Debian packages on transit

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Packages with section gnome

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                   Version                Architecture
+++-====================================  -======================-====================================                                              
ii  adwaita-icon-theme                     43-1                   all          default icon theme of GNOME
un  almanah                                <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  anjuta                                 2:3.34.0-8             amd64        GNOME development IDE, for C/C++
un  ayatana-indicator-application          <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  ayatana-indicator-messages             <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  ayatana-indicator-power                <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  ayatana-indicator-session              <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  balsa                                  <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  baobab                                 43.0-1                 amd64        GNOME disk usage analyzer
un  bijiben                                <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  brasero                                <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  brasero-common                         3.12.3-2               all          Common files for the Brasero CD burning application and library
ii  caribou                                0.4.21-8               amd64        Configurable on screen keyboard with scanning mode
ii  cheese                                 43.0-1                 amd64        tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam
ii  cheese-common                          43.0-1                 all          Common files for the Cheese tool to take pictures and videos
un  chrome-gnome-shell                     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  cups-pk-helper                         0.2.6-1+b1             amd64        PolicyKit helper to configure cups with fine-grained privileges
un  eiciel                                 <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  endeavour                              43.0-1                 amd64        minimalistic personal task manager designed to fit GNOME desktop
ii  endeavour-common                       43.0-1                 all          common files for Endeavour
ii  eog                                    43.2-1                 amd64        Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program
un  eog-plugins                            <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  epiphany-browser                       <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  evince                                 43.1-2+b1              amd64        Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer
ii  evince-common                          43.1-2                 all          Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer - common files
ii  evolution                              3.46.4-2               amd64        groupware suite with mail client and organizer
ii  evolution-common                       3.46.4-2               all          architecture independent files for Evolution
ii  evolution-data-server                  3.46.4-2               amd64        evolution database backend server
ii  evolution-data-server-common           3.46.4-2               all          architecture independent files for Evolution Data Server
un  evolution-data-server-tests            <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  evolution-ews                          <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  evolution-plugin-bogofilter            3.46.4-2               amd64        standard plugins for Evolution (bogofilter)
ii  evolution-plugin-pstimport             3.46.4-2               amd64        standard plugins for Evolution (pstimport)
un  evolution-plugin-spamassassin          <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  evolution-plugins                      3.46.4-2               amd64        standard plugins for Evolution
un  evolution-plugins-experimental         <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  exe-thumbnailer                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  faenza-icon-theme                      <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  file-roller                            43.0-1                 amd64        archive manager for GNOME
ii  gcr                                    3.41.1-1+b1            amd64        GNOME crypto services (daemon and tools)
un  gdm3                                   <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gedit                                  44.2-1                 amd64        popular text editor for the GNOME desktop environment
ii  gedit-common                           44.2-1                 all          popular text editor for the GNOME desktop environment (support files)
ii  gedit-plugin-bookmarks                 44.1-2                 amd64        Bookmarks plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-bracket-completion        44.1-2                 amd64        Bracket Completion plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-character-map             44.1-2                 amd64        Character Map plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-code-comment              44.1-2                 amd64        Code Comment plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-color-picker              44.1-2                 amd64        Color Picker plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-color-schemer             44.1-2                 amd64        Color Schemer plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-draw-spaces               44.1-2                 amd64        Draw Spaces plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-git                       44.1-2                 amd64        Git plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-join-lines                44.1-2                 amd64        Join/Split Lines plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-multi-edit                44.1-2                 amd64        Multi Edit plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-session-saver             44.1-2                 amd64        Session Saver plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-smart-spaces              44.1-2                 amd64        Smart Spaces plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-synctex                   44.1-2                 amd64        SyncTex plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-terminal                  44.1-2                 amd64        Terminal plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-text-size                 44.1-2                 amd64        Text Size plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugin-word-completion           44.1-2                 amd64        Word Completion plugin for gedit
ii  gedit-plugins                          44.1-2                 all          set of plugins for gedit
ii  gkbd-capplet                           3.28.1-1               amd64        GNOME control center tools for libgnomekbd
ii  gnome-accessibility-themes             3.28-2                 all          High Contrast GTK 2 theme and icons
un  gnome-applets                          <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-backgrounds                      43.1-1                 all          Set of backgrounds packaged with the GNOME desktop
un  gnome-bluetooth                        <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-bluetooth-3-common               42.5-3                 all          GNOME Bluetooth 3 common files
ii  gnome-bluetooth-common                 3.34.5-10              all          GNOME Bluetooth common files
un  gnome-bluetooth-sendto                 <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gnome-boxes                            <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-calendar                         43.1-2                 amd64        Calendar application for GNOME
ii  gnome-characters                       43.1-1+deb12u1         amd64        character map application
ii  gnome-clocks                           43.0-1                 amd64        Simple GNOME app with stopwatch, timer, and world clock support
ii  gnome-color-manager                    3.36.0-1+b1            amd64        Color management integration for the GNOME desktop environment
ii  gnome-colors-common                    5.5.1-2.1              all          common icons for all GNOME-Colors icon themes
un  gnome-common                           <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-contacts                         43.1-1                 amd64        Contacts manager for GNOME
ii  gnome-control-center                   1:43.6-2~deb12u1       amd64        utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-control-center-data              1:43.6-2~deb12u1       all          configuration applets for GNOME - data files
ii  gnome-desktop3-data                    43.2-2                 all          Common files for GNOME desktop apps
ii  gnome-dictionary                       40.0-3                 amd64        GNOME dictionary application
ii  gnome-flashback                        3.46.0-1               amd64        helper application for the GNOME Flashback session
ii  gnome-flashback-common                 3.46.0-1               all          GNOME Flashback helper application - common data files
ii  gnome-font-viewer                      43.0-1                 amd64        font viewer for GNOME
ii  gnome-icon-theme                       3.12.0-5               all          This package contains the default icon theme used by the GNOME
un  gnome-initial-setup                    <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-keyring                          42.1-1+b2              amd64        GNOME keyring services (daemon and tools)
ii  gnome-logs                             43.0-1                 amd64        viewer for the systemd journal
ii  gnome-maps                             43.5-2~deb12u1         amd64        map application for GNOME
ii  gnome-menus                            3.36.0-1.1             amd64        GNOME implementation of the freedesktop menu specification
ii  gnome-music                            42.1-1                 amd64        Music is the new GNOME music playing application
ii  gnome-nettool                          42.0-1                 amd64        network information tool for GNOME
ii  gnome-online-accounts                  3.46.0-1               amd64        service to manage online accounts for the GNOME desktop
un  gnome-packagekit                       <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-panel                            3.46.0-1+b1            amd64        traditional panel, used in GNOME Flashback
ii  gnome-panel-data                       3.46.0-1               all          common files for GNOME Panel
un  gnome-photos                           <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-power-manager                    43.0-1                 amd64        power management tool for the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-remote-desktop                   43.3-1                 amd64        Remote desktop daemon for GNOME using PipeWire
ii  gnome-screensaver                      3.6.1-13+b2            amd64        Screensaver and screen lock formerly used in GNOME
ii  gnome-screenshot                       41.0-2                 amd64        screenshot application for GNOME
ii  gnome-session                          43.0-1+deb12u1         all          GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session
ii  gnome-session-bin                      43.0-1+deb12u1         amd64        GNOME Session Manager - Minimal runtime
ii  gnome-session-common                   43.0-1+deb12u1         all          GNOME Session Manager - common files
ii  gnome-session-flashback                3.46.0-1               all          traditional desktop session based on GNOME technologies
ii  gnome-settings-daemon                  43.0-4                 amd64        daemon handling the GNOME session settings
ii  gnome-settings-daemon-common           43.0-4                 all          daemon handling the GNOME session settings - common files
ii  gnome-shell                            43.9-0+deb12u2         amd64        graphical shell for the GNOME desktop
ii  gnome-shell-common                     43.9-0+deb12u2         all          common files for the GNOME graphical shell
un  gnome-shell-extension-appindicator     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel    <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock       <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gnome-shell-extension-manager          <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-shell-extension-prefs            43.9-0+deb12u2         amd64        tool to enable / disable GNOME Shell extensions
un  gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus   <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-shell-extensions                 43.1-1                 all          Extensions to extend functionality of GNOME Shell
un  gnome-software                         <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-sound-recorder                   43~beta-1              all          simple and modern sound recorder for GNOME
un  gnome-sushi                            <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-system-monitor                   42.0-2                 amd64        Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME
un  gnome-system-tools                     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-terminal                         3.46.8-1               amd64        GNOME terminal emulator application
ii  gnome-terminal-data                    3.46.8-1               all          Data files for the GNOME terminal emulator
ii  gnome-text-editor                      43.2-1                 amd64        simple text editor for GNOME
ii  gnome-themes-extra-data                3.28-2                 all          Adwaita GTK 2 theme and Adwaita-dark GTK 3 theme — common files
ii  gnome-todo                             43.0-1                 all          minimalistic personal task manager - transitional package
ii  gnome-tweaks                           42~beta-4              all          tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME
un  gnome-usage                            <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  gnome-user-share                       <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gnome-video-effects                    0.5.0-1                all          Collection of GStreamer effects
ii  gnome-video-effects-frei0r             0.5.0-1                all          GNOME Video Effects - frei0r plugins
ii  gnome-weather                          43.0-1                 all          access current conditions and forecasts
ii  gnote                                  43.1-1                 amd64        desktop note taking program using Wiki style links
un  gparted                                <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  gsettings-desktop-schemas              43.0-1                 all          GSettings desktop-wide schemas
ii  gtk-doc-tools                          1.33.2-1               all          GTK+ documentation tools
ii  gucharmap                              1:15.0.2-1             amd64        Unicode character picker and font browser
ii  gvfs-backends                          1.50.3-1               amd64        userspace virtual filesystem - backends
ii  gvfs-fuse                              1.50.3-1               amd64        userspace virtual filesystem - fuse server
ii  libgdl-3-common                        3.40.0-1               all          GNOME DevTool libraries - common files
ii  libgsf-bin                             1.14.50-1              amd64        Structured File Library - programs
un  libreoffice-evolution                  <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  libreoffice-gnome                      4:7.4.7-1+deb12u2      amd64        office productivity suite -- GNOME integration
un  libreoffice-gtk3                       <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  libunity-scopes-json-def-desktop       7.1.4+19.04.20190319-6 all          binding to get places into the launcher - desktop def file
ii  meld                                   3.22.0-2               all          graphical tool to diff and merge files
ii  mousetweaks                            3.32.0-4               amd64        mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop
ii  nautilus                               43.2-1                 amd64        file manager and graphical shell for GNOME
ii  nautilus-data                          43.2-1                 all          data files for nautilus
un  nautilus-dropbox                       <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  nautilus-image-converter               <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  nautilus-share                         <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  nemo-fileroller                        5.6.1-1                amd64        File Roller integration for Nemo
ii  network-manager-gnome                  1.30.0-2               amd64        network management framework (GNOME frontend)
un  pitivi                                 <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  polari                                 43.0-1                 amd64        Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client
ii  policykit-1-gnome                      0.105-8                amd64        authentication agent for PolicyKit
ii  rhythmbox                              3.4.6-2+b1             amd64        music player and organizer for GNOME
ii  rhythmbox-data                         3.4.6-2                all          data files for rhythmbox
ii  rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder            3.4.6-2+b1             amd64        burning plugin for rhythmbox music player
ii  rhythmbox-plugins                      3.4.6-2+b1             amd64        plugins for rhythmbox music player
ii  seahorse                               43.0-1                 amd64        GNOME front end for GnuPG
ii  seahorse-daemon                        3.12.2-7               amd64        Seahorse pass phrase caching agent
un  seahorse-nautilus                      <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  sensors-applet                         <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  shotwell                               0.30.17-1+b1           amd64        digital photo organizer
ii  shotwell-common                        0.30.17-1              all          digital photo organizer - common files
ii  simple-scan                            42.5-2                 amd64        Simple Scanning Utility
ii  sound-juicer                           3.38.0-2.1             amd64        GNOME CD Ripper
un  switcheroo-control                     <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  system-config-printer                  1.5.18-1               all          graphical interface to configure the printing system
ii  system-config-printer-common           1.5.18-1               all          backend and the translation files for system-config-printer
ii  system-config-printer-udev             1.5.18-1               amd64        Utilities to detect and configure printers automatically
ii  vinagre                                3.22.0-8.1             amd64        remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop
ii  vino                                   3.22.0-6               amd64        VNC server for GNOME
un  workrave                               <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
un  xdg-desktop-portal-gnome               <none>                 <none>       (no description available)
ii  xdg-desktop-portal-gtk                 1.14.1-1               amd64        GTK+/GNOME portal backend for xdg-desktop-portal
ii  yelp                                   42.2-1                 amd64        Help browser for GNOME
ii  yelp-xsl                               42.1-2                 all          XSL stylesheets for the yelp help browser
ii  zenity                                 3.44.0-1               amd64        Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts
ii  zenity-common                          3.44.0-1               all          Display graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts (common files)

182 packages                               

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