
un  r-cran-itertools          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-jpeg               0.1-10-1             amd64        Read and write JPEG images
ii  r-cran-jquerylib          0.1.4+dfsg-4         all          obtain 'jQuery' as an HTML dependency object in GNU R
ii  r-cran-jsonlite           1.8.4+dfsg-1         amd64        Robust, High Performance JSON Parser and Generator for R
ii  r-cran-kernlab            0.9-32-1             amd64        GNU R package for kernel-based machine learning lab
ii  r-cran-kernsmooth         2.23-20-1            amd64        GNU R package for kernel smoothing and density estimation
un  r-cran-kmi                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-knitr              1.42+dfsg-1          all          GNU R package for dynamic report generation using Literate Programming
ii  r-cran-ks                 1.14.0-1             amd64        GNU R kernel smoothing
ii  r-cran-labeling           0.4.2-1              all          GNU R Axis Labeling optimization
ii  r-cran-later              1.3.0+dfsg-1+b1      amd64        GNU R utilities for delaying function execution
ii  r-cran-lattice            0.20-45-3            amd64        GNU R package for 'Trellis' graphics
ii  r-cran-latticeextra       0.6-30-1             all          GNU R package of additional graphical displays based on lattice
ii  r-cran-lava            all          GNU R latent variable models
un  r-cran-lavaan             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-lavasearch2        <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-lazyeval           0.2.2-1+b1           amd64        GNU R lazy (non-standard) evaluation
un  r-cran-leaps              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-learnbayes         2.15.1-4             all          GNU R functions for learning bayesian inference
ii  r-cran-lhs                1.1.6-1              amd64        GNU R Latin Hypercube Samples
ii  r-cran-libcoin            1.0-9-1+b1           amd64        GNU R linear test statistics for permutation inference
ii  r-cran-lifecycle          1.0.3+dfsg-1         all          manage the life cycle of your GNU R package functions
un  r-cran-lintr              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-listenv            0.9.0+dfsg-1         all          R package: Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists
ii  r-cran-littler            0.3.17-1             amd64        GNU R scripting and command-line front-end
ii  r-cran-lme4               1.1-31-1             amd64        GNU R package for linear mixed effects model fitting
un  r-cran-lmertest           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-lmtest             0.9.40-1             amd64        GNU R package for diagnostic checking in linear models
un  r-cran-lobstr             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-locfit             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-logcondens         2.1.7-1              all          GNU R estimate a log-concave probability density from Iid observations
un  r-cran-logger             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-logspline          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-lpsolve            5.6.18-1             amd64        GNU R package providing linear program solvers
un  r-cran-lsmeans            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-lubridate          1.9.2+dfsg-1         amd64        simplifies dealing with dates in R
un  r-cran-lwgeom             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-magick             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-magrittr           2.0.3-1              amd64        GNU R forward-pipe operator
ii  r-cran-maldiquant         1.22-1               amd64        GNU R package for quantitative analysis of mass spectrometry data
ii  r-cran-maldiquantforeign  0.13-1               all          GNU R package providing import/export routines for MALDIquant
ii  r-cran-mapdata            2.3.1-1              amd64        GNU R support for producing geographic maps (supplemental data)
ii  r-cran-mapproj            1.2.11-1             amd64        GNU R support for cartographic projections of map data
ii  r-cran-maps               3.4.1-1              amd64        GNU R support for producing geographic maps
ii  r-cran-maptools           1:1.1-6+dfsg-1       amd64        GNU R Tools for reading and handling spatial objects
ii  r-cran-maptree            1.4-8-1              all          GNU R mapping, pruning, and graphing tree models
ii  r-cran-markdown           1.5+dfsg-1           all          GNU R package providing R bindings to the Sundown Markdown rendering library
ii  r-cran-mass               7.3-58.2-1           amd64        GNU R package of Venables and Ripley's MASS
ii  r-cran-matching           4.10-8-1             amd64        multivariate and propensity score matching with balance optimization
ii  r-cran-matchit            4.5.1-1              amd64        GNU R package of nonparametric matching methods
un  r-cran-mathjaxr           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-matrix             1.5-3-1              amd64        GNU R package of classes for dense and sparse matrices
ii  r-cran-matrixmodels       0.5-1-1              all          GNU R package for sparse and dense matrix models
ii  r-cran-matrixstats        0.63.0-1             amd64        GNU R methods that apply to rows and columns of a matrix
ii  r-cran-maxlik             1.5-2-1              all          GNU R maximum likelihood estimation
ii  r-cran-mclust             6.0.0-1              amd64        Gaussian Mixture Modelling for Model-Based Clustering
ii  r-cran-mcmc               0.9-7-1+b1           amd64        GNU R package for Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations
ii  r-cran-mcmcpack           1.6-3-1              amd64        R routines for Markov chain Monte Carlo model estimation
un  r-cran-mda                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-medadherence       1.03-6               amd64        GNU R Medication Adherence: Commonly Used Definitions
ii  r-cran-memoise            2.0.1-1              all          Memoise functions
un  r-cran-mertools           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-metafor            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-mets               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-mfilter            0.1.5-2              all          GNU R package providing miscellaneous time series filters
ii  r-cran-mgcv               1.8-41-1             amd64        GNU R package for multiple parameter smoothing estimation
un  r-cran-mice               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-mime               0.12-1+b1            amd64        R package which maps filenames to MIME Types
ii  r-cran-miniui               all          Shiny UI Widgets for Small Screens
ii  r-cran-minqa              1.2.5-1              amd64        GNU R package for quadratic optimisation without derivatives
ii  r-cran-misc3d             0.9-1-1              all          GNU R collection of 3d plot functions and rgl-based isosurfaces
ii  r-cran-misctools          0.6-26-2             all          GNU R miscellaneous tools and utilities
ii  r-cran-mitools            2.4-2                all          GNU R tools for multiple imputation of missing data
ii  r-cran-mixtools           2.0.0-1              amd64        GNU R tools for analyzing finite mixture models
un  r-cran-mlbench            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-mlmetrics          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-mlmrev             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-mnormt             2.1.1-2              amd64        GNU R package providing multivariate normal and t distribution
ii  r-cran-mnp                3.1-3-1              amd64        GNU R package for fitting multinomial probit (MNP) models
ii  r-cran-mockery            0.4.3+dfsg-1         all          mocking library for GNU R
ii  r-cran-mockr              0.2.1-1              all          mocking in GNU R
un  r-cran-modeldata          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-modelmetrics         amd64        GNU R Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics
ii  r-cran-modelr             0.1.10-1             all          GNU R modelling functions that work with the pipe
ii  r-cran-modeltools         0.2-23-2             all          GNU R package providing a collection of tools to deal with statistical models
ii  r-cran-msm                1.7-1                amd64        GNU R Multi-state Markov and hidden Markov models in continuous time
ii  r-cran-multcomp           1.4-22-1             all          GNU R package for multiple comparison procedures
ii  r-cran-multicool          0.1-12-1             amd64        GNU R permutations of multisets in Cool-Lex order
ii  r-cran-munsell            0.5.0-2              all          Utilities for using Munsell colors
ii  r-cran-mvnormtest         0.1-9-1+b3           amd64        GNU R package for multivariate normality test
ii  r-cran-mvtnorm            1.1-3-1+b1           amd64        GNU R package to compute multivariate Normal and T distributions
un  r-cran-nanotime           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-network            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-nleqslv            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-nlme               3.1.162-1            amd64        GNU R package for (non-)linear mixed effects models
ii  r-cran-nloptr             2.0.3-1              amd64        GNU R package for interface to NLopt
ii  r-cran-nmf                0.25-1               amd64        GNU R framework to perform non-negative matrix factorization
ii  r-cran-nnet               7.3-18-1             amd64        GNU R package for feed-forward neural networks
ii  r-cran-nortest            1.0-4-3              all          GNU R package with five tests for normality
ii  r-cran-numderiv           2016.8-1.1-3         all          GNU R package for accurate numerical derivatives
ii  r-cran-officer            0.6.0+dfsg-1         all          GNU R manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint documents
ii  r-cran-openssl            2.0.5+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R toolkit for encryption, signatures and certificates based on OpenSSL
ii  r-cran-openxlsx             amd64        GNU R package to read and write XLSX files
un  r-cran-optimx             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-optparse           1.7.3-1              all          GNU/R Command line option parser
un  r-cran-ordinal            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-palmerpenguins     <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-pander             0.6.5+dfsg-3+deb12u1 amd64        GNU R 'Pandoc' writer
ii  r-cran-parallelly         1.34.0-1             all          GNU R enhancing the 'parallel' package
un  r-cran-parameters         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-party              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-pbapply            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-pbkrtest           0.5.2-2              all          GNU R package for tests in linear mixed-effect models
un  r-cran-pbmcapply          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-pdftools           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-performance        <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-permute            0.9-7-1              all          R functions for generating restricted permutations of data
un  r-cran-phangorn           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-pillar             1.8.1+dfsg-1         all          GNU R coloured formatting for columns
un  r-cran-pingr              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-pkgbuild           1.4.0-1              all          find tools needed to build GNU R packages
ii  r-cran-pkgconfig          2.0.3-2              all          Private Configuration for 'R' Packages
ii  r-cran-pkgdown            2.0.7-1              all          make static HTML documentation for a GNU R package
ii  r-cran-pkgkitten          0.2.2-2              all          GNU R package to create simple packages
ii  r-cran-pkgload            1.3.2-1              all          simulate GNU R package installation and attach
ii  r-cran-pkgmaker           0.32.8-1             all          GNU R package development utilities
un  r-cran-plm                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-plogr              0.2.0-3              all          GNU R C++ Logging Library
ii  r-cran-plot3d             1.4-2                all          GNU R plotting multi-dimensional data
ii  r-cran-plotly             4.10.1+dfsg-2        all          create interactive web graphics via 'plotly.js' in GNU R
ii  r-cran-plotrix            3.8-2-1              all          GNU R package providing various plotting functions
un  r-cran-pls                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-plyr               1.8.8-1              amd64        tools for splitting, applying and combining data
ii  r-cran-png                0.1-8-1              amd64        GNU R package to read and write PNG images
ii  r-cran-polspline          1.1.22-1             amd64        GNU R package providing polynomial spline fitting
ii  r-cran-polyclip           1.10-4-1             amd64        GNU R Polygon Clipping
un  r-cran-polycor            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-polycub            0.8.1-1              amd64        GNU R Cubature over Polygonal Domains
un  r-cran-poorman            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-popepi             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-pracma             2.4.2-1              all          practical numerical math functions for GNU R
ii  r-cran-praise             1.0.0-4              all          GNU R praise users
ii  r-cran-prettycode         1.1.0-2              all          pretty print GNU R code in the terminal
ii  r-cran-prettyunits        1.1.1-2              all          GNU R pretty, human readable formatting of quantities
ii  r-cran-proc               1.18.0-1+b1          amd64        Display and Analyze ROC Curves
ii  r-cran-processx           3.8.0-1              amd64        GNU R execute and control system processes
ii  r-cran-prodlim            2019.11.13-1+b1      amd64        GNU R product-limit estimation for Censored Event History Analysis
ii  r-cran-profvis            0.3.7+dfsg-2         amd64        interactive visualizations for profiling GNU R code
ii  r-cran-progress           1.2.2-2              all          GNU R terminal progress bars
ii  r-cran-progressr          0.13.0-1             all          GNU R inclusive, unifying API for progress updates
ii  r-cran-promises        amd64        GNU R abstractions for promise-based asynchronous programming
ii  r-cran-proto              1.0.0-3              all          Prototype object-based programming
ii  r-cran-proxy              0.4-27-1             amd64        GNU R distance and similarity measures
ii  r-cran-ps                 1.7.2-1              amd64        GNU R list, query, manipulate system processes
ii  r-cran-pscl               1.5.5-1+b1           amd64        GNU R package for discrete data models
ii  r-cran-psy                1.2-1                all          GNU R procedures for psychometrics
ii  r-cran-psych              2.2.9-1              all          GNU R procedures for psychological, psychometric, and personality research
un  r-cran-psychtools         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-purrr              1.0.1-1              amd64        GNU R functional programming tools
ii  r-cran-pvclust            2.2-0-2              all          Hierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap
ii  r-cran-pwt                7.1.1-7              all          GNU R package for the Penn World Tables (version 5.6 to 7.1)
ii  r-cran-pwt8               8.1.1-5              all          GNU R package for the Penn World Tables (version 8.x)
ii  r-cran-qtl                1.58-1               amd64        GNU R package for genetic marker linkage analysis
ii  r-cran-quadprog           1.5-8-1+b1           amd64        GNU R package for solving quadratic programming problems
ii  r-cran-quantmod           0.4.20-1             all          GNU R package for quantitative financial modeling framework
ii  r-cran-quantreg           5.94-1               amd64        GNU R package for quantile regression
un  r-cran-r.devices          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-r.methodss3        1.8.2-1              all          GNU R utility function for defining S3 methods
ii  r-cran-r.oo               1.25.0-1             all          GNU R object-oriented programming with or without references
un  r-cran-r.rsp              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-r.utils            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-r6                 2.5.1-1              all          R classes with reference semantics
ii  r-cran-ragg               1.2.5-1              amd64        GNU R graphic devices based on AGG
ii  r-cran-randomfields       3.3.14-1             amd64        GNU R simulation and analysis of random fields
ii  r-cran-randomfieldsutils  1.2.5-1              amd64        utilities for the simulation and analysis of random fields
ii  r-cran-randomforest       4.7-1.1-1            amd64        GNU R package implementing the random forest classificator
un  r-cran-rann               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rappdirs           0.3.3-1              amd64        GNU R application directories
ii  r-cran-raschsampler       0.8-8-3              amd64        GNU R package for sampling binary matrices with fixed margins
un  r-cran-raster             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rbibutils          2.2.13-1             amd64        GNU R convert between bibliography formats
ii  r-cran-rcmdcheck          1.4.0-2              all          Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results
ii  r-cran-rcmdrmisc          2.7-2-1              all          GNU R package for miscellaneous Rcmdr utilities
ii  r-cran-rcolorbrewer       1.1-3-1              all          GNU R package providing suitable color palettes
ii  r-cran-rcpp               1.0.10-1             amd64        GNU R package for Seamless R and C++ Integration
ii  r-cran-rcpparmadillo         amd64        GNU R package for Armadillo C++ linear algebra library
ii  r-cran-rcppeigen          amd64        GNU R package for Eigen templated linear algebra
ii  r-cran-rcppprogress       0.4.2-2              all          interruptible progress bar for C++ in GNU R packages
un  r-cran-rcpproll           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-rcsdp              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rcurl              1.98-1.10+dfsg-1     amd64        GNU R General network (HTTP/FTP/...) client interface
ii  r-cran-rdpack             2.4-1                all          GNU R update and manipulate Rd documentation objects
ii  r-cran-readbrukerflexdata 1.9.0-1              all          GNU R package to read Bruker Daltonics *flex format files
ii  r-cran-readmzxmldata      2.8.2-1              all          GNU R package to read mass spectrometry data in mzXML format
ii  r-cran-readr              2.1.4-1              amd64        GNU R package to read rectangular text data
ii  r-cran-readstata13        0.10.1-1             amd64        GNU R package to import 'Stata' data files
ii  r-cran-readxl             1.4.2-1              amd64        GNU R package to read Excel files
ii  r-cran-recipes            1.0.4+dfsg-1         all          GNU R preprocessing tools to create design matrices
ii  r-cran-registry           0.5-1-2              all          GNU R package for registries
ii  r-cran-relimp             1.0-5-4              all          GNU R package for inference on relative importance of regressors
ii  r-cran-rematch            1.0.1-3              all          GNU R package to match regular expression with a nicer api
ii  r-cran-rematch2           2.1.2-2              all          Tidy Output from Regular Expression Matching
ii  r-cran-remotes            2.4.2-1              all          R Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including 'GitHub'
ii  r-cran-reprex             2.0.2-1              all          Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard
ii  r-cran-reshape            0.8.9-1              all          Flexibly reshape data
ii  r-cran-reshape2           1.4.4-2              amd64        Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package
un  r-cran-reticulate         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rex                1.2.1-1              all          GNU R friendly regular expressions
un  r-cran-rgdal              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-rgenoud            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-rgeos              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rgl                1.0.1-1              amd64        GNU R package for three-dimensional visualisation using OpenGL
ii  r-cran-rglpk              0.6-4-1+b2           amd64        GNU R interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit
ii  r-cran-rio                0.5.29-1             all          GNU R package with Swiss-army knife for data i/o
ii  r-cran-rjags              1:4-13-1             amd64        R interface to the JAGS Bayesian statistics package
ii  r-cran-rjava              1.0-6-1+b1           amd64        GNU R low-level interface to Java
ii  r-cran-rjson              0.2.21-1             amd64        GNU R package for converting between R and JSON objects
ii  r-cran-rlang              1.0.6-1              amd64        Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
ii  r-cran-rmarkdown          2.20+dfsg-1          all          convert R markdown documents into a variety of formats
un  r-cran-rmpfr              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-rmpi               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rms                6.5-0-1              amd64        GNU R regression modeling strategies by Frank Harrell
ii  r-cran-rmysql             0.10.25-1            amd64        GNU R package providing a DBI-compliant interface to MySQL
ii  r-cran-rneos              0.4-0-3              all          GNU R package with XML-RPC interface to NEOS
un  r-cran-rnetcdf            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rngtools           1.5.2-1              all          GNU R package for random number generators
ii  r-cran-rniftilib          0.0-35.r79-6         amd64        GNU/R interface to NIFTICLIB
un  r-cran-robust             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-robustbase         0.95-0-1             amd64        GNU R package providing basic robust statistics
ii  r-cran-rocr               1.0-11-2             all          GNU R package to prepare and display ROC curves
ii  r-cran-rodbc              1.3-20-1             amd64        GNU R package for ODBC database access
ii  r-cran-roxygen2           7.2.3-1              amd64        in-line documentation for GNU R
ii  r-cran-rpart              4.1.19-1             amd64        GNU R package for recursive partitioning and regression trees
ii  r-cran-rpostgresql        0.7-5+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R package providing database interface and driver for PostgreSQL
ii  r-cran-rprojroot          2.0.3-1              all          GNU R finding files in project subdirectories
ii  r-cran-rquantlib          0.4.17-1             amd64        GNU R package interfacing the QuantLib finance library
un  r-cran-rsample            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rsclient           0.7-9-1              amd64        GNU R package providing an Rserve client
un  r-cran-rsconnect          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rserve             1.8-11-1             amd64        GNU R Rserve tcp/ip server and sample clients
ii  r-cran-rsolnp             1.16+dfsg-4          all          GNU R general non-linear optimization
un  r-cran-rspectra           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rsqlite            2.2.20-1             amd64        Database Interface R driver for SQLite
un  r-cran-rstanarm           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-rstantools         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rstudioapi         0.14-1               all          GNU R package for access to the RStudio API
un  r-cran-rsvg               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-rsymphony          0.1-33-1             amd64        GNU R interface to the SYMPHONY MILP solver
ii  r-cran-runit              0.4.32-3             all          GNU R package providing unit testing framework
ii  r-cran-rversions          2.1.2-1              all          query GNU R versions, including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
ii  r-cran-rvest              1.0.3-1              all          Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages
ii  r-cran-s2                 1.1.2-1              amd64        GNU R spherical geometry operators using the S2 geometry library
ii  r-cran-sandwich           3.0-2-1              all          GNU R package for model-robust standard error estimates
ii  r-cran-sass               0.4.5+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets ('Sass')
ii  r-cran-scales             1.2.1-1              all          Scale functions for visualization
ii  r-cran-scatterplot3d      0.3-42-1             all          GNU R package for Visualizing Multivariate Data
ii  r-cran-segmented          1.6-2-1              all          GNU R segmented relationships in regression models
ii  r-cran-selectr            0.4-2-2              all          Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions
un  r-cran-sem                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-sendmailr          1.4-0-1              all          send email using GNU R
ii  r-cran-sessioninfo        1.2.2-1              all          R Session Information
un  r-cran-setrng             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-sf                 1.0-9+dfsg-1+b1      amd64        Simple Features for R
un  r-cran-sfsmisc            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-shiny              1.7.4+dfsg-2+deb12u1 all          GNU R web application framework
ii  r-cran-shinyjs            2.1.0-1              all          Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds
ii  r-cran-slam               0.1-50-1             amd64        GNU R sparse lighweight arrays and matrices package
ii  r-cran-sm                 2.2-5.7.1-1          amd64        GNU R package for kernel smoothing methods
ii  r-cran-sn                 2.1.0-1              all          GNU R package providing skew-normal and skew-t distributions
ii  r-cran-snow               1:0.4.4-2            all          GNU R package for 'simple network of workstations'
ii  r-cran-sodium             1.2.1+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R modern and easy-to-use crypto library
ii  r-cran-sourcetools        0.1.7-1-1            amd64        tools for reading, tokenizing and parsing R code
ii  r-cran-sp                 1:1.6-0+dfsg-1       amd64        GNU R classes and methods for spatial data
un  r-cran-spam               <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-sparsem            1.81-1               amd64        GNU R package for basic linear algebra for sparse matrices
ii  r-cran-spatial            7.3-16-1             amd64        GNU R package for spatial statistics
un  r-cran-spatialreg         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-spatstat           3.0-3-1              amd64        GNU R Spatial Point Pattern analysis, model-fitting, simulation, tests
un  r-cran-spatstat.core      <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii      3.0-0-1              all          datasets for the package r-cran-spatstat
ii  r-cran-spatstat.explore   3.0-6-1              amd64        GNU R exploratory data analysis for the 'spatstat' family
ii  r-cran-spatstat.geom      3.0-6-1              amd64        GNU R geometrical functionality of the 'spatstat' package
ii  r-cran-spatstat.linnet    3.0-6-1              amd64        linear networks functionality of the 'spatstat' family of GNU R
ii  r-cran-spatstat.model     3.2-1-1              amd64        GNU R parametric statistical modelling for the 'spatstat' family
ii  r-cran-spatstat.random    3.1-3-1              amd64        Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family
ii  r-cran-spatstat.sparse    3.0-0-1              amd64        GNU R sparse three-dimensional arrays and linear algebra utilities
ii  r-cran-spatstat.utils     3.0-1-1              amd64        GNU R utility functions for r-cran-spatstat
ii  r-cran-spc                1:0.6.7-1            amd64        GNU R Statistical Process Control
un  r-cran-spdata             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-spdep              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-spelling           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-splines2           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-squarem            2021.1-1             all          Squared Extrapolation Methods for Accelerating EM-Like Monotone Algorithms
ii  r-cran-stabledist         0.7-1-3              all          GNU R package for stable distribution functions
un  r-cran-stars              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-statmod            1.5.0-1              amd64        GNU R package providing algorithms and functions for statistical modeling
ii  r-cran-stringi            1.7.12-1             amd64        GNU R character string processing facilities
ii  r-cran-stringr            1.5.0-1              all          Make it easier to work with strings
ii  r-cran-strucchange        1.5-3-1              amd64        GNU R package for structural change regression estimation
ii  r-cran-surveillance       1.20.3-1             amd64        GNU R package for the Modeling and Monitoring of Epidemic Phenomena
ii  r-cran-survey             4.1-1-1              all          GNU R analysis of complex survey samples
ii  r-cran-survival           3.5-3-1              amd64        GNU R package for survival analysis
un  r-cran-svglite            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-sys                3.4.1-1              amd64        Powerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in GNU R
un  r-cran-systemfit          <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-systemfonts        1.0.4-1              amd64        system native font finding for GNU R
ii  r-cran-tcltk2             1.2-11-3             all          GNU R package for Tcl/Tk additions
ii  r-cran-teachingdemos      2.12-2               all          GNU R Demonstrations for teaching and learning
ii  r-cran-tensor             1.5-4                all          GNU R Tensor product of arrays
un  r-cran-terra              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-testit             0.13-1               all          simple package for testing GNU R packages
ii  r-cran-testthat           3.1.6-1              amd64        GNU R testsuite
ii  r-cran-textshaping        0.3.6-1+b1           amd64        GNU R bindings to the 'HarfBuzz' and 'Fribidi' libraries for text shaping
ii  r-cran-tgp                2.4-21-1             amd64        GNU R Bayesian treed Gaussian process models
ii            1.1-1-1              all          GNU R package for datasets by Torsten Hothorn
un  r-cran-thematic           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-themis             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-tibble             3.1.8+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R Simple Data Frames
ii  r-cran-tidyr              1.3.0-1              amd64        GNU R package to easily tidy data
ii  r-cran-tidyselect         1.2.0+dfsg-1         amd64        GNU R select from a set of strings
ii  r-cran-tidyverse          1.3.2+dfsg-1         all          Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
ii  r-cran-tikzdevice         0.12.4-1             amd64        GNU R graphics output in LaTeX format
ii  r-cran-timechange         0.2.0-1              amd64        Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times
ii  r-cran-timedate           4022.108-1           amd64        GNU R package for financial engineering -- timeDate
ii  r-cran-timeseries         4021.105-2           all          GNU R package for financial engineering -- timeSeries
un  r-cran-tinytest           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-tinytex            0.44-1               all          GNU R helper to compile LaTeX documents
ii  r-cran-tkrplot            0.0.27-2             amd64        GNU R embedded Tk plotting device package
un  r-cran-tmb                <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-truncnorm          1.0-8-3              amd64        GNU R truncated normal distribution
ii  r-cran-tseries            0.10-53-1            amd64        GNU R package for time-series analysis and comp. finance
ii  r-cran-ttr                0.24.3-1+b1          amd64        GNU R package to construct technical trading rules
un  r-cran-tufte              <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-tzdb               0.3.0-1              amd64        GNU R package for Time Zone Database
un  r-cran-unitizer           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-units              0.8-1+dfsg-1         amd64        Measurement Units for R Vectors
ii  r-cran-urca               1.3-3-1              amd64        GNU R package providing unit root and cointegration tests
ii  r-cran-urlchecker         1.0.1-2              all          run CRAN URL checks from older GNU R versions
ii  r-cran-usethis            2.1.6-1              all          Automate Package and Project Setup
ii  r-cran-utf8               1.2.3-1              amd64        GNU R unicode text processing
ii  r-cran-uuid               1.1-0-1              amd64        Tools for generating and handling UUIDs
ii  r-cran-vcd                1:1.4-11-1           all          GNU R Visualizing Categorical Data
ii  r-cran-vctrs              0.5.2-1              amd64        GNU R vector helpers
ii  r-cran-vdiffr             1.0.5-1              amd64        GNU R visual regression testing and graphical diffing
ii  r-cran-vegan              2.6-4+dfsg-1         amd64        Community Ecology Package for R
ii  r-cran-vgam               1.1-7-1              amd64        GNU R package for estimating vector generalized additive models
ii  r-cran-vioplot            0.4.0-1              all          GNU R toolbox for violin plots
ii  r-cran-viridis            0.6.2-1              all          GNU R package for color maps from matplotlib
ii  r-cran-viridislite        0.4.1-1              all          GNU R package for color maps from matplotlib (Lite Version)
ii  r-cran-vroom              1.6.1-1              amd64        GNU R package for Read and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
ii  r-cran-waldo              0.4.0-1              all          find differences between R objects
ii  r-cran-wdi                2.7.8-1              all          GNU R package for accessing the World Development Indicators
un  r-cran-webfakes           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-webshot            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
un  r-cran-webutils           <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-whisker            0.4.1-1              all          GNU R mustache, logicless templating
un  r-cran-whoami             <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-withr              2.5.0-1              all          GNU R package to run code 'With' temporarily modified global state
ii  r-cran-wk                 0.7.1-1              amd64        GNU R lightweight well-known geometry parsing
un  r-cran-wkutils            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-xfun               0.37+dfsg-1          amd64        miscellaneous GNU R functions by 'Yihui Xie'
ii  r-cran-xml                3.99-0.13-1          amd64        GNU R package for XML parsing and generation
ii  r-cran-xml2               1.3.3-1+b1           amd64        GNU R XML parser
ii  r-cran-xopen              1.0.0-2              all          Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything
ii  r-cran-xtable             1:1.8-4-2            all          GNU R coerce data to LaTeX and HTML tables
ii  r-cran-xts                0.13.0-1             amd64        GNU R package for time series analysis -- xts
ii  r-cran-yaml               2.3.7-1              amd64        Methods to convert R data to YAML and back
un  r-cran-zeallot            <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-zelig              5.1.7-3              all          GNU R package providing a unified front-end for estimating statistical models
un  r-cran-zeligverse         <none>               <none>       (no description available)
ii  r-cran-zip                2.2.2-1+b1           amd64        GNU R package for cross-platform zip compression
ii  r-cran-zoo                1.8-11-1             amd64        GNU R package for totally ordered indexed observations
ii  r-mathlib            amd64        GNU R standalone mathematics library
ii  r-recommended        all          GNU R collection of recommended packages [metapackage]

645 packages                  

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