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Package: libsort-versions-perl
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: perl
Installed-Size: 23
Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <> [Debian Bug Report]
Architecture: all
Multi-Arch: foreign
Version: 1.62-3
Depends: perl:any
Description: Perl module for sorting of revision (and similar) numbers
 The Sort::Versions module allows easy sorting (via comparisons) of mixed text
 and numeric strings, similar to the complex "version numbers" that many
 revision control packages and shared library systems use. For an explanation
 of the algorithm, it's easiest to look at these examples:
  1.1   <  1.2
  1.1a  <  1.2
  1.1   <  1.1.1
  1.1   <  1.1a
  1.1.a <  1.1a
  1     <  a
  a     <  b
  1     <  2
  (special handling for leading zeros)
  0002  <  1
  1.06  <  1.5
  (a hyphen binds looser than a period)
  1-1 < 1-2
  1-2 < 1.2

Files owned by package libsort-versions-perl:


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