Debian packages on transit

only installed packages

Package: gnome-games
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: metapackages
Installed-Size: 10
Maintainer: Debian GNOME Maintainers <> [Debian Bug Report]
Architecture: all
Source: meta-gnome3
Version: 1:43+1
Depends: aisleriot (>= 1:3.22), five-or-more (>= 1:3.32), four-in-a-row (>= 1:3.38), gnome-2048 (>= 3.38), gnome-chess (>= 1:3.38), gnome-klotski (>= 1:3.38), gnome-mahjongg (>= 1:3.38), gnome-mines (>= 1:3.36), gnome-nibbles (>= 1:3.38), gnome-robots (>= 1:3.38), gnome-sudoku (>= 1:3.38), gnome-taquin (>= 3.38), gnome-tetravex (>= 1:3.38), hitori (>= 3.38), iagno (>= 1:3.38), lightsoff (>= 1:3.38), quadrapassel (>= 1:3.36), swell-foop (>= 1:3.34), tali (>= 1:3.38)
Description: games for the GNOME desktop
 These are the games from the official GNOME release. They have the look and
 feel of the GNOME desktop, but can be used without it.
 Games are now split in separate packages; this metapackage brings all
 of them but they can be installed separately.

Files owned by package gnome-games:


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